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  1. This guy needs banned PRONTO

    Witnessed the whole thing, and has some....some... of it on fraps.
    Will upload if needed nobody.
    Ban this punk forever.

    This is bad as the guy who randoms me, and i ask him
    "Why did you random me? do you even care about rping or pwmod at all?"
    HE replies, "Suck my balls"
    That broke my spirit and made me quit the game.
    Why play pwmod, if you don't want to rp? ...AHHH it makes me soo mad.
  2. RCC Global unban!

    has anyone thought this might just be a way to get more players (even if it's the bad ones) into the mod and specifically the RCC Server?
  3. (GUILD) Guardians of the Legend

    In-Game name: Female_Pilgrim
    Division: Archer
    Mic ownership: Yes never been without.
    Are you a good roleplayer?: Yes, strictly and forever
    Why should we accept you (keep it short): Many good hours of playing with you creates a chemistry, thus i should be added to the guard to maximize the protection of the sacred sword.
  4. Bandits... are they still the problem? No more!

    Just make a damn dedicated randomer class, thats KOS. Everyone's happy no?
  5. [GUILD] Fighters Guild

    Thanks For the Invite!
  6. The dire need of another PWMOD sever as alternative to the RCC one!

    i dont like the idea of splitting the already small community, which Tkov already did..
  7. Multiplayer Wont Work! PLEASE HELP!

    from what i can tell.. and with the limited info i have from you... you may have too much running off your internet at the same time, thus causing you to d/c while connecting. My buddy had the same problem and had to not use ventrilo/ other bandwith eaters.
  8. Peasant Rebellion Night, multiplayer event! UPDATED RULES

    Will be there, 3 pm EASTERN TIME, if anyone is confused.
  9. Warband Mentor program

    Applying for: Mentee
    Time Online: 7am-4pm also tues,wed,thur. all night. EST TIME.
    Experience: Need to learn advance techniques, such as feinting.
    Region: US CENT
    Mentor: RHADE! *omg be jealous *****es*
  10. To end the kick complaint threads!

    i agree we should be able to aim our kicks uthred. The change was too much, but what else could they do?
    if they make it controllable by the mouse, but limit it, people will exploit it with high sensitivity or something
  11. To end the kick complaint threads!

    KICK has not been nerfed, its been fixed. I got the proofs!!! When kicking before the patch, you aimed with your mouse, making it possible to kick where ever the hell you wanted. Now all the aiming is controlled by your movement key/the direction your character is actually facing, thus making it...
  12. This game was made to piss me off.

    did anyone happen to mention to him, the the serverlist ping listed in WB isn't always right?
    Are you behind a router?
    Try posting specs and not just RANTS. :smile:
  13. Combat broken after last patch

    everyone that QQ's in this thread needs to learn2play, for real.
  14. List of Mumble and TS Servers

    Grakelin said:
    Can we get a sticky on this?

  15. Low Res Version (Solved, bad computer users look here)

    scarymod only changed my trees, am i doing something wrong?
  16. RCC server has issues

    confirmed +1, He "nobody" has to be stopped
  17. Steps to improve map loading times/fps?

    PLEASE is there any configs, mods, or tweaks to improve map loading times? or fps?
  18. Get stuck at faction selection screen

  19. Incredibly messed up multiplayer

    same problem!!!! please help
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