Recent content by Vargur

  1. Loading trouble.

    That's a really old bug if I remember correctly; try deleting \Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Configs
    Deleting the config folder worked. Thank you.
  2. Loading trouble.

    These last few days I have tried to play Bannerlord after a long break. I have updated the game to the latest patch, but when I come to the menu my only options are Options, Credits, and Quit Game. The Play Game option has disappeared. I have tried starting the game both through Steam and the...
  3. SP Fantasy (Game of Thrones) A Clash of Kings (7.0 released 13th of May, 2019)

    I last played this mod at 0.9, but downloaded 1.2 a few days ago. The improvements are tremendous, and the enjoyment factor has returned to a all-time peak. A most impressive piece of work. What I perhaps like the most is the taverns which is crammed with people and looks like more than a shop for companions, slavers and minstrels.
  4. BRYTENWALDA 1.41 release!!!

    Idibil said:
    If I remember well, you need overwritte brf file and textures only.
    Ok, will give that a shot. Thanks :smile:
  5. BRYTENWALDA 1.41 release!!!

    And here I thought you guys were done with this mod. Outstanding work!

    Quick question: I just spotted the alternative download for women's faces, but notice it is for an older patch. Will I be able to install that one?
  6. SP Fantasy (Game of Thrones) A Clash of Kings (7.0 released 13th of May, 2019)

    Eth17 said:
    Castun said:
    Castun said:
    First time trying this mod, so maybe silly question, but how do you go about sailing?  I've seen previous mention of needing to use the lighthouses along the coast, but it seems in the latest version of this they don't exist anymore?

    Figured it out.  Guess you have to just click on a spot on the opposite coast and let it start to move you to a valid embarking point (which seems to still be where the old lighthouse buildings were.)  As pointed out, it's definitely a little buggy.  If you start to move yourself around after you're on the water, sometimes clicking on land again won't move you to the coast at all, seems like it works if you click directly onto a city or town.

    Also ran into another bug where I had to lead cattle to a city across the Narrow Sea, stupid cattle don't get turned into ships and therefore just walk across the water at their really slow speed.  But then I got across near the other coast and the cattle seemed to have gotten stuck on an invisible wall, they couldn't follow me any further even though they were clearly trying to.  Ended up abandoning them and losing the quest, and then having to pay back that debt.

    Is it normal that the map is upside down, where north is south and south is north?  Sorry, just so many pages to read through.

    Any chance that could be fixed any time soon? It's really annoying because those are the quests i get most often, and it takes forever to transport the cattle across the sea, especially cause they seem to die much more often than caravans if you just go on to the destination without them and then wait for them to catch up.
    I must admit I dislike the cattle quests in Vanilla also, so I don't do them in any mod. Just too much hassle, IMO. If herding cattle had been similar to guarding caravans I would have done them, but trying to guide cattle along the path you want to take is a true pain.
  7. SP Fantasy (Game of Thrones) A Clash of Kings (7.0 released 13th of May, 2019)

    BigRob521 said:
    Where are the book merchants in this mod? Sorry for the noob questions, I tried searching for it in the topic and I just got a bunch of stuff about the GC in this game.

    I believe the septons are the booksellers, so look for them.
  8. Losing stats?

    Dan11311 said:
    I think that you lose stats because you were poisoned by the berries. Same with the mushrooms. Most stat losses disappear after about 30 days.

    Yeah, my STR and AGI dropped after being poisoned, but they haven't returned after the last time I tasted them and that is approx. 200 days ago. These days I just bypass everything because the cost outweighs the benefits by too much.
  9. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord Old Discussion Thread

    Has there been given any indication on a release date yet? I realize that a fixed date is impossible to give, but some indication would be nice, even if it should be presented as 4th quarter, 2014. :smile:
  10. Losing stats?

    Without doubt among the top mods out here.

    Just one question: When I eat the berries I seem to lose stats permanently. Is this as intended or a bug?
    I have continued for 100+ days since eating the berries, but no return, so it seems permanent.
  11. SP Fantasy (Game of Thrones) A Clash of Kings (7.0 released 13th of May, 2019)

    An excellent mod that I have played for far too many hours these past few weeks.

    I did come across a bug in a prison in The Iron Isles a few days ago, but don't recall which one.
    My main concern at the moment is that as a vassal of The North, the fighting there is limited to Flint's Finger. Both The North and The Iron Isles take that piece of real estate, but little else happens. Every so often some lords raid inland, but neither faction seems able to gain an advantage.

    One thing I did enjoy was that fighting was much more lethal than in Native. Where I earlier could just charge ahead, here my horse gets cut down beneath me and I get swarmed and cut down quickly unless I am more cautious. Love the fact that my troops fight on without me.

    Edit: One problem I encountered is that Moat Caillin which in the books are described as a choke point which is almost impossible to take from the south is actually very easily passed by in-game. I don't have a good suggestion for how this can be implemented, but I hope someone can come up with a good idea.

    Nothing but respect for the team who did this because it is an epic mod, and I hope I don't come across as disrespectful for these observations.
  12. NEW version 3.2 OPEN BETA available

    Captured Joe said:
    ...which reminds me, do these guys have unique facecodes alreadu? If not, I really should take a look at these. maybe.

    Not sure, to be honest. Major Robert Rogers has a green uniform, but other than that most officers look pretty much the same. The ladies might also benefit from an overhaul since they retain their Native appearance. Things that would improve, but not vital if you are busy with other projects. :smile:
  13. NEW version 3.2 OPEN BETA available

    Thanks for the kind welcome, and I'll be sure to take my time enjoying every aspect of the mods.

    Another aspect I loved was the sheer amount of historical personalities included in the mod. It was such fun to run into Daniel Boone, George Washington, Robert Rogers, Edward Braddock, John Bradstreet, and all the other famous people of the conflict. I m certain to meet many more as I get deeper into the mods. :smile:
  14. NEW version 3.2 OPEN BETA available

    The Last of the Mohicans remains one of my favorite movies of all time, and getting the opportunity to immerse myself in theat time and place is just fantastic.
    As others has mentioned is the atmosphere in 1755 just awesome. The music, setting and feeling that arouses from just playing is hard to describe. Superlatives just don't cut it.
    I got 1776 DLd and will get to that soon. I will play 1860 down the line when I find the time and the ability to take a break from 1755 (might even cut 1776 a bit short  :wink: ).

    As I mentioned am I a bit of a 1755 enthusiast, and the fight scenes in 1755 immerses me in the fights to a scary degree. Too often I find myself opening the battles by looking to my companions to see which way the enemy is attacking from because I cannot see them, and it is too much fun to describe with words.

    Once again, thank you for bringing to life a mod that is tailor made for me :smile:
  15. NEW version 3.2 OPEN BETA available

    Thanks for the reply Dellivis!

    Oh, I am so much more than just enjoying this mod. :smile: I am very fascinated with the French and Indian War ( or Seven Year's War as known in Europe), and was actually discussing with friends how awesome an MMO set during this time period would be (as a Dark Age of camelot veteran, I am partial to three-faction warfare, and FIW would fit perfectly), and this is as close as I probably will get (and using the M&B game design makes it all the more better). I will also check out 1776 (already has it downloaded) as soon as I have the time and can get away from 1755. :smile:

    Huge thank you to Gabs and everyone that made this mod. I guess this will ruin most of my weekends this summer, and I love you for it!
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