to developers

  1. Golodir

    10 postulates of Hairless aka how to make ur game better

    1. Nerf cav to the point of it being dnabraW of level op, not current broken ****.(remove WW/SS, nerf couch/reduce lance dmg). Nerfing horse hp is not needed. Make it like warband that if you stab cavalry with a spear, you also deal damage to rider, not just horse. 2. Make all movement speeds of...
  2. Sarranid The Wibba


    Many people are complaining about kickslash saying it's too easy to land and is spammable. I am against making throwing weapons throwable after a kick but in regards to weapons i believe completely removing the ability for players to slash someone after landing a kick will render it useless and...
  3. Sobakozoid

    It will be easier to give feedback and test the game if the game will receive balancing pass

    In my current campaign i hit a wall beyond which i cannot progress because of balancing issues. And i think that a lot of people currently in this situation. 500 day of campaign. Not a single companion get a level up. XP thresholds are enormous. All hero/companion leveling system feels useless...
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