
  1. Safety_Tree

    On Ammo Choices and Hidden Values

    Hey there, I've noticed that, oddly enough, the choice for archers that offers barbed arrows seems to consistently give me the best overall performance, even compared to perk options that explicitly say "Grants better Ammo", whether that option be the headshot bonus or the accuracy period...
  2. Do troops use multiple projectile weapons for more ammo?

    Asking as I'm making custom troops in Morgh's Editor. Warband v1.174 For example, if you have a troop has a sword, shield (guaranteed), and two copies of the same throwing weapon in their inventory, does that fill all 4 equip slots for double ammo ingame or will they only use one? How about...
  3. GG Cannon

    SP - General Drop EVERYTHING

    This is more of an issue in tournaments than on the battlefield, but would still be VERY useful on the normal battlefield as well. Make it so that enemies drop ALL their equipment that can be equipped during a battle and not only the one in his hand at the very moment they die. Example: I am...
  4. Perk bugged/Not working - Governor

    So i found some issue with perk, that doesn't applie the " Perk bonus " in tooltip or in party/battle Athletics Extra arrow, Extra throwing weapon, doesn't add any arrow/weapon Riding : CrossBow Expert : No reloading crossbow on horseback Squires :Don't add any +party size Throwing : Fully...
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