
  1. Loofan

    Need More Info Scene Editor SettlementsDistanceCacheFilePath could not be read!. Cache will be created right now, This may take few minutes!

    Hi, I am new to Bannerlord modding but I have been wanting to add more settlements to the base game along with some new factions just to add my little touch on the world. My game and modding kit tool are on 1.2.9, I have placed one town and one village within the navmesh of the map and ran the...
  2. How to add settlement

    hi i'm trying to add settlement to my world. I see many modding tutorial and tried a lot of ways, but it didn't work out. Could you tell me in detail how to add a settlement? i'm sorry i can't english well
  3. Kingclonetrooper

    Need More Info General Can't we mod calradia main map?

    I can't modding on the Calradia map. Specifically, i cannot add new castles or towns. Because of this, part of my mod's plan has been left blank. This seems to have been intentionally blocked. I don't know why this would cause a crash if not intentionally.
  4. Luizfabbr99

    Current Campaign Map Limitations 1.6.+

    What are the current Campaign map limitations? Like limits on settlements. Agents spawned.(if it works like the battle map 2048+ agents, the game will crash) New settlements types, is it possible to create? (I imagine like a tribal settlement, it would work like a town, but with low defenses...
  5. Resolved Scene Editor can't remove original settlements

    원래 정착지를 삭제하려고합니다. 그러나 정착지를 삭제하면 충돌이 발생합니다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 sandbox / ModuleData에서 'settlements.xml'을 편집합니다. 그러나 아직 해결되지 않았습니다. 도와주세요
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