To end the kick complaint threads!

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KICK has not been nerfed, its been fixed.
I got the proofs!!!
When kicking before the patch, you aimed with your mouse, making it possible to kick where ever the hell you wanted.
Now all the aiming is controlled by your movement key/the direction your character is actually facing, thus making it harder to kick, some would say more real. idk, im pretty sure i can aim kicks in RL and they don't have to be right in front of me, that's just my thoughts tho. gameplay wise, it works fine.
While I don't disagree, your argument isn't exactly new, and definitely not worth a new thread. Just lock this, will you?
TogglesDaCat said:
When kicking before the patch, you aimed with your mouse, making it possible to kick where ever the hell you wanted.

Lol i know many times when being forced to kick something i stand really straight and only throw my foot out straight. playing football is really hard /sarcasm

i agree we should be able to aim our kicks uthred. The change was too much, but what else could they do?
if they make it controllable by the mouse, but limit it, people will exploit it with high sensitivity or something
Uhm... no. They can set a maximum of 30 degrees turning per side, I think it does not matter then your mouse sensitivity.
While I am not a fan of kicking I have to agree with those that say it has been nerfed a little too much. Maybe if the user had the ability to rotate again while kicking OR the range was set back to it's previous state then it would be fine.
Harlequin_ITA said:
Uhm... no. They can set a maximum of 30 degrees turning per side, I think it does not matter then your mouse sensitivity.

TogglesDaCat said:
if they make it controllable by the mouse, but limit it


Anyways, a limit would be preferable to a straight shot. Really though, I prefer the current kick over 1.12x and before. Spinning kicks 90 degrees was ridiculous.
TogglesDaCat said:
Now all the aiming is controlled by your movement key/the direction your character is actually facing, thus making it harder to kick, some would say more real.

Lol, keyboard is more like a real leg, then the mouse?

bull****, its still a game, not REAL combat
After getting back in the groove of Warband, I've decided, kicks are absolutely fine. I've pulled off 4-5 kickslashes, so it's still possible. Agreed though, a little turning would put it back in the game.
--------------------------    IT IS SIMPLE:  -------------------------------

1) noobs that don't want to learn (how do, and how avoid) kicks are happy now, that kicks are 100% unuseful
    (on a decent player, not on noobs that run to you on strainght lines).

2) people that learned to kick and how avoid being kicked are not that happy now, that an important gameplay feature
    has been removed.

anyway, on the other topic,132501.0.html  (born here but moved there),
the pool says:

24,9% wants kick back like 1.127
44,1% wants a compromise between 1.127 and 1.130
31,1% wants to keep 1.130 kick version

so it's clear that no 1.127 or 1.130 are good for the community. i personally voted for restore 1.127, but it's clear that to please community kick should be set as a compromise.
that's the facts.

NOTE: i already adapted to the new gameplay, but i know it's a matter of time that someone will come here to cry beacuse i abused overhead (unblockable) great hammer on theyr shields.
if they can't fight they should go play barbie fashion instead of a brutal medieval game.
I never played with the "overpowered" kick, but I have no idea what it could have added to the game. From the complaint thread it seems like the main things people used it for where A) Beating Shield users quickly while using a 2hander B) Pushing away face huggers. Both of those things are not really an issue though, you can beat shields easily with a 2handed axe or mace, the only weapon that has issues with them is the swadian swords (but those have an advantage other all the other 2handers in most other areas), and face huggers can just be kited by back pedaling, especially if they have a shield.
as you say it seems....but let's do a couple of examples that will let you all understand better the situation:

a VERY skilled player, can use a single handed short sword, and kill a noob-medium player always, no matter your armor or weapons.

A) in 1.127 he did this in few hits, if opponent was a shield (ab)user or a face(b)ugger was pretty fast too, due to SKILLED use of kicks. saving precious time (extremely important when facing multiple opponents, like in battles or team deathmatch).

B) 1.130 he can still do it, but any noob learn in 5 minutes to press block button when a strike is incoming, so the (force field) shield must broke to allow the skilled player to land hits. this will waste both people's time, and create a TERA-HUGE disadvantage for an already outnumbered player, because if you have to break 2 shield of you opponents and in meantime dodge other's guy strikes, every seconds count, and time is not on your side.

in my opinion this reduce the usefulness of skill instead of increasing it, and obviously i'm one who like to see skill rewarded.
i really prefer to lose all day to a skilled player instead of win due to skill-reducing game mechanics.
--------------------------    IT IS SIMPLE:  -------------------------------

1) noobs that don't want to learn (how do, and how avoid) kicks are happy now, that kicks are 100% unuseful
    (on a decent player, not on noobs that run to you on strainght lines).

2) people that learned to kick and how avoid being kicked are not that happy now, that an important gameplay feature
    has been removed.

anyway, on the other topic,132501.0.html  (born here but moved there),
the pool says:

24,9% wants kick back like 1.127
44,1% wants a compromise between 1.127 and 1.130
31,1% wants to keep 1.130 kick version

so it's clear that no 1.127 or 1.130 are good for the community. i personally voted for restore 1.127, but it's clear that to please community kick should be set as a compromise.
that's the facts.

NOTE: i already adapted to the new gameplay, but i know it's a matter of time that someone will come here to cry beacuse i abused overhead (unblockable) great hammer on theyr shields.
if they can't fight they should go play barbie fashion instead of a brutal medieval game.
You can stop doing the smug 'lolz umg every1 who disagrees with me is a nub!!1!" now. It's simply not the case. Many of the best players I know hated kickslash as in 1.127, and these are the players that were complaining about it here.
as you say it seems....but let's do a couple of examples that will let you all understand better the situation:

a VERY skilled player, can use a single handed short sword, and kill a noob-medium player always, no matter your armor or weapons.

A) in 1.127 he did this in few hits, if opponent was a shield (ab)user or a face(b)ugger was pretty fast too, due to SKILLED use of kicks. saving precious time (extremely important when facing multiple opponents, like in battles or team deathmatch).

B) 1.130 he can still do it, but any noob learn in 5 minutes to press block button when a strike is incoming, so the (force field) shield must broke to allow the skilled player to land hits. this will waste both people's time, and create a TERA-HUGE disadvantage for an already outnumbered player, because if you have to break 2 shield of you opponents and in meantime dodge other's guy strikes, every seconds count, and time is not on your side.

in my opinion this reduce the usefulness of skill instead of increasing it, and obviously i'm one who like to see skill rewarded.
i really prefer to lose all day to a skilled player instead of win due to skill-reducing game mechanics.

I see what you mean but its not a massive issue, the learning curve for this game is already so steep you have to make a few concessions for newbies.

Maybe if the kick was slightly easier to hit people with it could work, if it was slow enough so that it won't be a massive factor in non-shield fights, but quick enough to catch out people that just plod about with the shield up constantly. Though this would mean sword & board players won't be able to get past the wall of kicking in the first place, to give decent shield players a chance against people that just spam kicks you could make the kick get "Blocked" by attacks that are already a certain way through their animation. So kicking is only really viable immediately after blocking an attack or if you've set your opponent up for it (by feinting to make him block, then kicking, or something like that).
as you say it seems....but let's do a couple of examples that will let you all understand better the situation:

a VERY skilled player, can use a single handed short sword, and kill a noob-medium player always, no matter your armor or weapons.

A) in 1.127 he did this in few hits, if opponent was a shield (ab)user or a face(b)ugger was pretty fast too, due to SKILLED use of kicks. saving precious time (extremely important when facing multiple opponents, like in battles or team deathmatch).

B) 1.130 he can still do it, but any noob learn in 5 minutes to press block button when a strike is incoming, so the (force field) shield must broke to allow the skilled player to land hits. this will waste both people's time, and create a TERA-HUGE disadvantage for an already outnumbered player, because if you have to break 2 shield of you opponents and in meantime dodge other's guy strikes, every seconds count, and time is not on your side.

in my opinion this reduce the usefulness of skill instead of increasing it, and obviously i'm one who like to see skill rewarded.
i really prefer to lose all day to a skilled player instead of win due to skill-reducing game mechanics.

If you are outnumbered you are always at a disadvantage, logic?
if you are outnumbered; you went solo, your team died(because of lack of skill or lack of teamplay) and you deserve to be at a TERRA HUGE disadvantage.

The gameplay should promote teamplay, not rambo-ism. If the other team cooperates better than yours they deserve to cut you to pieces.
Personally, I never had a problem with kickers. I found it to be nice addition to the combat. You do have the choice of not being in someone's face. Ask bots - it's not that difficult. In current version people hug you with outstanding confidence and practically always get away with it. I don't recall being kick-slashed in 1.131. Kicked - yes. I suppose they didn't believe they'll hit anyone, there was no slash to follow; without slash it's plain useless.

Also, concerning reality, how do you kick someone who is close enough to kiss you? I can think of one kind of kick, but I wouldn't want to see that in the game.

Edit: Sorry for extending the topic that was supposed to end the debate. I'm afraid the end is not close.
Ivarr said:
Personally, I never had a problem with kickers. I found it to be nice addition to the combat. You do have the choice of not being in someone's face. Ask bots - it's not that difficult. In current version people hug you with outstanding confidence and practically always get away with it. I don't recall being kick-slashed in 1.131. Kicked - yes. I suppose they didn't believe they'll hit anyone, there was no slash to follow; without slash it's plain useless.

Also, concerning reality, how do you kick someone who is close enough to kiss you? I can think of one kind of kick, but I wouldn't want to see that in the game.

Edit: Sorry for extending the topic that was supposed to end the debate. I'm afraid the end is not close.
I'd put my knee on his balls and he'd probably be stunned for half an hour...
Harlequin_ITA said:
And many I know hate how it is now, what then? :smile:

I guess poll decide.
I wasn't making a point against kickslash there, I was simply pointing out DLEGION's irritating arrogance.
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