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  1. Rorxy

    Banned for 10years?

    When you isolate China, that's what you are thinking. In another thread, I found that you feel uneasy about the trollers. Maybe it's just that they're not targeting the Chinese? This is as strange as some whites' discrimination against blacks. These behaviors are annoying everywhere. All we need to do is just play the game and not fight over pointless, annoying behavior. This is just a game, it ain't necessarily so. Those admins' permissions should have TW supervision, too. It should have detailed rules.
    There’s proof above of someone being reported and banned for a having a profile picture of the Chinese Leader. This is censorship to the extreme and if it is happening on EU servers then it’s probably breaking a lot of laws surrounding freedom of speech and expression. It’s not racism against China it’s backlash over Chineses moderators acting like their government.
    Disclaimer those screenshots posted above I don’t know if they’re forged or not but I’m leaning towards the latter
  2. Rorxy

    Waring factions should not be able to bypass choke point castles to invade enemy territory

    A perfect example is Battania. The whole point of it is that it’s position is easily defended by a series of castles holding the few passes into the bowl shape that is Battania. In reality these castles are worthless as armies can walk straight past them and attack Battanian heart lands. A faction whose main map advantage, easily defensible due to a few heavily guarded access points, is negated because castles on choke points have no impact on invading armies at all whilst irl and common sense a castle in a strategic position would be a priority target. It would help to stop as well the bordergore that happens as armies rampage through lands looking for random settlements to besiege and give the impression that there is a greater sense of strategy behind the AI’s war plans because at the moment there is no coherent way as to which the AI rampages through enemy lines.
  3. Rorxy

    Which factions has the best type of units?

    No. Strugain veteran or shock trooper is the best.
    From my experience Vlandian sergeants can stand toe to toe with them and beat them. Probably because in my playthroughs the sharpshooters whittle them down and the Banner knights break them
  4. Rorxy

    Bannerlord was thought to be an evolution of Warband in almost all levels, but it finally wasn't.

    Another few downgrades imo
    -The whole courting system feels cheap and tacky, it feels like they played kingdom come and tried to splice it into warband. I much preferred warband where there was enough roleplay that you actually felt some kind of a connection to the character but not too much where people not in for the roleplay didn’t get bored. Now it’s go to the same person and memorise the correct sequence for just 5 or 6 skill checks.
    - The banner editor. I’m not a fan for 2 reasons, in warband if you wanted a banner from the start you could choose the noble line from memory but otherwise you got your banner from joining a kingdom. This way it felt like you had actually earned it and made a name for yourself. My other issue is that whilst you can customise your banner it’s incredibly dull and boring and I don’t like how all the vassals banners look the same. There was a thread where they showed that you can still use faction colours to better identify troops but with a much greater range of variety so you aren’t stuck with the same background and indistinguishable emblem.
    - The companions are dull. They all have the same backstory with no real variety and most of them just feel like reskins with no perks, grab a healer for your party and grab one with high leadership for a second party and that’s it.
    - No peace time events such as feasts and no dialogue options with any lords. This makes any prolonged period of peace incredibly dull and pointless except to hope that your fellow vassals actually replenish and upgrade their party and garrisons
  5. Rorxy

    Waiting for 10 years makes it feel only more hurtful.

    While the goal is to feel like an upgrade right?
    Well you’d hope so, the whole courting system is a downgrade, banners are a downgrade, companions are a downgrade and etc. Bannerlord feels like a reskinned warband with less soul and heart
  6. Rorxy

    Waiting for 10 years makes it feel only more hurtful.

    Your first 4 points summarize quite well what Bannerlord is lacking in feelings: yeah, battle might be awesome but their outcome is not.
    At this point Bannerlord is little more than just a Warband reskin... I don't have many hopes for the EA but maybe people are right and they will start adding content soon (and at least fix perks sooner)
    I agree with all of this, the only thing I’ll add is that in some areas it feels like a complete downgrade from warband
  7. Rorxy

    Why mods can fix and improve the game but devs can t?

    no idea why people with no knowledge on development ever write these thread topics.....
    Nice white knighting, numerous coders and developers have been on these forums calling out the lack of testing from TW, there was a thread started by one about lack of testing around the caravans nerf
  8. Rorxy

    SP - General Early Access = Exhausting Alpha

    These posts would be a lot better if it demonstrated that you have read the steam description page. Instead of you trying to forcefit your post into it. When the devs say that a portion of the game is incomplete, *****ing about it is just..... well, *****ing about it for the sake of *****ing about it.

    I'm happy that they don't try to balance every step along the way. I take it for what it is: an asortment of various game components of various degrees of completeness.

    A lot of things that you describe as "systems" are the result of many components interacting as is the case for sandbox simulations. All the components need to exist first, then they can be balanced. To characterize "the perk system" may be "broken" in that sense, but given the nature of sandbox games and the description in the early access statement, it is right where you should expect it to be on a high quality EA access.
    I would not say high quality. For a price that you would expect from a finished and polished triple A title you get a multiplayer that is already showing signs of failing and a single player that feels like a straight downgrade from the previous warband. I knew that it was EA and wasn’t going to be complete but even so I was surprised at just how incomplete this game is. We all get that it is EA but you can’t deny that the game has been disappointing so far. The devs are working incredibly hard from what we’ve seen but the reason why so many doubts have come up is due to the caravan nerf that skipped the beta and pretty much ruined peoples games making people angry that they’re making quality of life changes like that when there’s a lot more core mechanics that need to be solved. This is further compounded by as lack of a roadmap leaving people worried and confused about what the dev team is planning
  9. Rorxy

    Getting tired of kings hoarding fiefs without punishment.

    There are no meaningful internal politics. Look at minor factions for example, they don't even... do anything.
    Minor factions baffle me, they have no purpose and only seem to be in the early game. In the mid and late game they get destroyed so often that they become easy prey for looters. They are in my opinion a totally wasted and poorly fleshed out assest that at this stage bring nothing to the experience
  10. Rorxy

    Do devs test before deploying the changes?

    I'm not sure you've noticed yet, but around these parts you can't seem to point out things that are even remotely negative about the decisions TW has been making without a bunch of screeching fanboys yelling "ItS eArLy AcCeSs" at you.
    And this is only the forums. I'm sure you can also imagine the cesspool of **** Reddit is right now.
    This, I’ve seen it too many times when people bring up valid concerns and problems and then a hoard of recruits rush out of the woodwork to shout down players who have been involved for far longer with the cries of ‘stop being entitled’ and ‘its early access.’ This is imo a sad state of affairs as valid criticisms are being dismissed as just people being pedantic.
  11. Rorxy

    Taleworlds? Are you there?

    There's no such right that allows you to be obnoxious and insulting.
    Not in my case but for some beta players by the sound of it everything that they said 9 months ago has been straight up ignored
  12. Rorxy

    Taleworlds? Are you there?

    This tbh. Won't be surprised if it's a part of the reason we aren't getting as much communication as we'd like.
    So people who quite rightfully have a reason to complain are being ignored for voicing their opinions?
  13. Rorxy

    Taleworlds? Are you there?

    Are you meaning multiplayer alone? because the full game is nowhere near dying, its active players on Steam is incredibly high.

    Anyone expecting a multiplayer scene to flourish in a unfinished state of the game is more than a bit naive. There are going to be major issues and nobody is blaming you for not wanting to play it in its current state but If/when they actually do fix the issues, nobody is going to refuse to come back. Theres a reason absolute messes of games like No Mans Sky still get players back after making changes. If these problems exist on launch when the game is supposed to be in a fished state? Yeah then we have a problem.
    The only reason why the game is so popular right now is a) a large pool of players with nothing else to do for the best part of several months and b) a huge amount of hype surrounding the game that has been a meme “bannerlord when” sound familiar? What’s not to say that in a 4 months time when the hype has died the game will have at most half the players still actively playing?
  14. Rorxy

    Evolution is wrong,Development is right

    Emdrive,view,\.Cooling is faster if cup of water more hot.Metal moulds,alligations that physics laws can not explain,also remains of animals and humans on the highest peaks on the World.that
    Could that not be because we can do an amazing thing such as walk and mountain ranges tend to increase in height because of year 7 level of geography called plate tectonics?
  15. Rorxy

    Concerns about content in Bannerlord SP - not much to do

    I wish that each individual empire had a unique unit so that each empire has more of an identity and would make the lore more in-depth and would work, different parts of the empire would produce better units than other parts
  16. Rorxy

    Single player campaign - ( Hard Setting )!

    The conversation is not about how to cheese the game or what glitches exist in an early access game. The discussion is about how you compare the experience between the default very easy mode compared to the realistic mode. There are a 1000 whine threads already about an early access game not being complete.
    Um I think he was comparing it and not whining but sharing his personal experience.
  17. Rorxy

    Voting For Who Gets What

    It is kind of broken, playing as the Vlandians and I conquered 3 castles and a town by myself. Put the max influence on all the elections for the fiefs and Derthert or whatever just gave them to himself despite only having like 15% support. Now it is realistic but totally off putting for the player.
  18. Rorxy

    I am repulsively disappointed in MP, Taleworlds.

    The class system is so restrictive, if you die twice in a siege with a good class without gaining many points then you’re stuck with a poor class that’s hard to upgrade from. It’s the most off putting thing for me
  19. Rorxy

    Raganvads tactics in battles

    I have only noticed this on three occasions while fighting heavily outnumbered Aserai. They form a circle with their infantry and put their archers in it then try to harass my shield wall with ranged cav.

    I really haven't experienced what you're describing on a consistent level. Are you playing on easy? I would imagine that the AI would be eased on lower difficulties to allow for consistently bad tactics from enemies. From what I've seen in my campaign the tactics utilized by lords are varied and seem to be dictated by the situation.
    Nope normal difficulty and it happens incredibly often I find. Even if they form a line on top of hill which they do occasionally they still are easily baited into a frontal attack by a few archers. I like the battles but I find the large scale ones disappointing as they lack length and just general feeling. doesn’t address AI tactics and is definitely a tangent but is still a part of this I feel.
  20. Rorxy

    Raganvads tactics in battles

    What? Only looters and bandits do that. When you engage with lords they don't (always) just charge in. This is especially true when you have the numbers advantage.
    Umm not really. For me playing as the Vlandians many of my enemies often form a circle or square. As soon as they get hit by my sharpshooters they just charge over into my infantry formation. I’ve had a lot of battles of up too 1000 men where the ai just charges headlong into our formation and forms a brawl. Now this is a bit of tangent but kinda linked and that is that battles are over way too quickly.
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