
  1. TheBerserk

    [Strawpoll] If Taleworlds prepared another game, what you would do ?

    This is a subject and a question that I have seen repeated on the forum, from what I have seen there is nothing concrete. and of course : - I'm talking about a whole new game, no extension, spin-off or other.. - imagine if the latter was announced around the end of Bannerlord's EA I'm just...
  2. hsngrms

    SP Native Profitable Workshops

    Profitable Workshops mod changes default workshop parameters to make them more profitable starting from day 1 (day 0 is first buy date). List of modifications Workshop buy price = 1 denar (Game default = 12k+) Daily expense = 1 denar (Game default = 25 or more) Production change cost = 1 denar...
  3. Crash when selling/buying

    The entire game plays normally for me at the moment but every time I open a trade window regardless if I attempt to close buy one thing or sell something it crashes. Multiple fixes attempted nothing has worked. Anyone else have this problem and figured something out or still stuck with it as well?
  4. Honest Question

    Also another question, how can I purchase the game in such a way where Taleworlds gets as little as possible of my money?
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