95th Rifle Regiment of Foot (NOW FULL) (NEW LEADER)

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"Hark now the drums beat up again, for all true soldiers gentlemen. So let us list and march I say, over the hills and far away!
O'er the hills and o'er the Main, through Flanders, Portugal and Spain.
King George commands and we'll obey, over the hills and far away."

Do your part! Fight for God, King, and Country!

Training Server: Currently getting one


95th (Rifle) Regiment of Foot

Praetorian - Captain (Richard Sharpe)
Banastre - Sergeant


Pick your targets and aim carefully lads!
Krimdor said:
so the winner is Svenn :smile: congratz^^
Im hugely suprised this space was available. I was looking at the Event thread a few days ago and it looked like there were no places available.

And if i had first choice on any regiment, it would have been the 95th!

Also, ive watched all the Sharpes' twice - so i know what im doing lol  :lol:
While we have a nice new post, can I get all members of the 95th to please forward me their contact details for Steam so we can get to know each other a bit better.

To mind me on steam just look for IrishPraetorian.
Sparkyninja said:
Banastre said:
First person to ask gets the open position.

Ready set GO.

hmmm? I thought you granted me the position in the last thread, unless of course you were trolling.

Oh, I forgot. Yes, Sparky has the position. Sorry 'bout that, Ven told me there was an open slot.
Venitius said:
When did I ever say that? Stop shifting the blame on fellow team members who don't moderate this sub-forum!

But you did!

Venitius: you need to make a new 95th thread
Venitius: the old one is getting stale
Venitius: there's a slot open now by the way
@Banastre: I was referring to ME! I didn't check the 95th topic and only said that because someone PM'ed me!
Fattierob said:
Greetings! I would like to know if you need reserve troops or not

We're accepting, but we're getting them in the half-dozens. If you want to apply for reserve, be quick about it.
best way to do this would be:

"Hey i'd like to apply for the reserve troops :smile:"

before the thousands of thousands are faster than you and you'll have 2 times more reservists in the reserve list than the actual regiment has slots
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