Recent content by Scorpion Batman

  1. Console Patch notes 1.0.11 ?

    Pretty sure that's a nice way of saying you fixed nothing deliberately on console. Yes, there are fixes related to 1.2 text notes, (Many actually) yet other fixes mentioned did not happen remain unchanged, (are they PC only).
    And still others like "Smithing" which was changed to show a "Red text" when the required smithing attribute on orders is not met (nice touch) however me with 296 smithing and 100% unlocked on an item, still cannot complete that item fully.

    My original issue from day one and still ongoing was once i log out on the Xbox one X i cannot restart the game 100% of the time. A bit of a lengthy ordeal of deleting the Xbox saved game repeatedly until the game starts then a new restart to download the cloud game save file.
    Every patch so far is a nightmare to get started. starting with your "saved file is not compatible"

    Then we have the "sound problems", "tournament glitches" and the long list of not sure of if this is working or not.
    In "War Band" defeating looters (example) you get paid / collect a reward and actually see it come up. In M&B II not seeing nothing, not even my funds go up.

    So don't be so lazy :smile: any fixes on console please say if a fix is "PC only", "Both", "Console only" etc

    thanks Cheers Stu
  2. Console Patch notes 1.0.11 ?

    Hi I do understand that console players have a better mind reading abilities, however i am one of the "dumb ones", The fact that you started a new game with "console versions" with a lesser version name `1.0.7. than PC to confuse issues further and your first console update 1.0.10 was a...
  3. Need More Info Cursor will not move in main menu on xbox

    The issue, My issue is 100% of the time. Tricky to say, it can take 45min to 1hr to load the game with the above method, that being said, Now i just delete the Xbox saved game/file first thing before stating the game and let the cloud version load in. commonly the game will start first time.

    cheers stu
  4. Need More Info Cursor will not move in main menu on xbox

    I am on Xbox One version 10.0.22621 and have the same issue for the most part,
    Since day one; many hours going no where.
    1) Game starts all fine, but once i stop, i cant restart that game. "main menu is frozen" when the game reopens.

    2) (Sort of fix) Delete Xbox saved game, restart game, don't let the Sync (cloud game) load, let the game open a new, "recalibrate screen" then it goes too "main menu".

    3) if "main menu" is working, "close game" and then restart game and load the "cloud save" and most of the time the game will start working until it crash's a few hours in. "rinse & repeat" each time you open the game.

    4) However it may freeze on the "calibration screen" "rinse & repeat all steps"

    5) None of this may work, delete full game & reload. then load saved file.

    And still this may not work, start a new "character" don't get too attached

    Please fix, this sucks.
    cheers Stu
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