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  1. Patch Notes e1.1.2 & Beta Hotfix

    Is it possible for players to have a save on their character's appearance? Since i start a new game so frequently, I personally need this function.

    On the character editor, hit Ctrl+C which will copy a code. Open up any text editor (even Notepad will do) and paste the code, and save it. Then when you make a new character, copy that entire code and ONLY the code, go into the character editor and hit Ctrl + V.

    Same thing works in the Banner editor.
  2. Spear Static Damage WIP

    A looter wearing rags running stomach first onto a sharp spearpoint isn't going to require the spear holder to have a lot of stability... the simple physics of it will mean a spearheard in the gut.
    For sure. My post was talking about taking a charge from a horse - in and out of armor - not an unarmored peasant/looter. I said that an unstable one would still do damage to an unarmored horse so it follows that an unarmored peasant would also get hurt by it.
  3. SP Native BattleStamina - A Total War-inspired battle mechanics mod

    Really happy to see this, I'll check it out.

    I posted about something similar a few weeks ago so if you want to pull any ideas from it, feel free!
  4. Spear Static Damage WIP

    Well... if I'm firmly holding a spear and have it lowered, and you charge into it at speed (even on foot), you're going to be a lot more than "annoyed" at the result.

    Holding and bracing and balancing a 10-20 foot spear while moving sideways or backwards in particular, it's not going to be stable, doesn't matter if you're a powerlifter or a malnourished peasant. There's a reason why in combat sports, knockouts when moving backwards are seen as such a high end skill, because it's really difficult to generate power and strength while moving on the back foot. Hence why I think it should do max damage when stationary and considerably less when moving, to account for the huge loss in stability. It'd likely still be enough for unarmored horses but it certainly shouldn't do much against an armored war horse. I doubt we'll see Taleworlds put in AI that makes horses stop on their own.

    That being said, I know in Warband there was a mod where you could root a shield into the ground so that you could reload crossbows from behind cover. Perhaps we'll get a mod in Bannerlord where you can brace your spear into the ground.

    Other things to consider are that these long weapons should often break under the impact of a 1000+ lb horse. And the person holding it should often get knocked down by the impact as well.
  5. Spear Static Damage WIP

    Great work!

    I'm not sure if it's possible but it seems like something that should have full damage when stationary and low damage (but annoyance) when moving, since you can't really brace yourself.
  6. (Vote included) New update and the caravan remains 30. And it was claimed it get supported

    @mexxico, here are my thoughts.

    1. It is generally a GOOD change that caravans are now seen as a higher priority target, and thus are a bigger risk. There may need to be some slight tweaking on exactly how much of a target they are seen as, since there are some weird instances where half the kingdom chases them down. But the added risk is a good change.
    2. It seems strange that we have to use a Companion to do it, when there are so many caravans and traders out there. Would it be possible to instead hire caravans and be given the following options? Obviously a lot of people play the game to be a warlord but part of the sandbox experience is being able to carve out an existence in a lot of different ways, so not being limited by your Companion count if you are being a pure goods trader would be key.
      1. When creating the caravan:
        1. What town would you like the caravan to focus on? (This means that you could be in Imperial lands, create a caravan and instruct them to work their way towards Sturgian lands, and operate mostly in that area, rather than having to go all the way there just to start it.)
        2. How many caravan guards do you want to keep? (Options of 20, 30, 40, 50)
          1. This would change both the Up Front costs and the Wages
          2. Higher troops leads to more security but also slightly slower travel speed
        3. Do you want to send a Companion to lead the caravan?
          1. Sending a Companion would give additional profits based on their trade skill
      2. When encountering the caravan in the field, be able to talk to them and change any of the above options, including taking the Companion back, or disbanding the caravan.
    3. Thanks for all your hard work!
  7. Settlement Modding - Research and Development

    Unfortunately what you are describing is implementing a whole new mechanic (population) into the game, which would require some serious black magic without modding tools. However something similar was done in Prophesy of Pendor mod were recruit culture was tied to the owner's culture, which may be more plausible to have the settlement reflect the current lord's(Clan?) culture?
            private static void UpdateVolunteersOfNotables(bool initialRunning = false)
                foreach (Settlement settlement in Campaign.Current.Settlements)
                    if ((settlement.IsTown && !settlement.Town.IsRebeling) || (settlement.IsVillage && !settlement.Village.Bound.Town.IsRebeling))
                        foreach (Hero hero in settlement.Notables)
                            if (hero.CanHaveRecruits)
                                bool flag = false;
                                CultureObject cultureObject = (hero.CurrentSettlement != null) ? hero.CurrentSettlement.Culture : hero.Clan.Culture;
                                CharacterObject basicTroop = cultureObject.BasicTroop;
                                double num = (hero.IsRuralNotable && hero.Power >= 200) ? 1.5 : 0.5;
                                float num2 = 200f;
                                for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    Above is the chunk of code basing notable culture to current settlement culture, might be easier to change the code to reflect current owner's culture. Although not as in depth as what you are describing but would create the same end result, making conquered settlements make recruits based off of current owner's culture.

    There is this mod ( that "automatically changes settlement culture to the owning kingdoms' culture. Culture is recalculated each time you load a save, on settlement capture, and on clan changing kingdoms." So the PoP (<3) style is certainly available which is nice, I'll probably use it for the time being.

    Just out of curiosity, if the "Population" that I described was simply a number in the background, and not something that had to be displayed as part of the UI, would it still not be able to work? I started looking into C# last night just so I could get decent sense of what I was reading when looking at some of the mods out there. So obviously my understanding is a glass of water in the ocean!

    I'm not sure if this would make sense and I certainly don't have the ability to put it into action, but my general idea based on the TaleWorlds.CampaignSysytem.SandBox.CampaignBehaviours.RecruitCampaignBehaviour and the UpdateVolunteersOfNotables method would be:

    • Utilize the core of the mod linked above to automatically change the currentCulture of each settlement to the Owner's Culture, upon Loading Save, Settlement Capture, or Clan Changing Kingdoms

    • Method "SetCultures" that runs at the very beginning of the campaign and never again
      • Foreach Settlement (Town or Village)
        • string baseCulture = Owner's Culture
        • Create List of all Cultures containing
          • string CultureName = Culture
          • int Population = 0
        • Foreach Culture
          • if Culture = baseCulture
            • Population += 10000
    • Method "UpdateCulturePopulation" that runs every day to update the Population numbers within the list that created
      • Foreach Settlement (Town or Village)
        • Foreach Culture
          • if Culture = currentCulture
            • if Culture = baseCulture
              • Population += 20
                • if Population > 10000
                  • Population = 10000
            • else
              • Population += 15
                • if Population > 10000
                  • Population = 10000
          • else
            • if Culture = baseCulture
              • Population -= 5
              • if Population < 500
                • Population = 500
            • else
              • Population -= 10
              • if Population < 250
                • Population = 250
    • In the UpdateVolunteersOfNotable method
      • Change this: CultureObject cultureObject = (hero.CurrentSettlement != null) ? hero.CurrentSettlement.Culture : hero.Clan.Culture;
      • To: a "Weighted Random" selection that adds the Populations from the list of cultures, returning one of the cultures that has a non-zero Population. I'm not sure exactly how this works but it seems like this would be the right path.
    That would, as far as I can tell, change the cultureObject of each Notable each time recruits get updated, so it would allow different Notables within the same Settlement to have different cultureObject, which would then change what becomes available from cultureObject.BasicTroop or cultureObject.EliteBasicTroop.

    I tried to throw this together in VS just as a test for myself. Obviously when applying it to the actual game the list would need to use each of the Cultures from the campaign rather than manually entering them.

     class Culture
            public string CultureName { get; set; }
            public int Population { get; set; }
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                // Instead of writing new Culture() lines manually these would be created foreach Culture and get assigned a starting Population of 0
                List<Culture> listOfCultures = new List<Culture>()
                    new Culture() { CultureName = "Aserai", Population = 8000},
                    new Culture() { CultureName = "Battania", Population = 4000},
                    new Culture() { CultureName = "Vlandia", Population = 500},
                // Just a test to verify that the Population count can be changed
                // Instead of altering the Population of [1] (Battania) this would look at each Culture and increase/decrease as necessary
                listOfCultures[1].Population += 15;
                for (int i = 0; i < listOfCultures.Count; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine(listOfCultures[i].CultureName + " has a population of " + listOfCultures[i].Population + ".");
                // Summing all of the Population amounts to totalPopulation which will serve as the max value when using the Weighted Random
                int totalPopulation = listOfCultures.Sum(Culture => Culture.Population);
  8. Tutorial Coding Creating a quest

    Great guide, and what a compelling story quest! :grin:
  9. Settlement Modding - Research and Development

    Done! Was able to successfully add multiple branches of which you can recruit from notables in town, below is what I've done.

    So I don't have any modding experience so I'm not sure if this is possible, but that post gives me optimism. Basically I'm envisioning a mod that changes settlements from going "All In" on one culture's recruits, to one that is homogeneous based on the cultures that have ruled it, and how long they ruled it for. So a Battanian village that gets conquered by Vlandia would initially keep giving Battanian recruits, but over time, it would pull from a mix of Battanian and Vlandian recruits, with the latter increasing the longer Vlandia rules the fief. It would take a long time for the original culture to completely die out, or perhaps it never would completely die out but diminish greatly.

    Again, no coding/modding experience but I imagine it working like this based on my extremely rudimentary perception of how these things work?

    • BaseCulture = the original culture of a Settlement, defined as soon as the game starts by looking at the owner of each Settlement
      • example: a Village owned by Battania would have a BaseCulture = Battania
      • This would never change regardless of the status of the Culture as a whole
    • ForeignCulture = any culture other than the BaseCulture
    • CurrentCulture = the Culture of the Current owner of each Settlement

    • CulturePopulation = number from 0 - 10000, that determines how relevant a certain culture is within a settlement, and therefore the likelihood of a recruit being from that culture
      • At start of game, set the following values for each settlement:
        • CulturePopulation for the BaseCulture: 10000
        • CulturePopulation for every ForeignCulture: 0
      • Every Day, make the following changes to every Settlement's CulturePopulation
        • Increase CulturePopulation of the CurrentCulture
          • If CurrentCulture = BaseCulture, Increase CurrentPopulation of CurrentCulture by 20, to a max of 10000
          • If CurrentCulture = ForeignCulture, Increase CurrentPopulation of CurrentCulture by 15, to a max of 10000
        • Decrease CulturePopulation of all Cultures other than CurrentCulture
          • If Culture = BaseCulture, Decrease CurrentPopulation of Culture by 5, to a minimum of "500"
          • If Culture = ForeignCulture, Decrease CurrentPopulation of Culture by 10, to a minimum of "250"

    • GetDailyVolunteerProductionProbability
      • For each individual Recruit, randomize Culture by pulling a Probability of each Culture's CurrentPopulation
        • Example: A Battanian Village that was first conquered by [Vlandia for 300 days], then taken over by [[Aserai for 100 days]], then reclaimed by [[[Battania for 30 days]]]
          • CurrentPopulation of Battania = 8600
            • 10000 + [-5 * 300] + [[-5 * 100]] + [[[20 * 30]]] = 8600
          • CurrentPopulation of Vlandia = 3200
            • 0 + [15 * 300] + [[-10 * 100]] + [[[-10 * 30]]] = 3200
          • CurrentPopulation of Aserai = 1200
            • 0 + [0] + [[15 * 100]] + [[[-10 * 30]]] = 1200
          • CurrentPopulation of Khuzait = 0
          • CurrentPopulation of Empire = 0
          • CurrentPopulation of Sturgia = 0
        • TotalPopulation = Sum of each Culture's CurrentPopulation
        • VolunteerCulture = Random number (min = 1, max = TotalPopulation) where each Culture is assigned to a range (ie. Battania would be (1, through CurrentPopulation.Battania), Vlandia would be (CurrentPopulation.Battania + 1, through CurrentPopulation.Battania + CurrentPopulation.Vlandia), and so on...
          • I don't know how Randoms or Probability work in code so there may be a more elegant solution
      • Based on the Culture of the Recruit, you'd then apply the other aspects like Elite, Bandit, etc.
    Just kind of spitballing and seeing if any of this would be possible. I think having diverse recruits based on the history of the specific campaign would add a ton of depth.
  10. [Video]: Demo of 1v1 AI problems

    Pretty much every troop is trash in 1v1 battle now. The only difference is how many hits it takes to kill them. They take forever to wind up attacks and will run right into your swings. On hardest difficulty I've still won 90% of the tournaments add so far with a 2 Vigor character that has less than 25 in all melee skills. The only time I lost was getting blindsided by a Lance.

    That being said I don't want to go back to the Spear and Shield battles that took forever.
  11. SP - General Endurance Reworked

    I like the ideas, I just uploaded this recently which I hope is the start of something bigger. Updating will be slow as I learn the framework but if I can use some ideas and do them I will try... see my planned features on this page, I'm Tired - Nexus Mods

    I'll keep an eye out on your mod!
  12. SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Allow throwing knifes in "civilian" outfit.

    Agree with this. Daggers and Throwing Knives should both be available for Civilian clothes as that is pretty much the only time when they would be worthwhile, otherwise they are both severely outclassed by other options.

    Additionally there are some 2h and 1h/2h hybrid swords that are available for Civilian use, that don't really make sense. I believe some of the swords I've won in Tournaments have been available.

    It seems logical to just say "any melee weapons with less than 70 length" are available, or some value similar to that.
  13. SP - Battles & Sieges Perk which allows manually deploy troops is not working

    It would be nice if TW would at least put out a post indicating which Perks have not been coded into the game yet, so that people in Early Access don't use them.
  14. 1.0.6 gives XP for tournaments and...practice matches?

    Training for sports is obviously important but nobody can do so infinitely while time stands still. Quests and wars shouldn't be on hold while you train. I think a good happy medium would be a checkbox enabling either 10% damage (100 damage in arena = 10 damage to your actual character) or making practice fights have a small amount of time elapse between fights. Maybe a city runs a fight every hour during the daytime. Regarding the equivalency of killing looters, you still consume food, pay troops, risk getting captured, and run the timer down on any existing quests while you do so. I don't think people want to stop anyone from practicing, it's about turning a completely free resource into one that has at least some opportunity cost just like everything else in the game.

    The idea that it has to stay exactly the same as Warband is silly. Warband is amazing but it's not a perfect game. And saying "why didn't you bring this up during Warband?" is also misguided - this is a brand new game still in development that we are playtesting. There are plenty of changes I'd have loved TaleWorlds to make in the 12 years I've been playing this series that had to be addressed by the nodding community. We have the opportunity to put ideas together while TW is still making the game so why not at least present the ideas as a toggle option so the game can be as good as it can be?

    Ideal case for me: Choose arena loadout, have a generous but limited amount of fights per day*, reduce arena XP rate, reduce prize money to 100. Make the fight limit a toggle option.
  15. 1.0.6 gives XP for tournaments and...practice matches?

    I agree! They could balance it by adding stamina just like smithing. Can only do so much per day and then you need to rest.

    I actually posted about this a few days ago but didn't get any traction. Probably my fault for posting late on a Friday.

    Overall I definitely feel like with the game as is, Arena XP needs to go way down and also involve a passage of time and/or some residual damage to your real HP. I know the arena is using wooden weapons (once they add them to the game) but still, fighting and getting KO'd 50 times while time stands still, while also racking up 20 wins for 250 gold a piece is way too strong. I don't like the comparison to fighting Looters because when you do that, you still have to travel, meaning you consume food, you risk getting attacked by a stronger force, and you lose time on potential quests. The arena doesn't have any of that.
  16. SP - General Endurance Reworked

    Endurance Reworked TaleWorlds introduced Smithing and with it, a Stamina bar that is specific to just one function. This feature sticks out, since a character can freely take 500 consecutive beatings in the practice arena but is limited in crafting. The Endurance Reworked system would bring...
  17. No way to level up a Companions Stats

    Think you misunderstand.

    They do increase *if* they can increase. So on character screen, there's attribute points and focus points - whereby attribute points are invested into the overall lines (e.g. Intelligence, social, endurance) and the focus points affect the learning rate for (under intelligence) Steward, Medicine, Engineering.

    So if they have ZERO attribute points in an attribute, at the rate their XP gains in order to get an attribute point it (essentially) never happens. My game ended due to the blobbing of the Empire, and in the entire duration to that point not a single of my 6 associates gained an attribute point.

    I am not aware we can preview the potential companions attributes before hiring them though, maybe this could have been avoided. However, even having (is it willlowsomething as medic?) she has no skill points to Steward despite starting with 40 or 60 Medicine. So trying to get her to level up steward (as she already had intelligence attribute points assigned, so just a case of needing focus points accumulating and investing) as well got her to about 18... and then no more no matter what happened. Why? Because there's no focus points to invest in stewardship in order to get her to learn past the imposed cap.

    So the skill points increase the rate, but there's a cap limit on where you can go. No other companion had a single attribute point allocated to intelligence, so she seemed the best option to additionally level up. Just getting focus points for companion was equally impossible as attribute points.

    Hopefully that clears it up? Basically, unless you find specific companions with specific attributes assigned and specific skill points assigned, you're screwed in being able to train one to perform as a role.

    So why have roles and be assignable? The intent is good/fine, but the current balance is decidedly undermining it. I'm sure it's a bug as the grind otherwise is basically utterly insane to achieve it.

    When you talk to a potential companion, reject them and then search the Encyclopedia (n key) for their name. It tells you their best abilities so you can at least have an idea of what they're like before hiring them.
  18. SP - General Campaign: XP in Arena/Tournament

    I disagree with limiting practice fights. In warband, they were absolutely NOT a source of infinite XP, you gained skills very slowly and it's even harder to level up skills in this game. Besides, going up against 20+ people, most of the time you will get knocked out, so if you lose 1/3 health everytime you can only fight 3 times and then have to rest for like 2 days. Practice fights are not a great source of leveling and they shouldn't be limited.

    Perhaps lower the residual damage. But it seems strange being able to get knocked out 50 times, raking in 250 denars for every win, with no consequence of time, quest expiration, money, food, or damage - and then go join a real battle at full health against some raiders who sat frozen in the same spot for hours or days while you froze time. Even if you flawlessly won every fight unscathed you would be exhausted.

    They don't want you smithing infinitely so it seems consistent to also limit how many hours can be spent in physical training. I take issue with how long leveling takes but they should fix that XP scaling so it is less tedious. Perhaps instead of having a unique Smithing stamina, training would also lower it.
  19. SP - General Campaign: XP in Arena/Tournament

    They should do all of the following, to allow leveling via practice fights without it becoming a free resource to be farmed infinitely:
    • Grant XP
    • Allow you to choose your weaponry
    • Cause 1/3 damage to your real HP (ie. taking 60 points of practice damage would cause 20 points of real damage afterwards). So if you're getting demolished over and over eventually you'll need to rest and recover.
    • Time elapses during/between fights, or have a limit to how many practice fights take place per day.
  20. Companion Origins switched.

    I'm also running into this issue. And like OP, I had to download the hotfix file in order to fix the Demon army crash.

    I encounter this issue both when having conversations with potential companions in taverns, and also when talking to ones who are already in my party.

    My install is simply a full .74 download, followed by the hotfix file.
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