
  1. prominb

    In Progress Русский - RU Issue - village need tools - text cut off

    Translation Error: Issue - village need tools - text cut off in the description of the issue Corrected Translation: incorrect - question mark in {?NUMBER_OF_EXCHANGE_ITEM} - Correct is {NUMBER_OF_EXCHANGE_ITEM} to fix it. Where did you find this error (which conversation, screen, area,...)?: In...
  2. [Solved] Fine Steel Menavilon 10x cut damage?

    EDIT: Thanks to the helpful users below, I didn't realize that on the stats of a weapon there's clickable buttons to see different stats for different modes. Still though, 181 cut damage seems like a lot. Hello! I've been noticing that when used my spear/lance (a " Fine Steel Menavilon " )...
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