clan member

  1. vertibird

    Need More Info Focus more then 5 levels

    Summary: My younger brother in campaign now has 8 focus on engineering (increased by educating events), I dont know what will happen when he is 18 years old. How to Reproduce: By educating a clan member it may be reproduced Have you used cheats and if so which: No Scene Name (if related): Media...
  2. SP - General Clan members won't enter tournaments

    I like that party members can increase their skills in tournaments, however, only companions will enter. The only way clan members will enter is if I leave them in the keep or if they have their own party. They won't join from my party. Is this as intended?
  3. limier

    Make your unoccupied clan members hold in your own settlements if you have at least one.

    I have 2 towns and one castle and when one of my clan member is defeated or just disbanded his army, I need to travel more than half of the map to reach them. Please, make them available in my own settlements... this is not currently a good gamer experience as it is.
  4. Party Members not Released when Peace declared

    Bug: While the player is a vassal, have both a clan member (wanderer) and a noble within your faction (and in the player's clan, if married to the player) held prisoner by a faction at war with the player's faction. Have peace declared between the two factions. The noble will be released as a...
  5. Resolved [Critical Exploit] - [Clan member multiplying]

    Hello Everyone, Summary: Clan member multiplying - Can multiyply any companion/clan member with its current equipement, gaining eq; 300k per 3/4 days depending on quest. How to Reproduce: When you go to a town/village, and take an assigment quest (Quest where you can assign your men, and...
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