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  1. Gaktan

    Xml error sniper

    It's nice and all but I find that manually editing XML files is a terrible practice anyway...
    It's pretty easy to load and edit XML files in C#, that way multiple mods could modify the same file
  2. Gaktan

    How do you unit test your mods?

    Don't listen to that guy.
    The real answer here is that you usually never need to do unit testing when creating mods, that's just overkill. Usually we do unit tests on a very low level, and this is never done at runtime, but rather at compile time (or when submitting if you have a build validation process).

    What you should do instead is secure your code with asserts and logs, that are only enabled in Debug for performance reasons.
    The reason is that in case the API changes or if you do some massive changes in your code, you should get notified if weird things happen. That's the proper way to code.
  3. Gaktan

    [Tool] TpacTool - An unofficial asset explorer [0.4.0]

    I googled the vector field and I learnt that it's a kind of particle system. This should be correct because all PVFs are in the particles package. Whatever, it's beyond my knowledge.
    Anyway, it's not a high priority task. There are only two PVFs in the game assets, and they even don't have regular names. Seems that even Taleworlds doesn't take it seriously.

    Not exactly, a vector field is like a 3D area (field) where for each point, we can indicate a direction (vector). Usually this is represented using a 3D texture, where the rgb values represent a 3D vector (not necessarily normalized). You can think of it as a 3D flow map if you are familiar with that.
    This is usually used for particles as you mentioned, to simulate wind or some kind of motion on particles on a small scale.

    Now about the procedural part, I'm really not sure what they mean by this. It could be that the vector fields can be created on the fly and can change over time, so that they don't need to store a 3D texture for that, but instead it's represented by mathematical functions.

    I didn't notice any example of them being used in the game so far (maybe on the title screen?), so yeah, probably not the highest prio for now.
  4. Gaktan

    [Tool] TpacTool - An unofficial asset explorer [0.4.0]

    You were saying in your github that you needed help with force fields. What do you need to know about that?
  5. Gaktan

    Tutorial Coding Creating a quest

    This save ID thing is not very clear for me either, I believe TaleWorlds generate theirs at compile time so we can't really see what they do from decompiling the libraries.
    Maybe a good way would be to hash the full name of your mod (com.yourcompany.yourapp)
    Or maybe the game already handles IDs per submodules so you can use any ID you want
    This is an area that still needs a lot of research
  6. Gaktan

    MBSubModuleBase research and finding : How it works

    Could you also add the other submodule events and examples from the StoryMode submodule for instance?
    Would be great to have a description of what we are supposed to do in each event and how they relate to the events of the vanilla submodules
  7. Gaktan

    Tutorial Coding Creating a quest

    Just a verry short question, as my coding knowledge is basic at best. Is there / or will there be a simple way of creating own quests? Like, I don't know, some kind of framework or guideline enabling potentialy talented writers with limited to no coding experience to create own quests.

    I believe this is fairly simple, there is relatively few lines of code to be honest. The most wordy part of this guide is the dialog flow. There might be a way to load dialog flows with XMLs, but I believe there is currently no way to do that. So even that you would have to do by yourself.
    Otherwise for the quests logic, no other way around this sadly (But then again, not that difficult, might just turn into spaghetti if not made properly)
  8. Gaktan

    Extreme body sliders

    Oh my, this is beautiful ! How do the helmets adapt to such deformations ?
    Pretty well actually! There is a tag for helmet deformation in skins.xml helmet_scaling_factor_min. Even without tweaking values, any kind of head gear adapts fairly well to the deformed heads.

    I'm currently working on a mod (not a tool) that will apply these deformations on top of skin.xml so that it keeps the original XML fine if you ever want to disable the mod, and that should also work with mods that add additional deformations.

    I could release it right now, but the loading/saving of deformation presets is not finished yet
  9. Gaktan

    Tutorial Coding Creating a quest

    Oops, sorry about that, I can't really share this on GitHub because that's just the project I use to mess around with the code, so it's very messy
    I referenced all the game's DLLs so I didn't have this issue

    I believe the bit of code you are mentioning is the check in OnGameStart right?
    I believe this check is not necessary for creating a quest, that's just to make sure you only create the quests if your gamemode is the native mode. You don't want to create the quests for other gamemodes for instance.

    If you still want this check, you will need to reference the following DLL from the StoryMode module:

    I edited the code and added a comment to make it clearer
  10. Gaktan

    Extreme body sliders

    He will look pretty much exactly like your character, I will update the screenshots if I get it working with other body types, so I can show it working with your child, parents, and brother characters
  11. Gaktan

    Extreme body sliders

    Since I believe every game that has some sort of character creation should be allowed to mess with the deformation sliders, I decided that's what I wanted to do with this game. So, I've been doing a lot of investigations regarding body sliders and how we could tweak them. From what I saw, it's...
  12. Gaktan

    Tutorial Coding Creating a quest

    Creating and registering the CampaignBehavior Before creating a quest, you need to create a new TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignBehavior Class. (Some quests use a TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignBehavior.SaveableCampaignBehaviorTypeDefiner Class as well, but not sure what this is actually...
  13. Gaktan

    Namespaces don't stop class name conflicts?

    I'm guessing that's because there is an ambiguity with both classes.
    Since you wrote `using TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade;`, you are accessing the TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade namespace.
    You could use an alias instead `using MB = TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade;` if you really need to, but usually having a different class name is much nicer
  14. Gaktan

    Simple Bank mode I have made

    You should use CampaignTime instead of DateTime, it actually matches the campaign time and you have many functions to convert time (seconds, ms, weeks, etc..), as well as elapsed time and so on
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