Summary:Gamepass game would not let me through after the blade scene(choose profile or play)
How to Reproduce:
Have you used cheats and if so which:
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
GPU:1660super nvidia
GPU Driver Version:
CPU:i7 12th gen
So a started playing with the controller at first on my PC Gamepass install of the game and then I decided I would rather keyboard and mouse it.
However I can't seem to use the bow now.
When I equip my bow the mouse buttons do not respond at all.
Everything works fine on any melee weapon.
If I...
Mount and Blade : Bannerlord is not getting updates on MS game pass. PC version, not sure about xbox. Its now 2 months behind in patches compared to steam, epic, and GOG. Is there any official update or timeline on this situation from Taleworlds? Thanks.
unable to play on gamepass, tried deleting program data,unsure if this is happening alot to anyone else, trying to planner bannerlord 2 for the first time of off gamepass
xbox gamepass'ten indirdim oyunu sonra modlamaya çalıştım beceremedim, sonra galilba bir şeyleri bozdum oyun açılıyor ancak sadece ses ve imleç var gerisi siyah ekran , oyunun dosyalarını doğruladım ekran kartı driverlarını sıfırlayıp baştan güncelledim ancak sonuç değişmedi en sonunda oyunu...
When we are download any mode bannerlord is crash and write ".dll not found" I did this video and fix it. I can play with mods but just last version updated mods.
guys go youtube and search "Bannerlord XBOX GAMEPASS .dll unfound error!"
And installing from GamePass and attempting to start, Nothing happens for a time and then an error appears with "You do not have a valid license to run the game"
I have tried reboot PC, repair +reset from settings, run an admin.
Any suggestions?
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