Author's note and disclaimer: This idea just came to me while reading "Story of Last king of Antaria" by MnB-Fanatic. My story of "A New Saga, the Revival of Antares" and the "Story of Last king of Antaria" or any other SoD stories have no connections, they are separated one from another. A source of historical inspiration is the History information of Calradia that I got from Ironmanns Little Bigger Starters Guide. Also my view of enemies and allies of the SoD kingdoms is based on a government type hate/like basis.
My story is based on my character, Lord Gheorghe, and Antarian lord in Calradia. The main character in the story will bear a different name, and I will not stick to the day timing system. The reason why I have chosen the Antares Empire as my faction is that I like the idea of an Empire, of a certain code of honor, a certain class distinction in the game. Plus I like the kissing up the soldiers and common folk have to do when talking about their Emperor and stuff like that.
Also sorry in advance for grammatical and spelling errors, I am not a native English speaker. If you see any of them please point them to me by PM. Any other comments regarding the text, the story, anything, are welcomed.
On another note I would like to thanks to Wu-Long for editing and correcting some of my mistakes in Chapter 1 of the story.
Chapter 1:
Year of the Fall and Escape:
The Royal Palace, before the fall of the Antares Empire
In the royal throne room a large number of people waited. All dressed in the best clothes money can buy, the room itself was bearing proof of the wealth and power of those who were the masters of the place. With all the fast of the room and its occupants everyone was silent. The faces of the nobles gathered were all tired, worried. They were all looking at an old man that was sitting on the big throne at the end of the room.
"Lord Deceneu, come forward." said the old emperor Kratin, sitting in his golden throne. Slowly, a young noble moved forward out of the crowd towards the golden throne. He stopped at the small stairs in front of the throne and got down on one knee.
"My Emperor..." he said softly with respect. Lord Deceneu was in his mid twenties. He had a Renaissance style mustache and beard, fairly long brown hair that was kept in a ponytail.
"Deceneu..." said the emperor, with a tired voice. "I grow old by the day... my body is weak and I feel the cold of death circling me. Our enemies are at the gates of our ancient empire. The Imperium has defeated all of our former allies and enemies. Our old foes, the Zerrikanian, the Villianese and the Marina are all gone... crushed under the feet of the Imperium iron legions... Our alliance with the Aden has proved useful and powerful over the decades against our enemies... but we have been nothing more but the waves of the sea against the rock solid coast... our elite infantry and the Aden's perfect cavalry have been cut down like butter by the Imperium legionnaires." the emperor paused in his speech to regain his breath.
"Now the Imperium is a week away from our capital... our scouts confirmed that the Aden have been subdued... we are all alone now...we are lost. Many of our nobles have turned against us now... traitors... may The One burn their souls..." the emperor stopped. One could see the anger in the old man's eyes. "I have rallied all that is left of our army. When the enemy comes we will fight to the last one. Lord Deceneu, you have proven yourself a loyal subject and a skilled commander at the Massacre of Hills. You manage to save your troops and halt the enemy, buying us time. I order you to go across to the sea... to the Calradian Empire and ask for help. They are our only chance. The Antares and the Calradians have been alliance centuries ago... you must persuade them to help..." the emperor stopped... now very tired motioned the your lord to leave with a wave of his hand.
Outside of the throne room an Antrian elite soldier was waiting, bearing the marks of a higher ranked officer. "Lord Deceneu?" the soldier asked. "My name is Captain Haitas, me and my group we're ordered to accompany you in your journey. We are at your command."
"That is good to know captain. How many strong arms do you bring with you?" Deceneu asked.
"50 my lord. Recruits mostly, all the veterans, nobles and elites have been ordered to stay and fight for the defense of the capital. This is all I could muster in such a short time notice."
"50... well it is better than nothing. That means we'll manage with one ship, this way we'll travel faster. Plus this will be a diplomatic mission." Deceneu stated as he started to walk towards the gate of the royal palace. "Gather your men and meet me at the docks, we're leaving right away. We'll be traveling with my family trade ship, the Atreus."
"Yes sir, we will meet you there." said the captain, after which he saluted and ran off to his get his men.
The Capital Docks, the same day
The once busy docks, blustering with activity were now almost deserted. Long have passed the days when commerce by sea was fruitful, now everybody was worried and involved in the war. Three wagons stopped in front of a large building that had the sign of the docks quartermaster. Out of the first wagon Lord Deceneu appeared.
"Captain!" Deceneu screamed looking around for Captain Haitas, in front of the docked ship.
"Yes my lord?" the captain answered while coming out of the lower decks of the ship to the bridge.
"Captain, do you see the 3 wagons parked near the harbor's quartermaster's building? Order your men to unload the chests inside. The Emperor has given us a certain amount of gold to carry with us, in case anything happens... Tell the men what is in there, and if they open any of the chests or loose one of them, I will make sure their souls will burn in hell." Deceneu said ushering his threats to the captain. "The men must understand the importance of our mission."
"I am sure they do understand my lord. I'll make sure the chests are safe and guarded. The men will be careful." the captain said and left.
"The future of our home rests in us."
The Exile:
The outskirts of Wercheg, morning, first day of arrival
On the shore a group of weird armored soldiers were dragging their boats to the shore. Not far out in the sea a merchant ship had dropped anchor. Everyone was busy trying to unload the cargo from the ship as fast as possible. Already a couple of horses had been brought to shore and a pair of riders jump on two of them and went to scout the area for any threats.
"Sir... we've landed not far from the old port city of Wercheg, according to the maps we took from the royal library. As you asked, we are out of sight, we cannot be spotted here, and we are setting camp in a low field, surrounded by hills." the captain detailed to his lord.
"Good. Have everything taken ashore. Send 4 of the men into the city, without their armors, just cloth them so they looks like travelers. I want them to buy some charts and pack mules. Also I want to know how are things on the continent. Tell them I want every bit of information, legend, anything regarding the current situation of the Calradian Empire." Deceneu issued his orders.
"Yes my lord... but may I asked... why all the secrecy? These people where our allies, we never quarreled with them."
"You might be right, but that was a few hundred years ago. Things change, people change. Plus, I had a dream last night, very disturbing. We should be careful, we cannot afford any mistakes. Now go."
"Yes my lord." and the captain left to deliver the orders.
The outskirts of Wercheg, evening, first day of arrival
In a small valley, surrounded by hills and a small forest, the group of Anatarian soldiers had set up a camp. Already they manufactured a small wall of wooden pikes around their camp to protect the tents and the goods they had. While most of the rested, a few sentries where vigilant for any trouble. Inside the camp, the captain and their lord where engaged in a conversation. Everybody was waiting.
"My liege... riders are approaching." one of the soldiers said as he ran into the camp and stopped to bow in front of Deceneu.
"Riders? Are they our scouts we sent into the town?" he asked the sentry.
"We do not know from this distance my lord. Although they are bringing two carts with them. As far as we can see the charts are carrying something." the sentry said.
"Good, then it means that is them. Prepare the men though, I do not want any surprises, they might and they might not be our men." Deceneu said and went to his tent to get his sword. Better safe than sorry, that is what his father used to tell him when he was young.
The soldiers were all tensed as the riders and the carts approached. When they reached the camp one for the riders greeted the others with an old Antrian saying. That was the password they had chosen to identify others that where not wearing the royal markings or armors with them.
"So? What did you find out?" Deceneu asked, not wasting time or letting the scouts rest. "Tell me everything you have found out."
"Grave news my lord. The Calradian Empire is no more." one of the scouts said as he unmounted.
"What!? What in the name of The One are you talking about?" Deceneu yelled at the scout with anger.
"A few centuries ago, my lord, a civil war broke out. The Calradians lost, their empire is now split in 5 kingdoms that are warring each other. No alliances or anything." the scout explained.
"Give me more details." the young lord demanded.
"It all started with a serf rebellion in the south west of the empire, the Rhodoks. They have now formed a Confederacy, and they are still at war with the remnants of the Old Calradian Empire, the Swadians. They still maintain incredible power, and they hold the center of the continent. In the Nord east, in the place where it is always snowing, are the Vaegirs, people long oppressed by the Old Calradian Empire. They also took part in the civil war. After the Empire was torn apart, from the sea came the Nords, believing their King had given them Calradia. Upon finding out they had not, the Nords were furious and attacked the Vaegirs. Some became Varangian Guards, some were taken to Valhalla, and some escaped to bring more Nords to Calradia. A ragtag group of Nomads that were once at war with each other and attacked by many, they were driven to form under a single banner. They rule the south-eastern plains now." the scout told Deceneu the short version of what happened.
"By The One... we came here for nothing." Deceneu said as he went to sit down and ponder on the situation in disbelief. "I knew that something might be wrong, and that things where not so good. But I did not believe that things where this bad here too."
"Sir... we cannot go back without reinforcements." the captain said as he approached the young lord. "What are we going to do now?"
"May The One help us... I do not know..." Deceneu responded.
Author's note: This can be consider as Chapter 2 of the Saga. If you like it do please post
... I need incentive to write more.
Chapter 2:
The Rebirth of the Phoenix:
The forest north of Ichamur, 3 weeks after the arrival
"I do not understand sir, what are we doing here? What do you expect to accomplish by visiting the Khergits?" the captain asked Lord Deceneu as they were on their horses leading the small Antarian convoy through the forest.
Deceneu, who was holding a map of the former Calradian Empire, but updated to the present, brought by the scout from Wercheg, looked up at the captain. "I was not completely honest with you captain. We're not here to discuss with the Khergits."
"My lord, what do you mean? You haven't sent the scouts ahead to notify our presence to the Khan?" captain Haitas asked taken aback.
"No... order the men to stop, I have to say something to them." the young lord said and halted his horse, packing the map and placing it in a pocket.
The convoy stopped and the man gathered in front of their leader, all curios about what he had to say. "Men... it has been 3 weeks since we have arrived in this new strange land. That means that 2 weeks have passed since the Imperium legions have reached our beloved capital. I know that our soldiers are one of a kind in this world, but they are not match for the numbers the Imperium has. Most probably the capital has fallen already, the valiant defenders of The One being overrun and our emperor captured." Deceneu stopped for a moment, as he and the others took a moment to think at the horrible scenario presented.
"The Imperium will not stop there. They will soon learn of Calradia... and knowing the lust for power of the Imperium they will strike here as well. We have nowhere to hide, nowhere to go, we are all alone now and in few numbers. We must make a home for ourselves here, a sanctuary away from the Imperium, a refugee for those of our kin who will want to escape the clutches of our great enemy." he turned around with his horse and faced the small image of the city of Ichamur that could be seen from the high place they had stopped.
"The Khergits are our only chance. They hate outsiders, so they will not welcome us, but... there is hope. Our scouts have learned that they are at war with the Holy Swadian Empire and the Rhodok Confederacy, both powerful opponents. Our scouts report that the Khergit Khanate is loosing the war, their armies are crushed, and what remains have retreated to defend the borders. We will strike the Castle of Asugan. It is a remote castle at the border of their kingdom, and at the border of Calradia. It is remote and defend able." Deceneu finished his speech and now waited for the reaction of his men. He expected resistance as the men started to whisper between them. Then they all fell silent. Deceneu moved his gaze from one soldier to another, eying them all.
"My lord..." one of the soldiers broke the silence as he came forward. "We are so few... and that castle might be defended by hundreds. We are not afraid, and we will follow you where ever you lead us my lord, but... we are wondering how are we going to do this?"
"I have sent scouts to the main city to search and hire as many mercenaries as our coffers allow us. For now, this is our only choice. We need outsiders to help us." he said as he looked at captain Haitas, awaiting for a response from him.
The captain, who remained silent this whole time, looked at the men and then at his lord, then lowered his gaze down and took a moment to think. "Men!!" he suddenly yelled. "We march!! Get the convoy ready, we must prepare to meet with the mercenaries!! A siege awaits us!!" As the soldiers began to set everything ready for the convoy to continue its journey, the captain went to Deceneu. "Where to my liege? Our lives are yours."
The First Pillar of Restoration, War:
In the vicinity of Asugan Castle, 5 weeks after the arrival, midnight
The moon was high up in the sky at this point in the night, everything was quiet and serene. For the guards it looked like another night of guard duty in a remote castle of the Khanate, while their brothers rode their horses besides their Khan to bring glory to the Khanate and their own clans. Nothing was out of the ordinary... or that should have been the case in a normal summer night... but now... apart from the two trebuchets at the outskirts of the forest that where throwing rocks at the castle walls near the gates. Kinda thinking a little bit one could also notice the large number of torches around the trenches, the arrows flying out and towards the forest, not to mention the siege ram that was pounding the castle gates... and the many cries of war, foul words in a barbaric language and orders being showed far and near, things were not looking normal at all.
The siege began as soon as the moon climbed up on the night sky and started to light the dark night for those awake at that hour. The brave defenders of Asugan castle were taken by surprise by the sudden attack. So far only the trebuchets we're pounding the walls, and the battle ram was attacking the gates. Apart from that the enemy chose to remain hidden in the woods, under the cover of the trees where the arrows of the defenders were not such a threat.
"Do not waste your arrows men! Fire only when you can kill!" the Khergit commander yelled at the men above the castle gate. All the castle soldiers where up on the gate and on the two walls, and also in the near towers. Up until now their arrows proved little result. As the enemy range attacks were not showing a decrease in aggressiveness. With their shields raised as protection, without clear sight of their enemy, the Khergit where just trying to avoid arrows, then properly counterattacking. Only those on the gatehouse had an actual occupation. The oil on the gate had been used already, but the ram didn't stop. Now they we're trying to damage the war machine with rocks and flaming arrows.
"Commander, who is attacking us?" one of the soldiers asked when the commander passed by him.
"I saw a flag near one of the trebuchets. It was bearing Swadian colors from what I could see." the commander replied, confident on himself.
"Swadians? But commander, our Khan is holding them at Malayurg! They could not have passed such a large strike force past the Khans army." the soldier said surprised by the commanders opinion.
"They could have came from the north, pass the Vaegirs, and south-east of Curaw, through the Asugan pass. Plus the tactic, it is clearly Swadians. Their staying hidden because they rushed to get here, and have brought only cavalry troops. So their protecting themselves, while waiting for the gates to fall. Then they could storm in. Now watch your post!" the commander finished and dismissed the soldiers and any other inquiries from the others. He made his point clear, and he had to continue to pass through the men and think of how to deal with the Swadian dogs.
In the vicinity of Asugan Castle, 5 weeks after the arrival, one hour after the siege began
The siege had brought a certain contrast to the scene at hand. While the walls near the gatehouse, the gatehouse itself and some of the near towers where full of activity, the other side of the castle, the rear walls and towers where all deserted, except a handful of sentries, who where more vigilant with what was happening on the other side of the castle, rather than scouting the are for possible enemies.
This not was bound to be a bloody one. The tension in the castle was thick enough that you could cut it with a knife. The impending slaughter of the defenders or the attackers had horrified the Lady of the Night. Angered that this violent race of man would defile a night as beautiful as this, when the Lady stood up on the sky in all her glory, giving a light to the darkness, she decided that she didn’t want to be part of this. As an omen to what was going to occur dark clouds of the night gathered on the sky. Soon the moon, the Lady, was out of sight, behind a curtain of clouds, and so the night grew darker and darker.
Outside, through the shadow of the night, small groups of shadowy figures where carrying ladders with them, all trying to move as quietly as possible, all moving with their heads down and bodies crouched a bit, trying to stay as out of sight as they could. One could see that through the soldiers there was an occasional full metal armored soldier. His amour normally would have silvery color. But not tonight, tonight his amour and that of his comrades where all dyed in black, for none other than a very obvious reason.
“Sergeant.” One of the heavy armored figures whispered, raising himself up, trying to figure where the man he was looking for was.
“Yes my lord.” The man responded from his right.
“I will got with the men to the walls to raise the ladders. It seems that we weren’t spotted Go back to the rest waiting behind us in the forest and tell them to get ready. I want all of them to charge but without noise. We don’t want to alert the entire castle.” The lord issued his orders.
“Yes sir, I am on my way.” The man responded and left as quietly as he could while trying to move a bit faster.
The rest of the company continued to move towards the rear walls. As they advance and the walls where getting closer, and the sentries more visible, some of the silent attackers stopped in their advanced. Holding their ground, taking out their bows, stretching them and preparing their arrows to fire, these silent killers where targeting the few defenders they could get sight of. There where waiting for a sign from the sentries. If any of them became aware of what was happening they had to die before they could sound the alarm.
In the vicinity of Asugan Castle, 5 weeks after the arrival, almost two hours after the siege began
With loud warring noise the attackers darted from the forest carrying siege ladders and their torches. Though as it seemed this was just a small strike force, because by the number of torches and dark figures in the forest, only a few were actually charging now. This stirred a commotion in the defenders of the castle as their prepared to fire their arrows at the first wave of attackers. The enemy was trying to set up ladders while some of them stopped and began to fire more arrows at the defenders. It seemed that the enemy was tired of waiting and he was finally coming out of the hiding.
Nobody realized what happened before it was too late. In a blink of an eye dozens of arrows darted from the dark night towards the few sentries posted on the rear walls, none survived. The showy figured raised the ladders as more attackers rushed from the forest quietly in the darkness of the night. Soon five ladders where posted on the back wall, and enemy soldiers started to climb on them. There still was no reason to sound the alarm or make their existence noticed.
The attack on the front side of the castle would keep the defenders alert and busy only there. This gave the invaders time to gather on the south wall. As soon as enough got up the wall the lord started to issue his orders sending his men in groups to get into the towers of the castle and prepare to attack the defenders. In the meantime all the archers that got up the wall were sent into the yard, slowly to check the buildings for any unaware defenders. In the meantime most of them gathered in hiding ready to jump and fire their deadly arrows at the unsuspecting defenders up on the gatehouse and on the nearby walls.
As quietly and unnoticed as they came the invaders attacked. They charged without making a sound. The first towers that were holding defenders were cleaned in a minute, while the rest of the attackers charged the defenders on the walls. It took a moment for some of the Khergits to figure out what going on, but as soon as they realized there were attacked from the inside of their castle they started to try and hold the attackers, maybe to force them back.
From inside the courtyard of the castle arrows started to rain upon the wall defender, claiming the lives of many of them. As the sounds of battle from the castle intensified the trebuchets stopped their fire and another wave of attackers started to run from the forest. It seemed that there was still a huge army waiting in the forest, maybe waiting for the gates to fall so they could simply get inside with their cavalry.
Up on the walls the Khergits where in a desperate situation. Being now assaulted from both the front and the rear, arrows being fired from both sides, the soldiers had to simply defend themselves from two sides, having only their shields to save their lives now from the deadly arrows. At the front the enemy began to place their ladders and to climb up for the slaughter.
What followed was simply a massacre. Taken by surprise by the attack from the inside of the castle many defenders fell. The night began with two hundred defenders. When the enemy attacked on the inside, the melee charge and the fired arrows claimed the lives of at least forty good men. Until the Khergits mounted a proper defense on their position many other died. Now there wasn’t even a talk about a counter attack. Being assaulted from both sides by a superior enemy in numbers their morale was fading, and more died by the minute.
It didn’t take long for the Khergit commander to scream for surrender. The soldiers on the gatehouse pulled up the white flag. Soon the fighting stopped, the gates of the castle were opened and the prisoners gathered inside the courtyard. As the victorious attackers rounded their enemies, their soldiers made a circle around them. Up on the walls archers could be seen gathering up and readying their bows.
“My lord, what should we do with the prisoners?” Captain Haitas asked as he took his black dyed helmet off.
The young lord Deceneu moved towards the captain eying the prisoners from behind his soldiers. Also taking off his black dyed helmet he said: “Kill them all. I don’t want nobody to know of us yet, and we don’t have the resources to feed them now. Kill them, clean all signs of the siege and leave the Khergit banners untouched… for the time being.”
“Yes my lord. I have ordered some of the men to prepare the rooms in the keep for your grace.” The captain continued.
“Good, I’m going to rest now then, tomorrow is going to be a long day. After you are finished, do set up some real sentries, that will not fall asleep.” Decenu said and left towards the castle keep.
“Yes my lord.” The captain said bowing towards his lord as he left. Captain Haitas turned towards the prisoners. “Archers!! Fire!!”
Author's note: So here we go with Chapter 3, who as Chapter 2 will be written in 2 parts. This is the first one, and a next update will come Monday evening.
Also thank you to Wu-long for the edited version of Chapters 1 and 2. I will update the posts with the edited tomorrow.
I know most of you have high expectations, so I must apologize for my writing style. I am a novice writer, and as much as I would love for my posts to be longer, and with more consistency, I am sorry. For now this is the best I can do.
And as another reminder, I am a description fan. I like to narrate and describe places, things and events as I see them, so the dialog writing is a domain I am less acquainted with. The lack of descriptions in this first part of the chapter is because I felt that the transformation the main characters are going through would be a bit better pointed out through a dialog.
For a last PS before you can begin reading: "A New Saga, the Revival of Antares" has long stopped being a After Action Report. Because of what I read from the posts of the readers I intend to leave the actual path of my in game SoD adventure, and simply go along as I see fit or as the fans demand
Chapter 3:
The Second Pillar of Restoration, Rebuilding:
The newly conquered Asugan Castle, 5 weeks after the arrival, the castle keep
The interior of the keep was poorly decorated. The architecture of the keep was of a strange design, so it took lord Deceneu a while to find his way around it. The main hall of the keep looked very desolated. The walls were bare with only three small windows, one on each wall except the wall that contained the door. The lighting of the room was poor so many torches were placed on the walls to provide extra light to the room. In the middle was placed a wooden table with five wooden chairs. The only decorative element in the room was a banner of the Asugan tribe, the former leaders of the castle, posted right above the door.
Lord Deceneu was sitting in the door, with a sad face he was looking around the room, his mind racing to the beauty and splendor of the Emperors Keep in the Capital. How the mighty have fallen. From the rich castles and cities, the lush fields and vast armies, the Antarian Empire was now brought down to a desolate castle, poor village, a few acres of barren land and only a handful of loyal soldiers. The rest of the army that conquered the castle were nothing more but greedy mercenaries, whose loyalty would remain as long as you still had gold in your pockets. Another figure came from behind the lord, he was wearing an antarian plate armor dyed in black, the same as the young lord.
“My lord?” captain Haitas quietly asked as he approached his master.
“What happened to us Haitas?” Deceneu asked lowering his head and clutching his fist. “How could we have fallen this much?”
“We might have fallen my lord, but The One was with us today, and He gave us hope, He gave us you.” the captain said and placed his hand on Deceneus shoulder.
“I do not know what to do... I have lost all hope... despite of todays victory the future is grim...” Deceneu said with a faded voice.
“Do not despair sir, I am with you, we all are. Even the people back home are in heart with you, with us. We must fight and prevail for them.” the captain said trying to raise the young lords morale.
Letting out a sigh Deceneu slowly moved away, patting Haitas on the shoulder, towards the table. He walked in a circle around it, then looking towards the Asugan banner above the door he started to talk.
“Captain! I want all Khergit banner and signs taken down and burnt. Place all over the castle Antarian simbols. Send riders to the villages around to bring fresh recruits. We are so few antarian blood here. How many of us survived?” he asked the captain.
“Thirty my lord. We began the battle with forty five. The other five are the scouts you ordered to go to the port towns to greet any antarian refugee that would come from the Motherland. As for mercenaries, out of one hundred twenty, eighty six survived the battle. I would also like to point out the bravery of sergeant Grobbal. He is one of us, he was one of the first to charge up the ladders and made a very good job at surprising the enemy.” the captain said concluding his report.
“Good, then promote him to captain. If he is reliable I want him to take your place.” Deceneu said keeping his gaze on captain Haitas to see his reaction.
“My... my place sir? Did I do anything wrong my lord?” the captain said taken by surprise.
“No, you have done exceptionally my friend.” Deceneu said and started to walk towards the captain. “But someone needs to take your place, you can't be marshal and a captain at the same time.” he said and smiled while placing his hands on Haitas shoulders.
“Marshal? My lord I do not understand... I am very confused.” the former captain said still looking at lord Deceneu in surprise.
“Think man! The Capital has fallen long by now. There is no logical reason why the Imperium would leave our beloved monarch alive. That would give hope to the conquered people of the Antares. The same must have happened to the rest of the royal family.” the Deceneu said shaking Haitas slightly than letting him go and returning to the table. “The court historian Febiore once said that the Antares Empire is so old there are no records about it's founding, that it is ancient. He also said that we are so old that by each passing century our civilization is getting weaker. So much time has passed that we are not getting any better, but we are slowly forgetting from where we started, we are forgetting what made us what we are today. As the time passes by we are loosing the true meaning of what being an antarian is really all about.”
“I... I remember... the emperor ordered that Febiore be publicly executed the same day.” Haitas said his gaze loosing focus as he recalled the passed events.
“Yes, but he was right! We have grown weak, being used to be around for so long, uncontested, without a really true adversary... all the power and wealth made us so weak that the Imperium defeated us with too much ease!” Deceneu said with a loud voice, his fist hitting the table and his eyes started to sparkle.
“Didn't Febiore yell that we must be burn and rebuild on the ashes of our empire if we are to achieve the greatness of our ancestors. What angered the emperor into ordering his execution was that he blamed us that we were to used with the wealth and fast, wealth that we did not earn, and power we did not fight for.” Haitas responded, speaking from memory as he began to understand what point Deceneu was trying to make.
“He was very right. But look around you now. We have lost our wealth and our power, our civilization has been burnt down. What must we do now?” Deceneu asked as he was enthusiastically waiting for Haitas to complete his idea.
“Now we must rebuild ourselves, to such a greatness that would equal that of the legendary warrior fathers that founded our Empire.” Haitas answered as he approached the table.
“We must begin to rebuild out empire, one step at a time. For now we must make sure that the new Kingdom of the Antares will survive the perils of this land.” Deceneu said smiling.
“Kingdom? But..” Haitas wanted to say but he was interrupted.
“But nothing! If we are to begin a new we need a leader. I must assume that role if I like it or not. The Emperor placed this responsibility of our survival in my hands. We cannot rebuild the Empire. Neither can I assume the role of an Emperor.” Deceneu said with a forceful voice.
“I understand my lord. Myself and the others shall support you. I would be honored if your grace would lead us into the new era... as our king.” Haitas said, pronouncing the last word a bit hard.
“The legends say that the Empire of Antares was built with blood and steel. They say that our ancestors rose from the chaos around them and brought order into the darkness of their time. Such a task is made for heroes of legend. All we can do is place one brick over the other, and build a safe home for the refugees of the Motherland.” Deceneu said, and as he stood, from the position of Haitas suddenly Deceneu looked much older than he really was, much wiser than his age would give him.
“My life for you glory, Phoenix King.” Haitas said with a newfound respect in his voice as he approached Deceneu and bowed before him.
The town of Thir, 8 weeks after the arrival, the harbor
For any of the nord sailors this day would be day to remember for a while. The harbor was usually home to a large fleet of ships bearing the flag of the Nord Kingdom. Today the harbor was not only full, but the shores around the city were all occupied by a large fleet of ships. One would say that the nords were invaded.
Early in the morning a single ship bearing strange colors docked in the port. From it came ashore men and soldiers wearing weird clothings and odd armors. Their leader talked to the lord of the town for hours. When they finished the lord of Thir ordered that all the guards and the people of Thir stay away from the strangers, and none should interfere with them. As the evening came an entire fleet arrived. As soon as the ships docked soldiers, civilians, large crowds of people came to the shore. They began to form up caravans and leave the town of Thir and its vicinities taking the road towards south.
My story is based on my character, Lord Gheorghe, and Antarian lord in Calradia. The main character in the story will bear a different name, and I will not stick to the day timing system. The reason why I have chosen the Antares Empire as my faction is that I like the idea of an Empire, of a certain code of honor, a certain class distinction in the game. Plus I like the kissing up the soldiers and common folk have to do when talking about their Emperor and stuff like that.
Also sorry in advance for grammatical and spelling errors, I am not a native English speaker. If you see any of them please point them to me by PM. Any other comments regarding the text, the story, anything, are welcomed.
On another note I would like to thanks to Wu-Long for editing and correcting some of my mistakes in Chapter 1 of the story.
Chapter 1:
Year of the Fall and Escape:
The Royal Palace, before the fall of the Antares Empire
In the royal throne room a large number of people waited. All dressed in the best clothes money can buy, the room itself was bearing proof of the wealth and power of those who were the masters of the place. With all the fast of the room and its occupants everyone was silent. The faces of the nobles gathered were all tired, worried. They were all looking at an old man that was sitting on the big throne at the end of the room.
"Lord Deceneu, come forward." said the old emperor Kratin, sitting in his golden throne. Slowly, a young noble moved forward out of the crowd towards the golden throne. He stopped at the small stairs in front of the throne and got down on one knee.
"My Emperor..." he said softly with respect. Lord Deceneu was in his mid twenties. He had a Renaissance style mustache and beard, fairly long brown hair that was kept in a ponytail.
"Deceneu..." said the emperor, with a tired voice. "I grow old by the day... my body is weak and I feel the cold of death circling me. Our enemies are at the gates of our ancient empire. The Imperium has defeated all of our former allies and enemies. Our old foes, the Zerrikanian, the Villianese and the Marina are all gone... crushed under the feet of the Imperium iron legions... Our alliance with the Aden has proved useful and powerful over the decades against our enemies... but we have been nothing more but the waves of the sea against the rock solid coast... our elite infantry and the Aden's perfect cavalry have been cut down like butter by the Imperium legionnaires." the emperor paused in his speech to regain his breath.
"Now the Imperium is a week away from our capital... our scouts confirmed that the Aden have been subdued... we are all alone now...we are lost. Many of our nobles have turned against us now... traitors... may The One burn their souls..." the emperor stopped. One could see the anger in the old man's eyes. "I have rallied all that is left of our army. When the enemy comes we will fight to the last one. Lord Deceneu, you have proven yourself a loyal subject and a skilled commander at the Massacre of Hills. You manage to save your troops and halt the enemy, buying us time. I order you to go across to the sea... to the Calradian Empire and ask for help. They are our only chance. The Antares and the Calradians have been alliance centuries ago... you must persuade them to help..." the emperor stopped... now very tired motioned the your lord to leave with a wave of his hand.
Outside of the throne room an Antrian elite soldier was waiting, bearing the marks of a higher ranked officer. "Lord Deceneu?" the soldier asked. "My name is Captain Haitas, me and my group we're ordered to accompany you in your journey. We are at your command."
"That is good to know captain. How many strong arms do you bring with you?" Deceneu asked.
"50 my lord. Recruits mostly, all the veterans, nobles and elites have been ordered to stay and fight for the defense of the capital. This is all I could muster in such a short time notice."
"50... well it is better than nothing. That means we'll manage with one ship, this way we'll travel faster. Plus this will be a diplomatic mission." Deceneu stated as he started to walk towards the gate of the royal palace. "Gather your men and meet me at the docks, we're leaving right away. We'll be traveling with my family trade ship, the Atreus."
"Yes sir, we will meet you there." said the captain, after which he saluted and ran off to his get his men.
The Capital Docks, the same day
The once busy docks, blustering with activity were now almost deserted. Long have passed the days when commerce by sea was fruitful, now everybody was worried and involved in the war. Three wagons stopped in front of a large building that had the sign of the docks quartermaster. Out of the first wagon Lord Deceneu appeared.
"Captain!" Deceneu screamed looking around for Captain Haitas, in front of the docked ship.
"Yes my lord?" the captain answered while coming out of the lower decks of the ship to the bridge.
"Captain, do you see the 3 wagons parked near the harbor's quartermaster's building? Order your men to unload the chests inside. The Emperor has given us a certain amount of gold to carry with us, in case anything happens... Tell the men what is in there, and if they open any of the chests or loose one of them, I will make sure their souls will burn in hell." Deceneu said ushering his threats to the captain. "The men must understand the importance of our mission."
"I am sure they do understand my lord. I'll make sure the chests are safe and guarded. The men will be careful." the captain said and left.
"The future of our home rests in us."
The Exile:
The outskirts of Wercheg, morning, first day of arrival
On the shore a group of weird armored soldiers were dragging their boats to the shore. Not far out in the sea a merchant ship had dropped anchor. Everyone was busy trying to unload the cargo from the ship as fast as possible. Already a couple of horses had been brought to shore and a pair of riders jump on two of them and went to scout the area for any threats.
"Sir... we've landed not far from the old port city of Wercheg, according to the maps we took from the royal library. As you asked, we are out of sight, we cannot be spotted here, and we are setting camp in a low field, surrounded by hills." the captain detailed to his lord.
"Good. Have everything taken ashore. Send 4 of the men into the city, without their armors, just cloth them so they looks like travelers. I want them to buy some charts and pack mules. Also I want to know how are things on the continent. Tell them I want every bit of information, legend, anything regarding the current situation of the Calradian Empire." Deceneu issued his orders.
"Yes my lord... but may I asked... why all the secrecy? These people where our allies, we never quarreled with them."
"You might be right, but that was a few hundred years ago. Things change, people change. Plus, I had a dream last night, very disturbing. We should be careful, we cannot afford any mistakes. Now go."
"Yes my lord." and the captain left to deliver the orders.
The outskirts of Wercheg, evening, first day of arrival
In a small valley, surrounded by hills and a small forest, the group of Anatarian soldiers had set up a camp. Already they manufactured a small wall of wooden pikes around their camp to protect the tents and the goods they had. While most of the rested, a few sentries where vigilant for any trouble. Inside the camp, the captain and their lord where engaged in a conversation. Everybody was waiting.
"My liege... riders are approaching." one of the soldiers said as he ran into the camp and stopped to bow in front of Deceneu.
"Riders? Are they our scouts we sent into the town?" he asked the sentry.
"We do not know from this distance my lord. Although they are bringing two carts with them. As far as we can see the charts are carrying something." the sentry said.
"Good, then it means that is them. Prepare the men though, I do not want any surprises, they might and they might not be our men." Deceneu said and went to his tent to get his sword. Better safe than sorry, that is what his father used to tell him when he was young.
The soldiers were all tensed as the riders and the carts approached. When they reached the camp one for the riders greeted the others with an old Antrian saying. That was the password they had chosen to identify others that where not wearing the royal markings or armors with them.
"So? What did you find out?" Deceneu asked, not wasting time or letting the scouts rest. "Tell me everything you have found out."
"Grave news my lord. The Calradian Empire is no more." one of the scouts said as he unmounted.
"What!? What in the name of The One are you talking about?" Deceneu yelled at the scout with anger.
"A few centuries ago, my lord, a civil war broke out. The Calradians lost, their empire is now split in 5 kingdoms that are warring each other. No alliances or anything." the scout explained.
"Give me more details." the young lord demanded.
"It all started with a serf rebellion in the south west of the empire, the Rhodoks. They have now formed a Confederacy, and they are still at war with the remnants of the Old Calradian Empire, the Swadians. They still maintain incredible power, and they hold the center of the continent. In the Nord east, in the place where it is always snowing, are the Vaegirs, people long oppressed by the Old Calradian Empire. They also took part in the civil war. After the Empire was torn apart, from the sea came the Nords, believing their King had given them Calradia. Upon finding out they had not, the Nords were furious and attacked the Vaegirs. Some became Varangian Guards, some were taken to Valhalla, and some escaped to bring more Nords to Calradia. A ragtag group of Nomads that were once at war with each other and attacked by many, they were driven to form under a single banner. They rule the south-eastern plains now." the scout told Deceneu the short version of what happened.
"By The One... we came here for nothing." Deceneu said as he went to sit down and ponder on the situation in disbelief. "I knew that something might be wrong, and that things where not so good. But I did not believe that things where this bad here too."
"Sir... we cannot go back without reinforcements." the captain said as he approached the young lord. "What are we going to do now?"
"May The One help us... I do not know..." Deceneu responded.
Author's note: This can be consider as Chapter 2 of the Saga. If you like it do please post
Chapter 2:
The Rebirth of the Phoenix:
The forest north of Ichamur, 3 weeks after the arrival
"I do not understand sir, what are we doing here? What do you expect to accomplish by visiting the Khergits?" the captain asked Lord Deceneu as they were on their horses leading the small Antarian convoy through the forest.
Deceneu, who was holding a map of the former Calradian Empire, but updated to the present, brought by the scout from Wercheg, looked up at the captain. "I was not completely honest with you captain. We're not here to discuss with the Khergits."
"My lord, what do you mean? You haven't sent the scouts ahead to notify our presence to the Khan?" captain Haitas asked taken aback.
"No... order the men to stop, I have to say something to them." the young lord said and halted his horse, packing the map and placing it in a pocket.
The convoy stopped and the man gathered in front of their leader, all curios about what he had to say. "Men... it has been 3 weeks since we have arrived in this new strange land. That means that 2 weeks have passed since the Imperium legions have reached our beloved capital. I know that our soldiers are one of a kind in this world, but they are not match for the numbers the Imperium has. Most probably the capital has fallen already, the valiant defenders of The One being overrun and our emperor captured." Deceneu stopped for a moment, as he and the others took a moment to think at the horrible scenario presented.
"The Imperium will not stop there. They will soon learn of Calradia... and knowing the lust for power of the Imperium they will strike here as well. We have nowhere to hide, nowhere to go, we are all alone now and in few numbers. We must make a home for ourselves here, a sanctuary away from the Imperium, a refugee for those of our kin who will want to escape the clutches of our great enemy." he turned around with his horse and faced the small image of the city of Ichamur that could be seen from the high place they had stopped.
"The Khergits are our only chance. They hate outsiders, so they will not welcome us, but... there is hope. Our scouts have learned that they are at war with the Holy Swadian Empire and the Rhodok Confederacy, both powerful opponents. Our scouts report that the Khergit Khanate is loosing the war, their armies are crushed, and what remains have retreated to defend the borders. We will strike the Castle of Asugan. It is a remote castle at the border of their kingdom, and at the border of Calradia. It is remote and defend able." Deceneu finished his speech and now waited for the reaction of his men. He expected resistance as the men started to whisper between them. Then they all fell silent. Deceneu moved his gaze from one soldier to another, eying them all.
"My lord..." one of the soldiers broke the silence as he came forward. "We are so few... and that castle might be defended by hundreds. We are not afraid, and we will follow you where ever you lead us my lord, but... we are wondering how are we going to do this?"
"I have sent scouts to the main city to search and hire as many mercenaries as our coffers allow us. For now, this is our only choice. We need outsiders to help us." he said as he looked at captain Haitas, awaiting for a response from him.
The captain, who remained silent this whole time, looked at the men and then at his lord, then lowered his gaze down and took a moment to think. "Men!!" he suddenly yelled. "We march!! Get the convoy ready, we must prepare to meet with the mercenaries!! A siege awaits us!!" As the soldiers began to set everything ready for the convoy to continue its journey, the captain went to Deceneu. "Where to my liege? Our lives are yours."
The First Pillar of Restoration, War:
In the vicinity of Asugan Castle, 5 weeks after the arrival, midnight
The moon was high up in the sky at this point in the night, everything was quiet and serene. For the guards it looked like another night of guard duty in a remote castle of the Khanate, while their brothers rode their horses besides their Khan to bring glory to the Khanate and their own clans. Nothing was out of the ordinary... or that should have been the case in a normal summer night... but now... apart from the two trebuchets at the outskirts of the forest that where throwing rocks at the castle walls near the gates. Kinda thinking a little bit one could also notice the large number of torches around the trenches, the arrows flying out and towards the forest, not to mention the siege ram that was pounding the castle gates... and the many cries of war, foul words in a barbaric language and orders being showed far and near, things were not looking normal at all.
The siege began as soon as the moon climbed up on the night sky and started to light the dark night for those awake at that hour. The brave defenders of Asugan castle were taken by surprise by the sudden attack. So far only the trebuchets we're pounding the walls, and the battle ram was attacking the gates. Apart from that the enemy chose to remain hidden in the woods, under the cover of the trees where the arrows of the defenders were not such a threat.
"Do not waste your arrows men! Fire only when you can kill!" the Khergit commander yelled at the men above the castle gate. All the castle soldiers where up on the gate and on the two walls, and also in the near towers. Up until now their arrows proved little result. As the enemy range attacks were not showing a decrease in aggressiveness. With their shields raised as protection, without clear sight of their enemy, the Khergit where just trying to avoid arrows, then properly counterattacking. Only those on the gatehouse had an actual occupation. The oil on the gate had been used already, but the ram didn't stop. Now they we're trying to damage the war machine with rocks and flaming arrows.
"Commander, who is attacking us?" one of the soldiers asked when the commander passed by him.
"I saw a flag near one of the trebuchets. It was bearing Swadian colors from what I could see." the commander replied, confident on himself.
"Swadians? But commander, our Khan is holding them at Malayurg! They could not have passed such a large strike force past the Khans army." the soldier said surprised by the commanders opinion.
"They could have came from the north, pass the Vaegirs, and south-east of Curaw, through the Asugan pass. Plus the tactic, it is clearly Swadians. Their staying hidden because they rushed to get here, and have brought only cavalry troops. So their protecting themselves, while waiting for the gates to fall. Then they could storm in. Now watch your post!" the commander finished and dismissed the soldiers and any other inquiries from the others. He made his point clear, and he had to continue to pass through the men and think of how to deal with the Swadian dogs.
In the vicinity of Asugan Castle, 5 weeks after the arrival, one hour after the siege began
The siege had brought a certain contrast to the scene at hand. While the walls near the gatehouse, the gatehouse itself and some of the near towers where full of activity, the other side of the castle, the rear walls and towers where all deserted, except a handful of sentries, who where more vigilant with what was happening on the other side of the castle, rather than scouting the are for possible enemies.
This not was bound to be a bloody one. The tension in the castle was thick enough that you could cut it with a knife. The impending slaughter of the defenders or the attackers had horrified the Lady of the Night. Angered that this violent race of man would defile a night as beautiful as this, when the Lady stood up on the sky in all her glory, giving a light to the darkness, she decided that she didn’t want to be part of this. As an omen to what was going to occur dark clouds of the night gathered on the sky. Soon the moon, the Lady, was out of sight, behind a curtain of clouds, and so the night grew darker and darker.
Outside, through the shadow of the night, small groups of shadowy figures where carrying ladders with them, all trying to move as quietly as possible, all moving with their heads down and bodies crouched a bit, trying to stay as out of sight as they could. One could see that through the soldiers there was an occasional full metal armored soldier. His amour normally would have silvery color. But not tonight, tonight his amour and that of his comrades where all dyed in black, for none other than a very obvious reason.
“Sergeant.” One of the heavy armored figures whispered, raising himself up, trying to figure where the man he was looking for was.
“Yes my lord.” The man responded from his right.
“I will got with the men to the walls to raise the ladders. It seems that we weren’t spotted Go back to the rest waiting behind us in the forest and tell them to get ready. I want all of them to charge but without noise. We don’t want to alert the entire castle.” The lord issued his orders.
“Yes sir, I am on my way.” The man responded and left as quietly as he could while trying to move a bit faster.
The rest of the company continued to move towards the rear walls. As they advance and the walls where getting closer, and the sentries more visible, some of the silent attackers stopped in their advanced. Holding their ground, taking out their bows, stretching them and preparing their arrows to fire, these silent killers where targeting the few defenders they could get sight of. There where waiting for a sign from the sentries. If any of them became aware of what was happening they had to die before they could sound the alarm.
In the vicinity of Asugan Castle, 5 weeks after the arrival, almost two hours after the siege began
With loud warring noise the attackers darted from the forest carrying siege ladders and their torches. Though as it seemed this was just a small strike force, because by the number of torches and dark figures in the forest, only a few were actually charging now. This stirred a commotion in the defenders of the castle as their prepared to fire their arrows at the first wave of attackers. The enemy was trying to set up ladders while some of them stopped and began to fire more arrows at the defenders. It seemed that the enemy was tired of waiting and he was finally coming out of the hiding.
Nobody realized what happened before it was too late. In a blink of an eye dozens of arrows darted from the dark night towards the few sentries posted on the rear walls, none survived. The showy figured raised the ladders as more attackers rushed from the forest quietly in the darkness of the night. Soon five ladders where posted on the back wall, and enemy soldiers started to climb on them. There still was no reason to sound the alarm or make their existence noticed.
The attack on the front side of the castle would keep the defenders alert and busy only there. This gave the invaders time to gather on the south wall. As soon as enough got up the wall the lord started to issue his orders sending his men in groups to get into the towers of the castle and prepare to attack the defenders. In the meantime all the archers that got up the wall were sent into the yard, slowly to check the buildings for any unaware defenders. In the meantime most of them gathered in hiding ready to jump and fire their deadly arrows at the unsuspecting defenders up on the gatehouse and on the nearby walls.
As quietly and unnoticed as they came the invaders attacked. They charged without making a sound. The first towers that were holding defenders were cleaned in a minute, while the rest of the attackers charged the defenders on the walls. It took a moment for some of the Khergits to figure out what going on, but as soon as they realized there were attacked from the inside of their castle they started to try and hold the attackers, maybe to force them back.
From inside the courtyard of the castle arrows started to rain upon the wall defender, claiming the lives of many of them. As the sounds of battle from the castle intensified the trebuchets stopped their fire and another wave of attackers started to run from the forest. It seemed that there was still a huge army waiting in the forest, maybe waiting for the gates to fall so they could simply get inside with their cavalry.
Up on the walls the Khergits where in a desperate situation. Being now assaulted from both the front and the rear, arrows being fired from both sides, the soldiers had to simply defend themselves from two sides, having only their shields to save their lives now from the deadly arrows. At the front the enemy began to place their ladders and to climb up for the slaughter.
What followed was simply a massacre. Taken by surprise by the attack from the inside of the castle many defenders fell. The night began with two hundred defenders. When the enemy attacked on the inside, the melee charge and the fired arrows claimed the lives of at least forty good men. Until the Khergits mounted a proper defense on their position many other died. Now there wasn’t even a talk about a counter attack. Being assaulted from both sides by a superior enemy in numbers their morale was fading, and more died by the minute.
It didn’t take long for the Khergit commander to scream for surrender. The soldiers on the gatehouse pulled up the white flag. Soon the fighting stopped, the gates of the castle were opened and the prisoners gathered inside the courtyard. As the victorious attackers rounded their enemies, their soldiers made a circle around them. Up on the walls archers could be seen gathering up and readying their bows.
“My lord, what should we do with the prisoners?” Captain Haitas asked as he took his black dyed helmet off.
The young lord Deceneu moved towards the captain eying the prisoners from behind his soldiers. Also taking off his black dyed helmet he said: “Kill them all. I don’t want nobody to know of us yet, and we don’t have the resources to feed them now. Kill them, clean all signs of the siege and leave the Khergit banners untouched… for the time being.”
“Yes my lord. I have ordered some of the men to prepare the rooms in the keep for your grace.” The captain continued.
“Good, I’m going to rest now then, tomorrow is going to be a long day. After you are finished, do set up some real sentries, that will not fall asleep.” Decenu said and left towards the castle keep.
“Yes my lord.” The captain said bowing towards his lord as he left. Captain Haitas turned towards the prisoners. “Archers!! Fire!!”
Author's note: So here we go with Chapter 3, who as Chapter 2 will be written in 2 parts. This is the first one, and a next update will come Monday evening.
Also thank you to Wu-long for the edited version of Chapters 1 and 2. I will update the posts with the edited tomorrow.
I know most of you have high expectations, so I must apologize for my writing style. I am a novice writer, and as much as I would love for my posts to be longer, and with more consistency, I am sorry. For now this is the best I can do.
And as another reminder, I am a description fan. I like to narrate and describe places, things and events as I see them, so the dialog writing is a domain I am less acquainted with. The lack of descriptions in this first part of the chapter is because I felt that the transformation the main characters are going through would be a bit better pointed out through a dialog.
For a last PS before you can begin reading: "A New Saga, the Revival of Antares" has long stopped being a After Action Report. Because of what I read from the posts of the readers I intend to leave the actual path of my in game SoD adventure, and simply go along as I see fit or as the fans demand
Chapter 3:
The Second Pillar of Restoration, Rebuilding:
The newly conquered Asugan Castle, 5 weeks after the arrival, the castle keep
The interior of the keep was poorly decorated. The architecture of the keep was of a strange design, so it took lord Deceneu a while to find his way around it. The main hall of the keep looked very desolated. The walls were bare with only three small windows, one on each wall except the wall that contained the door. The lighting of the room was poor so many torches were placed on the walls to provide extra light to the room. In the middle was placed a wooden table with five wooden chairs. The only decorative element in the room was a banner of the Asugan tribe, the former leaders of the castle, posted right above the door.
Lord Deceneu was sitting in the door, with a sad face he was looking around the room, his mind racing to the beauty and splendor of the Emperors Keep in the Capital. How the mighty have fallen. From the rich castles and cities, the lush fields and vast armies, the Antarian Empire was now brought down to a desolate castle, poor village, a few acres of barren land and only a handful of loyal soldiers. The rest of the army that conquered the castle were nothing more but greedy mercenaries, whose loyalty would remain as long as you still had gold in your pockets. Another figure came from behind the lord, he was wearing an antarian plate armor dyed in black, the same as the young lord.
“My lord?” captain Haitas quietly asked as he approached his master.
“What happened to us Haitas?” Deceneu asked lowering his head and clutching his fist. “How could we have fallen this much?”
“We might have fallen my lord, but The One was with us today, and He gave us hope, He gave us you.” the captain said and placed his hand on Deceneus shoulder.
“I do not know what to do... I have lost all hope... despite of todays victory the future is grim...” Deceneu said with a faded voice.
“Do not despair sir, I am with you, we all are. Even the people back home are in heart with you, with us. We must fight and prevail for them.” the captain said trying to raise the young lords morale.
Letting out a sigh Deceneu slowly moved away, patting Haitas on the shoulder, towards the table. He walked in a circle around it, then looking towards the Asugan banner above the door he started to talk.
“Captain! I want all Khergit banner and signs taken down and burnt. Place all over the castle Antarian simbols. Send riders to the villages around to bring fresh recruits. We are so few antarian blood here. How many of us survived?” he asked the captain.
“Thirty my lord. We began the battle with forty five. The other five are the scouts you ordered to go to the port towns to greet any antarian refugee that would come from the Motherland. As for mercenaries, out of one hundred twenty, eighty six survived the battle. I would also like to point out the bravery of sergeant Grobbal. He is one of us, he was one of the first to charge up the ladders and made a very good job at surprising the enemy.” the captain said concluding his report.
“Good, then promote him to captain. If he is reliable I want him to take your place.” Deceneu said keeping his gaze on captain Haitas to see his reaction.
“My... my place sir? Did I do anything wrong my lord?” the captain said taken by surprise.
“No, you have done exceptionally my friend.” Deceneu said and started to walk towards the captain. “But someone needs to take your place, you can't be marshal and a captain at the same time.” he said and smiled while placing his hands on Haitas shoulders.
“Marshal? My lord I do not understand... I am very confused.” the former captain said still looking at lord Deceneu in surprise.
“Think man! The Capital has fallen long by now. There is no logical reason why the Imperium would leave our beloved monarch alive. That would give hope to the conquered people of the Antares. The same must have happened to the rest of the royal family.” the Deceneu said shaking Haitas slightly than letting him go and returning to the table. “The court historian Febiore once said that the Antares Empire is so old there are no records about it's founding, that it is ancient. He also said that we are so old that by each passing century our civilization is getting weaker. So much time has passed that we are not getting any better, but we are slowly forgetting from where we started, we are forgetting what made us what we are today. As the time passes by we are loosing the true meaning of what being an antarian is really all about.”
“I... I remember... the emperor ordered that Febiore be publicly executed the same day.” Haitas said his gaze loosing focus as he recalled the passed events.
“Yes, but he was right! We have grown weak, being used to be around for so long, uncontested, without a really true adversary... all the power and wealth made us so weak that the Imperium defeated us with too much ease!” Deceneu said with a loud voice, his fist hitting the table and his eyes started to sparkle.
“Didn't Febiore yell that we must be burn and rebuild on the ashes of our empire if we are to achieve the greatness of our ancestors. What angered the emperor into ordering his execution was that he blamed us that we were to used with the wealth and fast, wealth that we did not earn, and power we did not fight for.” Haitas responded, speaking from memory as he began to understand what point Deceneu was trying to make.
“He was very right. But look around you now. We have lost our wealth and our power, our civilization has been burnt down. What must we do now?” Deceneu asked as he was enthusiastically waiting for Haitas to complete his idea.
“Now we must rebuild ourselves, to such a greatness that would equal that of the legendary warrior fathers that founded our Empire.” Haitas answered as he approached the table.
“We must begin to rebuild out empire, one step at a time. For now we must make sure that the new Kingdom of the Antares will survive the perils of this land.” Deceneu said smiling.
“Kingdom? But..” Haitas wanted to say but he was interrupted.
“But nothing! If we are to begin a new we need a leader. I must assume that role if I like it or not. The Emperor placed this responsibility of our survival in my hands. We cannot rebuild the Empire. Neither can I assume the role of an Emperor.” Deceneu said with a forceful voice.
“I understand my lord. Myself and the others shall support you. I would be honored if your grace would lead us into the new era... as our king.” Haitas said, pronouncing the last word a bit hard.
“The legends say that the Empire of Antares was built with blood and steel. They say that our ancestors rose from the chaos around them and brought order into the darkness of their time. Such a task is made for heroes of legend. All we can do is place one brick over the other, and build a safe home for the refugees of the Motherland.” Deceneu said, and as he stood, from the position of Haitas suddenly Deceneu looked much older than he really was, much wiser than his age would give him.
“My life for you glory, Phoenix King.” Haitas said with a newfound respect in his voice as he approached Deceneu and bowed before him.
The town of Thir, 8 weeks after the arrival, the harbor
For any of the nord sailors this day would be day to remember for a while. The harbor was usually home to a large fleet of ships bearing the flag of the Nord Kingdom. Today the harbor was not only full, but the shores around the city were all occupied by a large fleet of ships. One would say that the nords were invaded.
Early in the morning a single ship bearing strange colors docked in the port. From it came ashore men and soldiers wearing weird clothings and odd armors. Their leader talked to the lord of the town for hours. When they finished the lord of Thir ordered that all the guards and the people of Thir stay away from the strangers, and none should interfere with them. As the evening came an entire fleet arrived. As soon as the ships docked soldiers, civilians, large crowds of people came to the shore. They began to form up caravans and leave the town of Thir and its vicinities taking the road towards south.