Recent content by Skuthai

  1. Skuthai

    Forcing lords to recruit kingdom culture troops (Diplomacy 4.2)

    Thanks, it seems to be working for both the lords and garrisons. Here is how i did it:

    Just put "#" infront of the red lines and it should look like this:
    (store_script_param_1, ":party_no"),

    (store_faction_of_party, ":party_faction", ":party_no"),
    ##diplomacy start+ The party faction may be changed for culture, but we still need the original
    (assign, ":real_party_faction", ":party_faction"),
    ##diplomacy end+
    (party_get_slot, ":party_type",":party_no", slot_party_type),

    #Rebellion changes begin:
    ##(eq, ":party_type", spt_kingdom_hero_party),
    ##(party_stack_get_troop_id, ":leader", ":party_no"),
    ##(troop_get_slot, ":party_faction", ":leader", slot_troop_original_faction),
    ##diplomacy start+ Use player culture for companions and spouse (and any hypothetical non-hero mercenaries)
    ##(eq, ":party_faction", "fac_player_supporters_faction"),
    ##(is_between, "$g_player_culture", npc_kingdoms_begin, npc_kingdoms_end),
    ##(this_or_next|is_between, ":leader", companions_begin, companions_end),
    ##(this_or_next|troop_slot_eq, "trp_player", slot_troop_spouse, ":leader"),
    ## (neg|is_between, ":leader", heroes_begin, heroes_end),
    ##(assign, ":party_faction", "$g_player_culture"),
    ##diplomacy end+
    #Rebellion changes end

    (eq, ":party_faction", "fac_player_supporters_faction"),
    (party_get_slot, ":town_lord", ":party_no", slot_town_lord),
    ##diplomacy begin
    (is_between, "$g_player_culture", npc_kingdoms_begin, npc_kingdoms_end),
    (assign, ":party_faction", "$g_player_culture"),

    ##(try_begin), #debug
    ##(eq, "$cheat_mode", 1),
    ##(str_store_party_name, s11, ":party_no"),
    ##(display_message, "@pt in {s11}"),

    ##diplomacy end
    ##(gt, ":town_lord", 0),
    ## (troop_get_slot, ":party_faction", ":town_lord", slot_troop_original_faction),
    ##(party_get_slot, ":party_faction", ":party_no", slot_center_original_faction),

    ##diplomacy start+ Player culture cleanup (do this once here, instead of separately for each type)
    (gt, ":real_party_faction", "fac_commoners"),
    (this_or_next|eq, ":real_party_faction", "fac_player_faction"),
    (this_or_next|eq, ":real_party_faction", "fac_player_supporters_faction"),
    (eq, ":real_party_faction", "$players_kingdom"),
    (neg|is_between, ":party_faction", npc_kingdoms_begin, npc_kingdoms_end),
    (is_between, "$g_player_culture", npc_kingdoms_begin, npc_kingdoms_end),
    (assign, ":party_faction", "$g_player_culture"),
    ##diplomacy end+
  2. Skuthai

    Forcing lords to recruit kingdom culture troops (Diplomacy 4.2)

    In diplomacy there is a script for choosing a kindom culture to make your lords recruit same type of troops (ie all nord or all khergit etc.). However script does not work. After choosing my kingdom culture as vaegir, only the city guards changed to vaegir troops. Lords continued to recruit...
  3. Skuthai

    Beta Patch Notes e1.5.4

    • Players can use ALT + LMB to escort a party.

    I've been waiting for this since warband.
  4. Skuthai

    Şu an ne dinliyorsunuz? (M&B (sessiz) radyo :)

  5. Skuthai

    Mount and now seperate.

    Problem is not with the hitboxes, combat just works differently from warband. While using sword and lances, think like there is an invisible crosshair on the screen and try to target enemy troops while the swing/thrust animation playing.
  6. Skuthai

    Enterprise cost and daily profit

    So what's the point of this thread?

    Enterprises are quiet inbalanced right know. I just wanted to point that out.
  7. Skuthai

    Enterprise cost and daily profit

    So i opened an oil press for nearly 14k denars in Jaculan for a daily profit of 35 denars. 35 denars?! Now i need to wait for 14000/35=400 days to actually start making money. Enterprise cost or daily profit needs to changed asap.
  8. Skuthai

    Khuzaits overpowered?

    It is exactly opposite in my campaign. Northern Empire took Makeb and a few castles in one month.
  9. Skuthai

    With Fire & Sword: Questions and Answers

    Does anyone have module sys for F&S 1.143? can you guys upload it? all are dead link.
    This one is working:
  10. Skuthai

    Türkçe yama (Öneri)

    Ayrıca burada ki oyunları geliştirenler çok mu mantıksız iş yapıyor

    Yazdığımı düzgün okumamışsın. Erken erişime mantıksız demedim, "ee"de olduğu için sürekli güncellenecek bir oyuna yama yapmak mantıksız dedim. Ayrıca Türkçe dil desteği olacağını zaten yıllar önce söylediler. Çeviri işi, bir oyun geliştirilirken en sonda yapılacak iş. O yüzden oyunun yalnız İngilizce çıkması gayet anlaşılabilir bir durum.
  11. Skuthai

    Türkçe yama (Öneri)

    Erken erişimdeki bir oyuna Türkçe yama yapmak mantıklı bir iş mi sence? Topluluk olarak sizin itibarınız için büyük bir kayıp olmaz mı?
  12. Skuthai

    Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord - Tartışma Konusu

    Oyun eksik ve bu hali ie bence 150 TL çok hala şans varken fiyatı düşürmenizi öneririm yoksa oyun satmaz...
    Niye satmasın, sadece Türkiyede satışa sunulmayacak ki. Dünyanın her tarafında Bannerlordu bekleyen adamlar var.
  13. Skuthai

    Şu an ne dinliyorsunuz? (M&B (sessiz) radyo :)

  14. Skuthai

    Kış Lakırtısı

    Forum güncellemesinden önce "Şu kişi niye banlandı?" diye sorulan bir başlık vardı. Duruyor mu hala?
  15. Skuthai

    hata yapıyorsun Taleworlds

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