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  1. Clau24

    Game crashes when starting battle

    Phantasy mod was mi favorite mod for warband, now i tested the new Phantasy 2018 and i got a big issued with framerate, like 4 fps as mi pc is not verry old but the video card has only 2Gb memory.
    So i made some adjustements, the biggest improve of all is to runn the game in directx 7 instead of 9 got now 20 fps and im ready to play  :razz:
  2. Clau24

    Alternate Download Locations

    I need a link for the patch 1.172 for warband , as the latest patch is messing with mi addons, and to mi surprise i cant set in steam to revert to older versions of the game... wich wuld be nice.
    So if any knows a way to revert versions in steam or a download link for game with 1.172, will be moust apreciated
  3. Clau24

    Can't run game. Resource file missing

    Instalation is kinda hard to do , even more complicated with unzipping resource and all in right place....i played the mod 2 monts ago and i liked it....
    I dont have the mod anymore on pc because of win reinstall .
    So i wana play again but wen i see that instalation it gives me a headeach...
  4. Clau24

    Instalation problems

    tnx a lot
    now i have anothe question:smile:
    in the mini patch 5 and minipatch 6 theres an folder named "Resorce" is how is ment to be or should be "Resource" ..ty
  5. Clau24

    Instalation problems

    In the instalation guide say Edit : wse_settings .But edit and replace what?  Figured out i must put path to the game .. or it might be path to wse files... or path to the mod tried evriting nothing works.. i only get Native wen i open the wseloader.. no mod. I have 153 version path here ...
  6. Clau24

    Recruiting! Become a team member and get a chance to contribute

    i want to help with modeling and texturer pm me if interested
  7. Clau24

    Inceputul unui nou mod

    Salut comunitatea romana de M&B warband si nu numai. Ca sa trec la subiect, mam apucat de curand sa mai modelez cate ceva si mia venit ideea sa fac un nou mod..deoarece nu stiu lucra cu pyton decat cu fisierele txt propun celor interesati si cu ceva cunostinte de modare sa ma contacteze aici sau...
  8. Clau24

    Items Pack

    am refacut itemele, astept pareri :smile:
  9. Clau24

    Echipa nationala [MULTIPLAYER]

    Salut,ma bag si io la orice gen de turnament sau antrenament....o singura rugaminte am sa ma anunte cineva inainte sa inceapa asa ceva {eu prind greu si uit repede:smile:)}  dau id de skype...daca ma adaugati scrieti ca sunteti de pe forumul taleworlds
    Skype id : zan_clau
  10. Clau24

    Can't Download

    i also cant download this mod...the link above follows to a site were i need to register and pay 1 euro ...if theres anyone that got this mod for free just tell me how... tnx
    nwm ive registered
  11. Clau24

    Terra Aeterna (topic în limba română)

    revin si io pe forum dupa o absenta mai indelungata(probleme de sanatate) revin cu o intrebare legata de mod.
    ai putea exporta modul terra aeterna pt fire and sword?
    acum am cumparat si io fire and sword si vad ca nu prea sunt moduri la el:smile:
    si apropo alex .. daca mai ai nevoie de ajutorul meu ..modele, harti etc:smile:
  12. Clau24

    Cupa Natiunilor

    da, se pare ca linkul e intrerupt..lam pus pe repository ,acuma ar trebuii sa mearga

    Eu de la ora 18 sunt liber si o sa stau pe TS pt cine vrea sa intre sa jucam un Warband
  13. Clau24

    Cupa Natiunilor

    am pus stema pe banner
    download link
    cam asa arata
  14. Clau24

    Cupa Natiunilor

    Salut baieti, am facut un banner pt echipa noastra pt training sa ne vedem mai bine in joc sper sal folositi
    cam asa arata
    de aici se face download
    pt al pune in joc doar copy paste in folderu Textures din joc(atentie din joc nu din modul)
  15. Clau24

    Cupa Natiunilor

    daca jucati ceva warband pe la ora 22 sunt si io, o sa fiu pe TS
  16. Clau24

    Un pic de ajutor la module de warband

    Stie cineva un tutorial pt facut lod uri in wings 3d?
  17. Clau24

    Cupa Natiunilor

    Salut,ma bag si io sa particip si daca aveti un group facut pe steam de M&B romanesc sami ziceti si mie numele
    Steam id ul meu : Ghola
    Ar mai fii o idee sa facem un grup pe skype pt cine are skype ce parere aveti?
  18. Clau24

    [Outdated] Obj file to strategic map converter

    othr said:
    Did anyone consider making a small program that would achieve the opposite?  I know I can get the obj file from Thorgrim's map editor but assigning the materials for a large map is a huge pain :wink:
    I'l love a tool like that..
  19. Clau24


    hehe frumos...trebe sa fie cineva care sa stie sa lucreze cu python sa le bage in joc
    eo ma limitez la modele pt moment...
    Alexandru cel mare stie scripting si python daca mai are chef sa lucreze la vreun modul
  20. Clau24

    Items Pack

    am trase o groaza de texturi de acolo...
    chestia e ca nu ma prea pricep la culori si desenat...tot timpul tind sa exagerez cu culorile puse pe textura
    poate mai fac un pack....
    ce iteme ar fii calumea?:
        - 1 hand
        - 2 hand
        - sau altfel de iteme
    Vreau pareri
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