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  1. Oberyn

    Let's be honest the multiplayer here is underdone

    Was the "uncommon attack direction" using keyboard keys for attacking and blocking? I think I remember that.
    Speaking of, I've always used inversed attack directions, I mantain that they're way more intuitive than the "normal" attack directions. Move mouse from right to left to swing weapon from right to left, etc.
    My advice for anyone just starting to learn the game is to try both out and see for yourself. If you've already started to learn the game with normal directions, it's prob too late or too much of a hastle to retrain, but I'm convinced the "normal" directions are counter-intuitive and may even make it harder to learn the game.
  2. Oberyn

    Let's be honest the multiplayer here is underdone

    I'm not giving you my name so you can judge my performance and decide whether that makes my opinion valid or not.
  3. Oberyn

    Let's be honest the multiplayer here is underdone

    It would prove whether or not he actually is a good player, just from seeing him in game. It always seems to be the people who are terrible at the mechanics who are also the most ready to call out "cheaters". Probably a coincidence.
  4. Oberyn

    Let's be honest the multiplayer here is underdone

    But I regularly top the servers, and the others who are clearly better than me or also regularly top the server are people who I've come to know as far as playstyles. Not a single one of them is cheating. You'd think these hackers would be constantly owning literally everyone, no?

    I'm hostile because I see constant, constant accusations in chat not only of me but of people who clearly and obviously aren't cheating, to the point it's apparently a well known fact that hacking and cheating is rampant. Like I said, I have yet to see a single person accused that I didn't immediately think was just the butthurt of some terrible, terrible retard, and then I look at the scoreboard and lo and behold the accuser is some 1-5 k/d idiot who is utterly abysmal at the game and doesn't understand the first thing about the mechanics beyond spamming like he's Pacman

    I don't find it impossible to 1 vs 5 and come out on top precisely because I also see the horde of 75 iq zombies in my own team. There are people who have hundreds of hours who still spam 5 attacks into empty air while chasing a single guy and just keep relentlessly spamming, or even worse hold a single attack ready and slowly waddle over, like they haven't yet understood attacking and preparing attacks makes you move slower (amazingly, they haven't, and even when told repeatedly will still not modify their animalistic empty air rage spamming in the slightest).
  5. Oberyn

    Let's be honest the multiplayer here is underdone

    What is your ingame name? I'm what you would call a sweat, I've repeatedly been accused of cheating and it's always by the dumbest, slowest mongoloids. It's extremely easy to survive 5 utterly retarded noobs and there is no need to "block every attack from them" because 9/10ths of their stupid, flailing spastic zombie attacks are either into empty air or each other. It's not gaslighting, you are literally too dumb to conceive of it because you clearly can't do it yourself.

    Been playing since Warband and there is not a single player I've ever run into in the pub servers that I'd accuse of cheating. Have you considered that maybe you are just extremely bad?
  6. Oberyn

    [EU] Spartan's Inn - TDM with custom maps multiplayer server ** looking 4 maps!

    Rationally and on an individual level you are absolutely right but playerbase collectively is a mindless mob of lemmings, players will not agglomerate on servers where there is no population in the first place, and they will only go on private servers if official servers are down. The only time I ever saw private servers get any population whatsoever was when the official servers were down/crashing constantly.
  7. Oberyn

    [EU] Spartan's Inn - TDM with custom maps multiplayer server ** looking 4 maps!

    Try the cRPG devs, fairly sure they have some maps. As said on another thread, private servers do not count towards gold/xp progression so unless the official servers are all down you will not see players go there. A completely baffling decision by Taleworlds, given that custom maps, mods and private servers is what prolonged the life of multiplayer Warband for so long.
  8. Oberyn

    So... can we expect new maps and content ?

    No, probably easily exploitable. Which is why having that progression system in the first place is just Taleworlds shooting themselves in the foot. They definitely didn't think it through beyond "people play more if there is an rpg system for Skinner Box satisfaction, let's add it", completely ignoring that they clearly don't event WANT to admin and manage their own official servers. This is why theres the exact same 3 TDM maps and 4 Siege maps yeaaaaaars in.

    If the official servers were some random private server, literally no one would play them. Not a single person. There would be absolutely no incentive to do so, because even the laziest, most uncaring owner would've added at least SOMETHING new in this timeframe, as every private server shows.
  9. Oberyn

    EU Servers: Offline - A Bannerlord Tradition

    Turning off IPv6 worked for me, as detailed in that thread. Haven't had any login issues since, and it used to happen a lot.
  10. Oberyn

    So... can we expect new maps and content ?

    The most populated servers in Warband were indeed private servers with a wild variety of maps. Having official servers, and a form of progression (armor, xp, gold) tied to it, completely disencentivized players from populating private servers in Bannerlord. If there was a private siege server that was regularly populated in Bannerlord you would also see a lot more modded maps (of admittedly varying quality. It not having to be official also meant there was little quality control, but that was almost part of the charm).
  11. Oberyn

    Cant connect to lobby without VPN

    Ive had that issue multiple times from France, it seems completely random if the login server will work on a given day or not. Connecting to the lobby with a vpn, then removing it to join a server is the only work around I know of.
  12. Oberyn

    Banned for teamkilling

    I have seen people openly brag that they don't care about tw and tking. I consider it cope, they're clearly just too retarded not to do it, so they embrace it and pretend it's deliberate. Sad.

    I still think FF being on makes the game 1000x better, I wouldn't mind if reflective damage was set to 100% specifically for ranged weapons though. Throwers, archers and xbowmen are sociopaths when it comes to tw. There's something about being ranged that automatically turns you into an unapologetic team wounding douchebag. I've had maybe a couple of ranged apologize for tks out of the endless horde that consistently shoots you in the back in the stupidest ways possible.
  13. Oberyn

    Banned for teamkilling

    It's quite probably temporary, and I highly doubt you got banned for accidental tking. Unless you are truly so incredibly terrible that you tked/teamwounded so much even an admin with access to server stats thought you were deliberately tking.
  14. Oberyn

    Please Re-enable Team Damage on Siege and TDM 🙏🏼

    This guy should be banned tbh. I have never seen him play a single game of Bannerlord without trolling and being utterly useless trash, even with FF off. Did you use the report system?
  15. Oberyn

    How good or bad bannerlord multiplayer

    I actually prefer the melee combat in Bannerlord compared to Warband. It feels like theres more inertia and weight to attacks, which does make melee slower, but I find makes it more tactical. The greatsword (and 2h weaps in general) tricks you could pull off in Warband were much more twitch reflex based, I think. You still have some of that inherent in the mechanics, but it's not nearly as bad.

    Now that the official servers have FF turned on the mechanics of the game can really shine imo. This game without FF is much dumber.
  16. Oberyn

    Please Re-enable Team Damage on Siege and TDM 🙏🏼

    Just want to thank TW for putting FF back on the servers. I think the reflective damage is a good compromise.
  17. Oberyn

    Please Re-enable Team Damage on Siege and TDM 🙏🏼

    I say this constantly on chat but turning on friendly fire will have the added benefit of raising the average skill level. A lot of people playing Bannerlord have seemingly never played multiplayer with FF on and as a result don't tend to judiciously pick their attacks or even properly target whoever they're intending to.

    The game truly becomes a lot more tactical, to the point melees organically turn into sensible, proper lines, something that only happens when constrained to by tunnels/chokepoints otherwise. It's a nice change, as oppose to a mass of flailing mongoloids spamming sideswings into each other, hitting their own teammates 90% of the time while trying to take down a single enemy.
  18. Oberyn

    Please Re-enable Team Damage on Siege and TDM 🙏🏼

    We indeed opened it up for a short-while to test it. We're looking at enabling it again.
    Not to be pushy and annoying, but is there any info on when you guys think you might enable it again? New year, new better game, you should do it.
  19. Oberyn

    Nerf cavalry in Multiplayer

    Want to really fix cav, just put friendly fire on. A lot of the worse multiplayer balance issues get immediately resolved when the game is played the way its meant to be.
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