Recent content by daniel99

  1. daniel99

    Captain is still dead in every region. DO SOMETHING

    It's just an embarrassment at this point that Taleworlds can't even run stable servers or fix the constant crashes or at least GIVE US AN ESTIMATE as to when they will be fixed. How is it possible that Battle mode still hard crashes at the end of every single match unless you leave the server beforehand? We are spending more time re-launching the game than playing it.

    Even forgiving the many design mistakes that have been made over the last 2-3 years, the bare minimum for any multiplayer game is to have stable servers to play on. It simply isn't enough to keep telling communities which are trying to establish themselves in this game "we are working on it" when fixes and updates can at times take months. I think everyone would have been at least somewhat forgiving if this happened shortly after EA release, but we are over 2 YEARS IN.

    @MArdA TaleWorlds @Dejan @Callum Maybe it isn't under your control, but you desperately need to invest more resources & employees towards multiplayer, or please just start to communicate and be honest with us.

    I don't know if you have simply decided the multiplayer community is too toxic to bother with, but there are a huge number of people who were loyal to your previous game and were ready to work with you to create a long-lasting and enjoyable multiplayer experience. Yes, you don't like to be hasty announcing when things will be done, but we were promised communication. We were told at the start of EA that you would work closely with your community. We didn't get this.

    I think we are way past the point where you should be afraid of disappointing us with failing to meet targets/goals. The only way forward is to actually start properly communicating and engaging with us and rebuild a multiplayer community that was once great.
  2. daniel99

    Oceania Servers

    If they did in fact remove them on purpose, I don't like our chances of getting them back. It took us months of begging with no real response from the Devs just to get our servers in the first place. They didn't event start sending us keys to the Beta testing until like 2 weeks before release. OCE in general tends to get ignored by a lot of game devs for no real reason, but given the lack of attention Bannerlord multiplayer gets in general, it just makes the issue that much worse for us in OCE.

    Can only hope that custom community servers aren't that far off, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
  3. daniel99

    How things should be done.

    Honestly I think the issue is that they simply have zero interest in player feedback in the first place. THEIR community has been trying to give them feedback before even the beta was released, when they invited a smaller group of warband vets to provide feedback. I believe you can still go back to the original posts (which were originally hidden from the public) where fundamental flaws in the game design were pointed out and promptly ignored.

    If Taleworlds didn't listen then, in arguably the most critical stage of development, what little hope do we have as a community to be heard now? They made a decision early on that they would follow their vision and not that of their dedicated community, and I don't think they have looked back since. They've dug their heads further and further into the sand with each month, because they are terrified of going back on their earlier decisions.

    After reading ignored posts from players a lot wiser and more knowledgeable than myself in Bannerlord's early days, I personally decided to refrain from putting in much effort towards feedback, as there seemed little point in wasting the time. Why have a voice if you can't be heard, and get no response? Still respect those who continue to try to persuade Taleworlds, but all I think most people can do at this point is hope one day something changes, or that by some miracle Bannerlord's MP takes off when servers/modding are added--whether that will be anywhere near as long-lasting or more importantly enjoyable as Warband's MP is pretty questionable though.

    Maybe this sounds too much like an overly negative message of impending doom...but in my mind it's simply being realistic.
  4. daniel99

    No custom servers till 2022?

    If only there was some person within the Taleworlds team whose job it was to communicate with the community and respond to such questions...if only.
  5. daniel99


    From the patchnotes I read on the beta, it wont. It has alot of text changes, but not much else. Right now the only thing I can imagine bringing players back is
    Removing the class system
    Custom servers
    *Sigh* Skins....
    Full game release
    Spectator mode (thats just my own wish, nobody else will care)
    Anything else will just get a few thousand players back for a few days, then gone again.

    Yeah honestly to me it feels like every patch is either adjusting random small balance things or trying to further develop the matchmaking system, which is something I genuinely don't give a **** about. I still don't understand why there has been such an emphasis on matchmaking when all (I'd imagine most) people want are proper game modes and servers.

    On another note, although I'm more than likely on my own here, I think they have massively failed in some of the design elements of certain gamemodes--specifically siege. Why add cavalry to both attackers and defenders, or have it so easily accessible? It's a siege, and siege weapons can hardly be used when you have horse archers and lancers running around. Maybe something has changed on this one too, but there doesn't seem to be any system for limited lives or anything. Siege at this point is unironically just a copy-paste of Team Deathmatch with flags, which for me is massively depressing given that sieges were one of the game modes I had such high hopes for. Sure, they have a small dev team for Multiplayer, but it feels like they have been incredibly slack in their approach to designing this. I only wonder at this point how they will manage to screw up battle mode.

    The idea of a full release for this game anywhere within the next 1-2 years seems like an absolute joke to me at the rate they are going.
  6. daniel99


    Well, I hope you're right, but I have my doubts x.x
    I mean you can see what they currently have in the works, which really just consists of adding voip into the game and a few odd hotfixes/changes here and there. It genuinely wouldn't surprise me if that was all they had planned out currently. They need to make some pretty big changes to actually make the Multiplayer enjoyable and worth putting time into at this point.

    I used to have hope in Taleworlds, but it really dawned on me when I remembered that most of these things (getting kicked out of servers included) were brought up as major issues in the Beta tests late last year, and I haven't heard a word on them from the devs then or since.
  7. daniel99


    I've finally come back to have a look at where the multiplayer is in this game after what...8 months since release? Feels like nothing has changed. - No server hosting - Get kicked out of servers at the end of each match...why? - Game-modes that still feel poorly designed. - Class system (yeah...
  8. daniel99

    MP Siege

    I assume a number of people would disagree with this, but I honestly think Cavalry should have no place in sieges (or at least be limited). It honestly doesn't feel like a siege in its current state, when you have half of each team running around in the open with horses. If anything it is more of a TDM with capture points. Half the time I honestly can't tell the difference between the "warm-up phase" and the actual siege.

    I realize these videos were from the SP part of the game, but surely I'm not the only one who hoped MP sieges would have a somewhat similar vibe...

    ^^That's what a siege should look and feel like and it's what I was so hyped for when Taleworlds first started working on the siege gamemode. Instead it is just a mess on so many levels. You can't even properly use siege engines like catapults without having some lancer run over, kill you, simply pick up the catapult's ammo and throw it at it--instantly destroying it--then hop back on their horse and resume spawn killing.

    Other players are free to disagree, but I think:
    1. Cavalry should either be removed or heavily restricted.
    2. Defenders should be limited in where they can go (e.g not being able to easily run over to attacker spawns/siege equipment). I think this is also partly a map design issue, as some of the current maps really encourage rushing out as a defender more than they do actually defending your castle/flag.

    On a side note:
    >Arrow baskets should possibly be a 1-time use only for each life. Why get an extra arrows perk when you literally have an unlimited supply of arrows sitting right next to you. Why even have an unlimited supply of arrows in the first place?

    >Feels pointless saying it at this point, as people have been saying it for close to a year...but WHY do we have to be kicked out at the end of each round? Is bannerlord really incapable of actually changing from one map/round to another? This is an incredibly basic function expected in really every game ever, and yet Taleworlds still haven't managed to come up with a system at least similar to their previous game where you could actually start a new round and have a map rotation without making everyone re-join the server. In all honesty it feels embarrassing that I even need to point this out.

    Please Taleworlds give the Multiplayer part of your game some love and fix some of these issues.
  9. daniel99

    Why so few body armors?

    I can barely find any body armors. The best you can find is some very light items from empire. Where are the hundreds of other armor options listed in the files?
  10. daniel99

    Petition for Australian/Oceania Servers

    Thank you Taleworlds! Massively appreciated.
  11. daniel99

    Petition for Australian/Oceania Servers

    No private hosting at the release or no private hosting ever?

    Well taleworlds are notorious for being bad communicators, but if they haven't said anything yet, then they probably won't be giving the oceanic community any servers. I think we are gonna get screwed again. Nevermind the fact that the sales in australia and new zealand will cover the costs of running a server for some amount of time. I mean dedicated players would unironically pay extra money if we had to in order to get tolerable servers but I bet thats not something taleworlds would ever consider because it would look morally dodgy or something but having unplayable multiplayer is worse.

    They have said private servers will be a thing, but most likely closer to official release...maybe in a year? Regarding OCE servers, Taleworlds going silent is always a bad sign. It's almost like they like to just lay low until everything blows over so they don't have to deal with it. Maybe I'm being too hard on them, and they have every intention to give us servers, but it's really getting a bit late now. Callum told us he will notify us as soon as they find out, but we still haven't heard anything.
  12. daniel99

    Petition for Australian/Oceania Servers

    Are there going to be oceanic servers on early access launch, if not is there going to be private hosting that Australian groups can pay for to get a server on launch?
    If the answers to both of these are no, you are going to abort the oceanic community before its born. Then I will give the game a negative steam review regardless of single player, until that situation is remedied and I will encourage all my friends and fellow Australians to do the same.

    They have unfortunately made it very clear there will be no private hosting. At this point I think it's pretty sus too that they haven't told us if we will get servers on launch. Callum told us he would update us...its only 14 days until release...still no update? It really isn't that hard to give us an answer. Has Taleworlds actually made moves to set up a server here (as you would think they should have 14 days before release)? Yes? No?

    I definitely agree with you regarding the Aus community. Without servers it will be dead before it gets started, and I doubt it will ever recover.
  13. daniel99

    We just sent out another batch of keys. Some have been sent to people who registered as Oceania region. Just as a heads-up, we don't currently have servers there, the nearest ones will be in East Asia.

    Ngl this made me really laugh. While I don't want to be rude, and appreciate the fact that they have finally been sent to Oceanic players, it's a bit late now isn't it? Kind of feels more like a slap to the face at this point.

    Any news on Oceanic servers at least? Surely by now Taleworlds would know if they plan to have them on EA release or not. They must have some idea by now. Have they made moves towards looking into it, or is it really the sort of thing that will be decided last minute. In all honesty the impression I have got so far is that they have no intention to give us servers upon release, but keep saying "maybe" to keep us content.
  14. daniel99

    Petition for Australian/Oceania Servers

    Still no word just yet on which regions we will support with multiplayer servers at the start of EA. As soon as I know, I will make an announcement about it.

    Thank you Callum, gives us some hope at least.
  15. daniel99

    Petition for Australian/Oceania Servers

    I'm on board with your dissatisfaction for sure. I mostly mean to suggest that what there was to say has already been said and whatever will happen will happen regardless of continuing the discussion.
    Lack of communication does hurt, but I mean look at which developer we're discussing and what game we're anticipating. I think it's unsurprising how little has been communicated. Again, this isn't good, but it is to be expected at this point.

    Beyond that, I do disagree with your doomsday predictions, I think you're overestimating the problem. There is a massive difference between servers during the beta and servers during early access. Like I said, beta invitations are literally that; invitations. It seems exclusionary for sure but nobody is inherently entitled to receive an invitation.

    But early access is completely different. Instead of Taleworlds excluding certain populations out of convenience as with the beta, to not have prepared servers for all regions when all regions will suddenly overnight come to include paying customers is a bit of an extreme possibility.
    The beta isn't a service being provided to the audience(mostly, at least), it is supposed to be the opposite; a chance for the players to provide their testing services to the developer.
    When the game finally does begin to sell, that relationship becomes appropriately flipped. Customers are paying for services, and for those services to be missing would be particularly egregious. I mentioned refunds being a possibility, which is the arena that things will shift to. Excluding people from South America and Oceania during the beta doesn't "hurt" Taleworlds, really. But excluding those same people(and the many, many more who didn't sign up for beta testing) from a service that might be the pivotal factor deciding purchases is a clear financial blunder.

    I've been ranting for a bit but all I really mean to say is that I think you can have slightly higher expectations for early access if for no other reason than that it is in Taleworld's financial interests to meet expectations, unlike during the beta.

    I get what you're saying, but I still think there is good cause (more than good cause) to assume we wont be getting servers when EA comes out. Callum said they would look into it at a "later date." Beyond that he has given no indication that we will be getting them upon EA release or even later in EA. I honestly think Taleworlds will be so pressed just to get the game out in a decent state that they will have very little time to look into AU servers.

    I would also debate there still is good cause to keep this thread alive, as Taleworlds has a tendency to neglect things that aren't literally shoved into their face. Just look at how hard it was to get a number of the more important changes in the Beta. Things were often completely ignored until numerous people were spamming posts about it. If we don't constantly remind them that we exist they will just end up doing what most game companies do--put us on the back shelf and focus on something else.

    Again, Callum is quite welcome to correct me and tell us we will be getting servers upon EA release. However, unless he does so, I see no reason to assume we will be getting them.
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