ui change

  1. Peradinos

    SP - UI RTS Camera

    Hello, I wanted to make a suggestion. Why not implement Rts camera in your game? Contact the author to work together I don't know. I think this is an epic addition to your game. And it would bring strategy to the next level. I want to have the option to play as one of my companions at least when...
  2. SP - UI Is it possible to have a Siege ''load out'' similar to civilan load out ?

    I've been switching item for siege recently and realised the tech is here for a dedicated load out. Am I de only one who would like that ? I use a much lighter armor when i'm on the field (I'm a footman and speed is key) and i dont carry as many bolt instead i carry a pole weapon to deal with...
  3. SP - General Suggestions: Improving/elimating load times

    In the current beta version of the game, the way conversations are loaded isn't optimal Imo it wasn't a problem in the old game because of the pretty low polygon count of most characters and assets but now I can see load times upwards of three minutes even after the optimized update. Would it be...
  4. Viper247

    SP - UI Reverse (Or elaborate) casualties inflicted in diplomacy UI

    The casualties inflicted part of the diplomacy UI should be reversed, In the current state it is misleading as 1st: all the other parts of the screen are positive to have a larger number, and 2nd: Inflicted usually implies what is being put into action, not what is being experienced. For...
  5. Rycon Caldestan

    SP - UI Perks w/Secondary Info: Change to Bullet Points

    Just a quick thought to decrease visual clutter: please consider listing perk effects with bullet points. This would reduce the need of: “Also,” in all of the secondary perk effects. Example: Deflect (first option of 1h)
  6. HandOfBlood

    SP - UI Ingame Feature to report a bug / give feedback

    Hello Taleworlds, thanks for the great game! I played a lot of early access games in the past years and very often I see that developers are offering very prominent ingame UI features to report a bug or to give feedback. I think this would help you guys a lot too, because most of the players...
  7. 2 Suggestions, Character Maker save/load, UI Visibility Change

    Hey guys, Enjoying Bannerlord so far, I have 2 suggestions Can we get a save and load feature for the character editor? Also would It be possible to add some type of colorizing on comparisons? Here is an example: Thanks guys
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