Recent content by Oxtocoatl

  1. Oxtocoatl

    Your Mount&Blade Journey: A Celebration of Calradia :)

    When M&B came out, I was still in school and having trouble learning German, so I struck a deal with my mom: I could get the game and play as much as I wanted to, if I played it in German. Needless to say, I acquired a very specific vocabulary that snuck into my essays, not necessarily improving my grades. Zero regrets though, I've had hundreds of hours of amazing adventures and I still have most of the bandit one-liners memorized in German.
  2. Oxtocoatl

    Costum Troops aka Houseguard

    I don't remember any dev blogs talking about being able to customize more that the skills and kit of yourself and your companions. I guess you can get identical weapon sets and uniforms for your companions? I've done this more than once, but I realize it's not the same. A small unit of personal bodyguards would be fun, though. Even if it's just five guys in stylish capes whose default action in battle is to follow you around and who never flee.
  3. Oxtocoatl

    Modding Inspiration Thread (Brainstorm with me)

    I personally really just want the ability to enlist in a lords' army haha.

    I like the idea of being a common soldier in service to a lord, but in the WB mods that have done it, it's always incredibly boring. You attach yourself to a lord's party and then the game becomes a fastforward map staring simulator with the occasional rare skirmish or battle, effectively not letting you play the game. I suppose the boredom reflects actual marching around or standing around garrisoning a fort, but that's hardly entertaining game play.

    I'd like to see this done so that upon joining an army you are made member of a unit, say, 5-10 men with names and personalities and then the lord sends your unit on missions like foraging, reconnaissance, tax collection, bandit hunting or just guarding a bridge. Even fairly mundane military tasks can serve as the setting for an interesting quest with RP possibilities. If the lord's party actually goes into action then you'd fight with the guys in your unit, who might get hurt or die. If the lord's army is defeated, you could choose to desert with your remaining friends, who then become your companions.

    Of course this would take a lot of work for what I imagine is a pretty niche desire so it's likely to remain a wish unfulfilled.
  4. Oxtocoatl

    Banners and Bannermen

    It looks nice to have a few banners on the field, but they don't really serve a purpose in a game where the commands are issued by pressing buttons. So they would need to give something like a morale boost to justify a pair of hands without an effective weapon.
  5. Oxtocoatl

    Units you would love to see added to the troop trees?

    Greek fire throwers for the empire! I know it was mostly a naval weapon and there are no sea battles, but it would be a truly awesome sight to set the field ablaze before your battle lines.
  6. Oxtocoatl

    Modding Inspiration Thread (Brainstorm with me)

    Assassinations. Someone already bought the plot of land you had your eye on for your dyeworks? Pesky rival lord keeping you from climbing the feudal ladder? Hire an assassin to help you deal with the problem. Short on cash? Maybe sell your services to someone else for some quick gold.

    I'd rather have murder plots like in CKII, where you have to gather allies and plan the deed, hoping that your victim doesn't uncover the conspiracy. All going well, the planning will culminate with your target cornered for slaughter at some secluded place or perhaps in the keep of another lord the target was foolish enough to trust.
  7. Oxtocoatl

    Speculating Delay, Lengthy Read

    I can see why a certain anxiety might strike a fan this close to the release date. But it's less than a week now. If they weren't going to have a playable product in a few days, they'd know by now.
    They also know what a huge letdown it would be to delay the game at this point.
    And they know that the game doesn't have to be 100% done and polished, because it's EA.
    So take a deep breath, make sure your machine is up for the task, and don't make plans for the 31st. It's coming.
  8. Oxtocoatl

    Aserai troops

    I always felt the Sarranids kind of had this problem. Their high end troops are proper tanks, but the bulk of their forces have a hard time going toe to toe with any other faction's infantry.
    I hope the Aserai are better balanced to match the other factions. The problem with imitating historical lightly armed forces in M&B is that light armor mostly just means worse armor. Advantages of lighter kit like better endurance or reduced risk of a heat stroke aren't represented in the game.
  9. Oxtocoatl

    What Mods would you like to be made?

    I may have proposed this long ago and forgotten, but I'd like a mod that adds "historical battle scenarios", similar to TW, except based on the history of Calradia with set armies and unique maps. And in each scenario you'd be playing a certain historical figure like emperor Arenicos, or the first king of Vlandia, etc, reliving their moments of glory. I feel like this would be a fun way to deliver lore to those interested.
  10. Oxtocoatl

    What would you like to get done during the first month(game time, not real time) of a single player campaign?

    Man you guys are strategic. In WB I always just wonder around for a while, taking on quests and looking for good loot, see if I can't make enough money to sustain a small cavalry retinue.

    In BL I want to see if the main quest line is still there and if so then follow that for a while, see where it takes me.
  11. Oxtocoatl

    What is your favourite faction and why ?

    I feel like the Empire has both a complex roster of troops and a fun, new culture, but Sturgia has the most interesting minor factions attached to it and I'm curious to see how they work. Then again, my heart belongs to the desert.
    Of course, I expect to see plenty of every faction in my travels. Eventually a place like home will present itself.
  12. Oxtocoatl

    So... the Calradian "Empire" never had access to the sea?

    I think the most important things have been cleared already, that the empire used to have coastline and that not all large and successful states in history have had it.

    I just want to point out that the Empire still has access to all of Calradia's major rivers and lakes, which, as far as internal logistics go, are just as good as the sea. The only thing the empire doesn't have is direct access to trading partners outside Calradia but that's not necessarily a problem.
  13. Oxtocoatl

    War hounds

    I'm not sure I get why you're bent out of shape about dogs trained for war. Guard dogs and cats would probably be a castle upgrade if anything.

    I just hate fighting bands of quick, small and suicidally brave mammals in games. No deeper reason, I just find those fights annoying. I won't die or rage quit if someone brings their dog to battle and animals with varying castle functions could be interesting.
  14. Oxtocoatl

    War hounds

    Fighting of rabid canines is a pet peeve I have with a lot of games, so I'd rather have pet/hunting dog I can name and pet than a squadron of throat ripping German shepherds in my war party.
    I would be up for a guard dog that increases the perception radius and makes it harder for prisoners to escape undetected or something like that.
    Although if we're having pets then I must insist we have cats too. Someone has to break my preciously expensive imperial wine glasses on purpose after all.
  15. Oxtocoatl

    What Mods would you like to be made?

    Love the idea but how would it work? It would have to introduce a ton of new mechanics and either prolong the game or speed up aging, because inheriting is such a big part of the game.
    Scripted events and NPC traits shouldn't be that hard to mod and could add a lot of spice to the game.
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