Recent content by Pensaci


    Can comprehend with the point, but don't think it will fix the problem. And anything like this has to be built on solid foundation.

    More worse, with current "formula" in other parts of the game, we can end up with a even more grind hell.
  2. How does face generation work for children born to parents who wed after campaign start?

    Adding my case, I was playing 1.5.7 and every born npc I had checked has at least slight changes, but also most are slight changes though. The obvious ones yes are hair and makeup, decos.

    Have to say the new makeup and decos alike is good thinking to diversity, but personally the overall changes is still too subtle too unnoticeable, definitely would prefer keys to go wild than close to clone imo. I would say my goal can be a almost complete different face at 4th gen, not that players we will sure play that long that is...

    Besides this though, childs of same gender seems to be actual clone. I think this is not intended? Like say 4 childs, two boys two girls. Two boys will looks 100% the same, while might be different from father. Two girls will looks 100% the same, while might be different from mother.
  3. Please fix/remove death in battle

    Is it still a raw 10% for each npc to die with player joined battle?

    Then the best thing here at least is to separate battle death and general death, a option just like enable/disable death.
    Since if this is a deliberate choice then the ball belong to devs, I wager.
  4. [Video test-Debate-Poll] Bot Idle animations in closed-order formation.

    One thing obvious to me is when one about to stop moving, you can see clearly the pose swift into a Idle, the outward-footstand pose.

    It's too much like a single idle animation for everyone.
  5. Why does food price inflate in the later game? Starvation seemingly much more commonplace (day 2000+)

    There are many actors and factors. For example, from my observs a combo of map terrain and overgrow bandit can lead to starvation. In terms of prices I assume most likely is high demand. I haven't really notice real inflation yet, and also in my understanding there won't be, as the prices is kinda fixed and there isn't real growth because of relation between prosperity, hearth, food. It's more a few fixed value balancing in between.

    A long time ago there was a discussion about in game economy, one of the stand out point is the troubles that come when linking prosperity with food. As of current there is also less and less serious efforts and discussions now. And I feel like fix economy now would be like putting out fire on a sinking ship, because of explosions.

    Didn't play much recently, but can imagine with action like Pillage add in is like one side topping abit.
  6. Bannerlord Online mod

    now that's a multiplayer
  7. Conquered whole map with own faction.. now what..?

    A great topic in my opinion.

    Not much at that point, at least in the current game. Yep, but it is the situation with most game really, even time-sinks like Paradox game if you just conquered the whole map, Warband ofc is in the line too. It's like when the conquer the whole map is the game goal, the most you can do is provide some sort of reward a juice in the end, like a cutscene or a event, a fancy end screen, and "You Win!" ofc.

    A possible solution is so you can't just conquer the whole map, also, you wouldn't want to. This is not make the process a grind or punish player in the process, just make it less optimal to do it, like why isn't there a single empire ruled the whole world in history, and why most of those huge empire crumble rapidly, we can take note from that. While providing other goals for the game, supposedly say conquer the world be a ruler is one way of life/gameplay.

    And in the same way, conquer the whole map to be a check point into next stage of game. Like empire gameplay, dynasty gameplay this sort, for example the status of the world would change the world would recognize, so comes invasion, large scale domestic conflict, remaining resistance into coalition (like the end main quest but more organic and built-in), etc etc. So when player arrive at this point, it would feels like a new beginning, a "restart" but not actually wiped out.

    What I imagine left then is the ultimate burn out? That is a question even for those games claiming to be 'designed to play forever'.
  8. Khuzaits aren't OP, everyone else just sucks (culture perks, troop trees, & equipment)

    Agree with the notion 'Khuzaits aren't OP, this is not the problem.'

    In my opinion, the dilemma of nerf and buff isn't the right way, and missed the real parts. I believe there are more factors in a singleplayer and multi-layer game. There are more about cause and effect.
  9. We should have the ability to make companions lords!

    Ohh I can remember another game where you could do that... If only I could remember the game that literally allowed you to do that thing, oh dang I wish I knew WHICH PREQUEL GAME ALLOWED THIS EXACT THING TO HAPPEN IF ONLY I KNEW WHICH ONE IT WAS
  10. A Mod to Resurrect WarBand... but with Bannerlord's Engine?

    Yes I am excited to D2:R too :smile:

    To me Warband is it's openness, technicality and a better platform at it's time, with the community surrounds it.
    I always think Warband is inspiring as it's own just like D2 is to ARPG, in a not comparable way.

    Personally it would be a sad day if a Warband:R mod come out more enriched than Bannerlord.
    However the characters and the lore, the original Calradia surely deserve it.
  11. We should have the ability to make companions lords!

    But they will be independent lords in the sense that you can not control them fully. Who knows, when relationships are fully implemented, perhaps some of them will become your enemy? Besides, they will start out at clan rank 2, which will be weaker than usual lords, not only that, but they will be weaker over all. With lower trade, tactics, medicine, et cetera.

    So in my opinion it would be balanced.
    In my opinion, basically it's just have to be letting companions/clanmate to 'Form a new clan', so they can independently separately become a actor, it is a kinda different progression to player and companion too. May be initially there can be a relation boost and base on previous relation between player and the companion ofc. But after that, they will be just like other npc clan, at least in current game. If there are more applications around clan in the future I believe people will explore further on this as well.
  12. Are there any plans to 'declutter' the campaign map?

    I actually don't mind all of the choke points around the map. It makes venturing into enemy territory feel more dangerous, since there's a chance your exit will get cut off and you'll get boxed in. The player is usually faster than most other parties that can pose a threat to you, and if there's a straight line out of every region it makes it feel like there's not much risk of overextending.
    The thing about it is almost everywhere is some sort of a choke point. I understand the potential strategic value and encounter opportunity they can provide, but there is way too many of them. And many of these choke points is too blatantly extreme.

    For example the stone way connecting two parts of Strugia, the same stone way connecting Western Empire and Aserai. These can only hold 1 party to pass in width, visually they are just a pile of few pieces of big rock. While there are also these long narrow passage that close in by length, acting as a whole session of choke points itself.

    I disagree natural terrain, world map should be cater to other problems such as 'balance' or specific purpose, unless itself is causing the problem.

    Well it probably helps with A.I pathing calculations and A.I war calculations as well. I don't disagree that it could use opening up a little but I don't think it ever harmed my gameplay.
    Interestingly I actually find ai having trouble with pathing, and the terrain often severely influence the world. For example, I witnessed many times an army or single/few stronger party block a passage, but the opponent's ai decide they must pass, end up with a situation you have one side can essentially push-straight and the other side is repeating flee-engage-flee-engage, and so the war is decided. And these situation of narrow passage not only influence war, but the city even the whole economy, the caravans and the villagers got blocked too. Sometimes if just a bandit hideout happens to spawn in the narrow passage, the bandit grow in strength and the city start to starve, because the suppliers got blocked.

    These situation is very blatant at the places with narrow passage. Especially Northern Empire with it's west part mostly consist of passages-valleys.
  13. We should have the ability to make companions lords!

    May be overpower, balance can be problems, sure. I understand how that point would make sense.

    But in a singleplayer and multi-layered game, I think function should come first. First is to make things work when interacting with other things in game. Instead of the feeling of 'too ez', the feeling of 'lacking' comes way worse.
  14. Frustrating relations. Help pls!

    Fight-win-release is optimal way rn.
    Try be a merc for the faction they are at war with
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