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  1. Need More Info Losing 90% of troops

    So if you change the party leader what happens to the old one? Is he still in charge until the new one arrives or does he disappear from the party?
    Maybe one of the normal soldiers take charge of the party and with zero skill in steward you will loose all troops except of 20. Like the player only can command like 20 troops at the beginning
  2. In Progress Clan Members do not recruit at owned Fiefs garrison any more

    I think they changed it in the past because too many people have complained about the fact that your parties are grinding the garrison troops until all of them are gone and noone is left to defend the settlement/castle. So for now your parties are recruiting like everyone else from the "recruit troops" pool in settlements and villages.
  3. Resolved Siege bug

    I have the same issue but in my case I'm just glad that my faction wins the fight with low casualties. At least I'm in control of the siege engines and build all of them, destroying the enemy siege engines and walls, then leave so they attack an join the fight again.
    I know it's annoying because you do all the work for even less renown, influence and loot because you are not the leader of the attack but like mentioned before I'm just happy my buddies win easily.
  4. Resolved Impossibly high influence cost of increasing army cohesion

    Summary: Influence cost of 214748360 when increasing army cohesion
    How to Reproduce:happens rarely after leading an army for a while
    Have you used cheats and if so which:no
    Scene Name (if related):
    Media (Screenshots & Video):
    Computer Specs: Xbox One S 2016
    GPU Driver Version:
    Storage Device (HDD/SSD):

    This issue is more than a year old and was reported multiple times. Funny that it is still a problem. Usually I walk a few miles and then try again until its gone.
  5. In Progress 1.80 Armies and Parties hoarding grain

    We'll be sending a fix for this issue with the next hotfix
  6. In Progress 1.80 Armies and Parties hoarding grain

    I think (more likely hope) that they will fix this with the next update before release. I couldn't end my end game because of this and started a new one to kill time but now I'm in day 200 and it affect almost all parties.
  7. Resolved Player character is kicking mid air without pushing the button when throwing weapon(Javelin) equipped and holding right mouse to block with shield.

    Hey, can you please provide a video of this issue? You can upload it and share the link with me or send it via ticket. To send us a ticket, please visit the site and login to your forum account from the top right. Click to "My Account" and then click to "My Open Tickets". You can create a ticket there and include the file and as well as the forum link of this thread. You can find more info about how to upload files to us with the new ticketing system here. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!

    I've submitted a video via ticket. The ticket has the same name as this thread.
  8. Resolved Player character is kicking mid air without pushing the button when throwing weapon(Javelin) equipped and holding right mouse to block with shield.

    Hey, can you please provide a video of this issue? You can upload it and share the link with me or send it via ticket. To send us a ticket, please visit the site and login to your forum account from the top right. Click to "My Account" and then click to "My Open Tickets". You can create a ticket there and include the file and as well as the forum link of this thread. You can find more info about how to upload files to us with the new ticketing system here. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!

    Thanks for the fast reply. I'll try to take a Video as soon as possible and I hope this issue will occur again in a short amount of time so I can record it.
  9. Resolved Prisoners not ransoming right

    It's seems to be a bug when you sell them all at once with the "ransom your prisoners" button. You get payed for the regular troops but not the lords. Better go to the "choose the prisoners to be ransomed" window and sell them there. You will get all your money and if you sell the lords seperated one by one it will increase you roguery skill faster.
  10. Resolved Player character is kicking mid air without pushing the button when throwing weapon(Javelin) equipped and holding right mouse to block with shield.

    Summary: If I'm in battle or turnaments on foot my pc is kicking around by himself and opens his defense but only if I hold the right mouse button to use the shield. This results in many defeats I could had prevented if my pc wouldn't kicking around without command. This doesn't happens every...
  11. Resolved Got the same mace with the same name.

    I'm sorry but I don't understand the issue here. I won several weapons many times. Like the Ambassador, the Knights Fall or the Scalpel. I don't think this is a Bug, it's just the regular name of this kind of weapon and not a personal name like Excalibur.
  12. In Progress 1.80 Armies and Parties hoarding grain

    Hey, sorry for the late reply. Can anyone with a save file that we can inspect the issue send it to our way via ticket? Having the save file for a late game scenario will increase our pace. To send us a ticket, please visit the site and login to your forum account from the top right. Click to "My Account" and then click to "My Open Tickets". You can create a ticket there and include the save file and as well as the forum link of this thread. You can find more info about how to upload files to us with the new ticketing system here. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
    an older savegame which I saved again to rename it is sent. Named the ticket like this thread and added two pictures. If there are any questions, then just leave massage.
  13. In Progress Lords Overburdened because of to much grain

    There is already a discussion.

  14. In Progress 1.80 Armies and Parties hoarding grain

    [...]The quickest fix would probably be a code that prevents lords from overburdening on grain, or at all, which wouldn't interfere too much because of the new "disorganized" movement debuff which was increased in the last patch.

    Its just crazy to me how what was supposed to be a fix for starving armies, became a larger issue than the starvation itself. Even simply allowing you to trade things other that horses, denars, and prisoners with lords would seriously help.

    I tought the same but only telling the game that parties shouldn't overburden would affect the lords economy. Besides from you or fiefs they also get money from selling looted equipment and If you enter the next settlement they will sell everything but food. After a couple of fights they are full with food and have no space left for equipment. The lords need at last to be avarage wealth so they can afford it to have full parties.

    It would be better if the game tells the parties "Just have food for 25 days"(for example) and sell the rest. So the game have to calculate how many food a partie needs for his men and keep it.
    This would also reduce the food you will loot in any battle, because enemy parties will also just have food for 25 days. Of course food for 250 men would be more than food for 100 men but the main issue that everyone will loot thousands of food should bei gone.

    Trading food by barter with the parties would be expensive. If you want something from them you need to pay. Imagine paying even just 3 denar per grain and you have to buy 60.000 of them. Multiple times. Damn!
  15. In Progress 1.80 Armies and Parties hoarding grain

    I have the same problem. I have a kingdom above more than half of the map from Vladia, over Betannian and Sturgia, eliminated Southern and Western Empire and reached something about day 2800. To complete the main quest I just need to finish of the Nordern Empire with their last 4 citys and 7 castles. Then only Khuzait and Aserai will remain. But it is Impossible right now.

    I don't use mods.

    At first, to solve the issue I droped all of my food to eat the food of the other partys. At the beginning I thought this works, because the "Overburdened" drops to 0, but in the end it doesnt matter. They earning grain to fast. Like in one fight I looted 3000 grain and I make a lot of fights to finish of the empire. Every time I drop all the food but the AI keeps it all. I disband the army, because"Overburdened" has a score of -4.0 and take new partys but after one battle the whole problem starts again. Speed is reduced to 1.0.

    The starving thing was one thing the player can prevent. Every time before I build an army I bought tons of food. Like up to 2000 grain. Of course the AI armys didnt do that, so after a while they began to reduce their numbers because of starvation.

    Before, I really did not care about graphic issues or other bugs that can be evaded. I did not care about the stupid behavior of AI armys or other things. I really loved Bannerlord. Everything was fine.
    But with this problem, in my opinion, this normally fantastic game become unplayable. Just because there is nothing the player can do anymore if there is an own kingdom that dependent on the armys, which are now just a slow, never reaching their destination joke of 2000 man on the map.
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