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  1. Safety_Tree

    Ways to counter Rambo Cav?

    Go play skirmish and learn how to block. Should solve the problem
    Or learn to read and realize we’re talking about an AI issue.
  2. Safety_Tree

    Ways to counter Rambo Cav?

    As a 250-330 ping player player depending on server I pretty much have to work along side my ai to beat quality Rambos. A few good tricks are mostly to do with using the environment, setting up your men with backs to a building is good because it limits the angle the cav can attack from because of fear of hitting the wall and rearing themselves and they can't use couch effectively. There is only 1 location where your can't do this at c flag in jawali, but b and a on that map are both really good for it. f1f3 at last second in a short burst when the cav is coming in and then bring them quickly back to position ready for the next pass, as the captain stay with your men, predict the side the cav will pass on and be there to pressure them to turn to close to your men or make them give up the charge.

    Imo light pike inf suck, they are too slow at turning and always seem to be busy looking elsewhere lol heavy inf with spears is the way to go if you want to be prepared for Rambo. Also if you take light pike inf sand the Rambo decides to not pick cav your a liability for your team with your unit choice

    B at jawali there is a tight spot between a building and a tent, cram your men in there and this gives the Rambo a really hard time getting an angle, if they come in they usually hit an object or one of your spears. It's also the best place to put your non spear (2h especially) inf if your defending from Rambo for the same reason. Any horses that get caught up there are as good as dead. Look for similar crammed areas or slim choke points to further reduce the Rambos angles on other maps
    Got it, so take advantage of bottlenecks and hard walls. Thank you!
  3. Safety_Tree

    Ways to counter Rambo Cav?

    Can you link something that comes from the devs? I would really like to know what exactly is planned.
    I can imagine something like a respawn time that prevents players from treating their troops just as respawns.

    For Spear infantry I've had good experiences with circle formation(no unprotected ends) and charge command short before the connect. This messes up the attackers spacing a bit and most importantly allows npc's to surround and punish the enemy.

    For archers on the other hand circle leads to a lot of team kills. Best I've found is anti cav arrows, and fix direction to prevent unnecessary movement when the cav circles.
    Yeah, with archers my best results thus far have been to line them up in “battery” formation and spacing on a hill so they fire over each other while being tight enough to stop any AI cav, but it just straight up doesn’t stop Rambo.
  4. Safety_Tree

    Ways to counter Rambo Cav?

    From my personal experience, I've had a decent amount of success by having a heavy or medium infantry be equipped with a spear and using the Loose formation when moving from point to point.
    Yeah, it helps a little to have the armor but it the AI still don’t fight back.
  5. Safety_Tree

    Ways to counter Rambo Cav?

    1. git good
    It’s not a matter of “getting good” if the AI can’t react in time or at all. What exactly was the point of giving a needlessly spiteful “troll” response?
  6. Safety_Tree

    Ways to counter Rambo Cav?

    How does one counter this? Two separate times today alone I’ve seen solo cav wipe out entire PIKE formations without any loss, once with Vlandia, then with Khuzaits. It’s absolutely insane for this even to be a thing in the first place, and more or less equates to scoring a goal in soccer...
  7. Safety_Tree

    Bannerlord online more toxic than chernobyl

    Dunno man I wouldn't like glowing trees growing from Bannerlord servers, they're ****ty already.
    I don’t glow.
  8. Safety_Tree

    Loving the Skirmishing Unit Changes!

    Not a huge change in that it was always the worst skirmisher, but now several other skirmishers are very good.
    Especially the wildings. Holy mother of trees it feels almost as good as the SP version now.
  9. Safety_Tree

    Loving the Skirmishing Unit Changes!

    Even if nobody else turns out to agree with me, I just want to say I absolutely love the changes to throwing weapon classes! I’ve been playing them nonstop all evening and it has been an absolute blast. (Although I’m curious as to why the brigand saw so little change.) The new perks that allow...
  10. Safety_Tree

    Profanity filter …

    I’m just gonna add that I can’t say “horsemen” because it contains “semen”.

    Can’t say “among” because of “mong”.

    But at least I can say “goddamn” as much as I please, right? Because that makes sense and is consistent.
  11. Safety_Tree

    Bannerlord online more toxic than chernobyl

    Yeah, this nonsense has finally gotten to where I’m just going to have to take a vacation of sorts from Bannerlord on the whole. This game, even when I’m performing at my best and winning, frustrates me primarily due to nonstop garbage human interactions. Bought No Man’s Sky on recommendation from my younger brothers.
    Recent notable three example matches in summary:

    1. Battania v. Sturgia (Skirmish)
    First round loss, teammate ragequits and is never replaced. Enemy team proceeds to hound and camp the spawn ramps the next three rounds and taunt us as if they’re executing a Heinz Guderian-tier master plan.

    2. Khuzait v. Empire (Captain)
    All three rounds lost to 6-stack legionary rushes, In all three rounds, all enemy commanders initial characters survive with minimal losses and having eliminated the entire Khuzait force. Two Khuzait captains rage quit after flinging expletives in all directions. A third captain is kicked for AFKing two rounds in a row.

    3. Empire v. Vlandia (Captain)
    Second lowest scoring Captain proceeds to wait in spawn idly because the rest of the team didn’t “follow his orders”. Those who call him out are repeatedly teamkilled, and no time is left to kick him before the game ends abruptly with a server crash late in the third round.

    I probably won’t come back. I had a genuinely more pleasurable human experience in old school Counterstrike and LoL than I’ve had in Bannerlord. I expect many others will similarly leave MP if not the game as a whole, especially during the holiday season as some fresh meat comes in only to be essentially punished for their purchase.
  12. Safety_Tree

    Bannerlord online more toxic than chernobyl

    toxic from the beginning and only about 30 psychos remain
    And six of those psychos are me.
  13. Safety_Tree

    On Ammo Choices and Hidden Values

    What do you mean better performance? IIRC barbed arrows have a damage increase yes, just look at the stats they are almost always correct.
    I mean they absolutely destroy any and everything at all ranges, far more so than it’s anti-cavalry perk name and bonus would suggest. Even picking the unnamed “better ammo” perks still pale in comparison to barbed arrows.
  14. Safety_Tree

    On Ammo Choices and Hidden Values

    Hey there, I've noticed that, oddly enough, the choice for archers that offers barbed arrows seems to consistently give me the best overall performance, even compared to perk options that explicitly say "Grants better Ammo", whether that option be the headshot bonus or the accuracy period...
  15. Safety_Tree

    Sturgia Customization is Lacking

    Yeah not sure if we will change any defaults, but I already found a few new items for the knight so no worries. This will all wait until after the combat stuff though.
    That was fast. Admirable diligence you've got there.
  16. Safety_Tree

    Sturgia Customization is Lacking

    While I can certainly agree that their more heavy armor selections are lacking and that the ravioli bits on that Kievan helmet look suspect...

    Can we just all agree that the fur hats and gambeson look comfy?

    This post sponsored by the Sturgic-Battanian Alliance.

  17. Safety_Tree

    NA East Captain's Clan is abusing vote to kick, auto kicking everyone.
    I’m the guy in Ander’s linked OP pics, and before I had decided to take the screenshots, AIDS had already kicked me twice and matchmaker kept putting me back in with them, over and over. All four rounds, they kicked me and the other guy as soon as the troop selection screen started. Close to 30 minutes of my free time wasted.
  18. Safety_Tree

    Best use of Skirmishing Units?

    This is perhaps one of the most common reasons why an under-experienced team is losing rounds now.

    The good news is that most players use this tactic when they have archers now. But with skirmishers this is rarely practiced, alas. I think this is because the level of experience (organization) of a team capable of implementing such a tactical idea allows it to hope to win in a fight in the ratio of 5 inf and 1 skirmisher against 6 inf or in similar stacks. And less experienced or disorganized teams simply won't be able to successfully execute such a complex tactical combination due to the need to maintain a much smaller distance (compared to archers) between enemy and friendly units. And even the presence of sufficiently experienced and familiar players in the team does not guarantee success in understanding and accepting such a complex tactical idea for implementation. Although, of course, it looks very interesting and effective.
    Therefore, skirmishers should receive a buff that increases their effectiveness in the tactics you described or in any other tactics due to the functions assigned to them.
    In your opinion, what would such a buff take the form of? AI having less of a turning penalty for throwing weapons, given their need to run, turn, throw, repeat? Or a more subdued buff in the form of adjustment of AI behavior itself?
  19. Safety_Tree

    Best use of Skirmishing Units?

    Blocking is for the weak. Real men run away and throw javelins. Real men used to run away and throw rocks, back in my day.

    The "Combat State" thing has some specific animations that go with it, if you pay attention you have probably noticed them before. It engages when you ready an attack. The devs discussed it in some of the version update discussions, and if memory serves there's an additional multiplier in Captain Mode for Skirmishers for it. It basically means you can disengage from any infantry fight and nobody can immediately stop you. Some Shocks are faster than you and will catch up to you again, but you are able to juke out of the way faster than they are after a block. Unfortunately the AI cannot take advantage of this, and you will notice that one or two of them will peel off and engage pursuers, while the rest of your guys that are not "engaged" are able to keep moving.

    Skirmishers are really the opposite of Shock Infantry. Shocks can do massive bursty damage but can't take it. Skirmishers can usually take slightly more punishment than lights, but take a long time to dish out damage. You can output enough damage to kill a couple light infantry or a heavy infantry in your javelin payload per skirmisher, but it takes a long time to throw them all. In my experience, Skirmishers are most effective when you are hanging out near your allies, screening your archers from melee charges by hanging out in loose formation and pelting incoming troops. Wildlings in particular excel here with their Clubs, since what makes it to your Archers or Heavies is usually enemy Heavy Infantry.
    You are in a prime position to take advantage of any mistakes your opponents make, though. You're faster than anything except Savages, Zerks, and Cavalry. You can break off from your allies to punish positioning mistakes, but you can't usually finish any fights on your own and have to return to the main body (or get cav/archer support) if you meet any real resistance.

    A tactic I'm pretty fond of is False Retreats with skirmishers. If you have heavy allies nearby, or coming up to support you, you can engage opponents very briefly on a Charge with throwing weapons, then use the Fallback command to have your troops flee in many directions.
    If your opponent is foolish or not paying attention, they'll leave their troops on "Charge" and get spread out. If your allies are paying attention, they can smash right into the center of the stretched enemy, you set your guys to Charge as well, and you just mop up.

    In general, outputting a lot of damage to stationary heavy infantry with Skirms is hard. If you can, be on the right-hand side of an opponent's formation, as you're more likely to find a space without a shield in it. Historically, this is also how Peltasts functioned, and why modern armies line up with the highest ranking guy on the right-hand side of the formation. It is a place of pride, as they knew that's where all the javelins would be targeting and you must be a total badass to volunteer for that.

    Your job is really to punish unshielded enemies in bad spots, soften up and spread out enemies, then come in behind your allies as they tank damage.
    Thank you once again. I’ll try to implement these points.~
  20. Safety_Tree


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