Recent content by Orangebluehue

  1. Orangebluehue

    [Question] Are Brigand Camps supposed to spawn this quickly?

    I get that PoP is supposed to be harder than vanilla but this doesn't really increase the difficulty unless you're at a super low level, and even then robbers are very easy to deal with if you know how to play decently. Regardless this is far more of an annoyance than anything. There's already independent factions that spawn that act as actual hazards, these camps just spawn jerks who kill your villagers and rack up controversy if you're marshal. They really should lower the spawn rate to once every two weeks at best.
  2. Orangebluehue

    [Question] Are Brigand Camps supposed to spawn this quickly?

    Seriously, I've cleared maybe 20 to 30 camps in my playthrough and I want to say they quite literally respawn after a day or two. Is this intentional? Dozens of robbers just keep scouring the land like cockroaches and kill all my traveling farmers and merchants. Is this level related or...
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