Resolved [1.5.1 BETA] AI Lords stuck in worldmap geometry after a siege

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Summary: Vladians sieged the Car Banseth town from Battanaia while I was not around. I return to see a bunch of vladian lords with starving armies stuck in a geometry deadzone outside of Car Banseth. I am trying to engage them with my party but there appears to be a spot on the ground I can't pass through, which is right around where the AI lords are stuck.

How to Reproduce
: Not sure how this happened, or sure how to reproduce. AI got into this problem on its own without player action.
Quest/Settlement Name Car Banseth
Version: 1.5.1 beta
Installed community-made modifications:
Computer Specs
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 65 bit
GPU: Geforce RTX 2070 Super
CPU: AMD Ryzen 2600x
RAM: 16 gig
Motherboard: tomahawk 450b
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): SSD
Forwarding this issue to the QA team for further investigation. Thanks for reporting. In the meantime, can you share your save files? You can upload it at Please paste the link to this thread in the description box on the upload website so I can identify it.
reloading save game has fixed the issue, not sure where the lords with fully wounded armies went but they arent stuck anymore. Unfortunately I am hours past the point on that save file. Will it still be of any use ?
It might be fixed with the recent hotfix. I'm marking this thread as solved, please update this thread if you encounter the same problem again.
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