
  1. PROOFED Hacking Software

    Warband get flooded with Players using a cheap Hacking Software.I feel 50% of Players of the popular ´´MountandSiege´´ Siege Server using this hack with mostly aimbot,ESP( u can move and hit faster than others, slightly ,but this makes the difference between 2 veteran players) and autoblock. U...
  2. Cheater - using aimbot and advertising cheats website

    Look at how his camera automatically and instantly adjusts to the enemy players' position with aimbot precision, and how he mentions the cheat website's address in the chat.
  3. MP Multiplayer. Hackers already use aimbot in skirmish.

    Today i played skirmish and fought against one interesting guy who was very suspicious because every shot he landed was a headshot and he was incredibly accurate too. He had a link to the site in profile and my teammate asked him if he's a cheater. He answered "i am selling it". - Game released...
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