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  1. My Rhodok Tribesmen are level 21

    In native, if you ctrl+x while in the troop's stat page it will indeed level them up and apply the level to any troops of that class, including that of the enemy.
  2. Why would I want to give away a Fief?

    Krald said:
    I'm planning personally to hold Dhirim and most of the surrounding villages for myself, give castles away to lords, and a couple of villages. I'm thinking Dhirim plus some villages will probably give me a good balance if income and tax efficiency right?.
    There's no harm in hoarding as many villages as you can and cap tax efficiency. Aside from tax, you get to construct important village improvements such as message posts and watch towers which are critical to intercept enemy movements.
  3. Why would I want to give away a Fief?

    iffy said:
    I don't want more than 1 feif because I have to pay for troops.
    1) You can have all the villages you want
    2) If you dont set owner for a garrisonable fief you can still garrison it and doesnt need to pay upkeep.
  4. Food contract with villagers

    Once upon a time, in an alternate universe, my other self craves for butter... Villages should have food that they regularly produce like how some cities have goods of specialty. + Villages can specialize in 1-2 kind of food (butter, pork, chicken, etc) and they will have a few of these items...
  5. Assassination and politics

    While killing off lords totally is a bad idea, an assassination attempt that gravely injure lords, prevent them (and their army) from joining campaign and deny them of next week's reinforcement and training is a nice touch. It's exactly how the player get assassinated. Assassination has 2 associated checks: Whether if it succeed, and whether they find out who sent the assassin.

    On top of that, maybe lords will give you assassin quest. Get in lord's hall in disguise, smack the guy and his 2 guards in the face, and run :grin:
  6. Cattle?

    if anything i'd say the old MB's cattle price random, not this one. The new cattle price is very well balanced. Cattle price is based on  the amount of the cattles the village own and regional average cattle price.
  7. SinglePlayer Campaign Info

    instead of Line No. it might be a better idea to provide some hint to find it, like some unique text to search for, and some .py are quite well commented. The reason is that the files change from build to build and stuff got shifted around, so the line no. might now work in future builds if you chose to stop updating the thread. However the code around the critical parts should not change as frequently, and thus it'd be accurate longer if you use them as reference instead.
  8. Alternate attack (x key) options for spears

    Oh that's easy. In anti-cav stance, you hold spear further away from your body, get "too long weapon" penalty, stacking on said penalty if you have it already. Since you are extending your spear, you naturally fare horribly against close range units. Your thrust now need to be blocked high but it is an unbalanced attack. All your other attacks remain the same, which mean you dont have any low attacks.
  9. Put an easy programming langueage for create GameModes

    I dont see how you can learn LUA but not Python.
  10. Curiosity poll: Swadian Knights or Sarranid Mamluks?

    I find merc cavs very decent in my early wars because they need no training and you dont need morale consideration. But when you have like 2-3 wars and keep getting calvary prisoners non-stop then it's better to rotate recruited horsemen prisoners then sticking to high cost low stat mercs.

    swadian knights vs mamlukes? Knights win, but they are also more expensive to obtain and maintain. A knight from recruit cost total 190 denars to upgrade and require a total of 9960 xp. A mamluke cost 150 and need 6456 xp.
  11. Experience point questions

    rank 14 persualsion is not obtainable because it's personal skill.
    Anyway here's what rank 14 persuasion would really look like
  12. faster exp cheat?

    Lv 61 need 650m exp and lv62 need 2.05b
    My comp crashed so I'm not sure what's there over the horizon...
  13. About Companions and my troops.

    Companions never die, given enough time they can whittle down a castle on their own. Companions are also useful in being second-in-commands because they can contribute with party skills. When you have a kingdom of your own, they are exellent errand boys to other kingdoms or to gather your vassals for campaign.
  14. faster exp cheat?

    tyrannicide said:
    Rephikul said:
    "Ctrl+x 100 times per second until scroll lock is turned off"

    Int overflow much? :smile:

    Though I wonder how Python handles that.
    Interesting note. I've looked at it and if what i read is correct, python ints can hold up to 2,147,483,647 before overflowing. Since I have nerfed it to 20 clicks/secs; that's about 30h running with 100% efficiency for my little script to overflow it. But then TW probably has made a level cap somewhere already. Guess I'd try to find out.
  15. Which cheat do you use most often?

    I use the export edit import "cheat" so i can start the game with 0 in all str and agi skills, and invest heavily in cha
  16. problems...

    scroll up to cycle through your weapons. Scroll down to cycle through your shields. Bows, crossbows, 2handed weapons and some polearms cannot be equipped with a shield.
  17. Enemy troops DO prioritize the Player

    zimbabwe said:
    Rephikul said:
    Archonsod said:
    The AI will select the closest target and move to attack. It won't re-target unless it is attacked or a higher threat opponent comes within attack range. Since you spawn alone at the start, it means the enemy will target you - it'll be a problem for ranged troops solely because they're unlikely to come within range of your own infantry to be forced to retarget.
    Will all due respect, dont repeat what I have already said.... just kidding, thanks for confirming both what i wrote and that most people dont read before posting  :mrgreen:

    And here you are repeating my point without reading my previous post (yet somehow nearly word for word), and being a jerk about it to boot. Thanks for playing.
    Your point is noted  :mrgreen:
  18. Fleeing troops should drop weapons and shields

    Tsukana said:
    But they don't, really, and what they do add is "meh".
    I smell contradiction.
  19. How the hell do I get vassals?

    Lord hunting is the best method not to get out numbered. King,marshals, lords with high amount of fiefs are the lords with large army caps. Aim to spank them often, or put them in prison. After they get defeated in besieging your fief, dont hesitate to sally off and hit as many running lords as you can to discourage further attacks.

    Once you are fine with the starting war, you'd want to try to strike them back and recruit lords. RtR is rare to come by, so most likely you'd rely on personal relationship (release them in battles help) and starve them of fiefs. If you want a lord, hit his fiefs and he'd be likely to join you if he got none.
  20. faster exp cheat?

    Schemer said:
    Rephikul said:
    buy a G15 from logitech, make a "Ctrl+x 100 times per second until scroll lock is turned off" script, activate it and go to bed.
    I have a G15 keyboard from Logitech. Might I inquire about what I'd precisely have to do to do this?
    Menu -> Edit -> Script Editor
    Copy paste these stuff into it:
      Ctrl+X spam script, made by Rephikul

      This script will press Ctrl+X 20 times per second until scroll lock is turned
      off. Do note that script processing is a keyboard blocking mechanism, and
      MB also routinely run similar features. This means sometimes it doesnt
      recognize that scroll lock has been turned off. When that happen, press
      scroll lock a few times in quick sucession until it work.
      Disclaimer: This script is provided as is and I do not take responsibility
      for any harm it might cause to your computer.

    function OnEvent(event, arg)
      if(IsKeyLockOn("scrolllock")) then
        while(IsKeyLockOn("scrolllock")) do

    Now your script should be ready, save and bind it to one of your G key by choosing "Assign Script" in the context menu. When you want to use it, first activate scroll lock then press the appropriate G key. when you want to turn it off, deactivate scroll lock. Sometimes it might jitter up and doesnt recognize scroll lock deactivation because of keyboard blocking mechanisms from both the script and MB itself. Just spam scroll lock a few times in those cases. On a side note, i realized that MB cannot process 100 key presses per second anyway, more like in teen, so i toned it down to 20 presses/s.
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