Recent content by Nibbles

  1. Resolved Crash after starting a new game

    I have exactly the same problem and the same answer from the dev team ( As a workaround to get at least Singleplayer running:

    Go to ...Steam\steamapps\common\Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\bin\Win64_Shipping_Client

    You'll find 3 exe-files there, the Bannerlord.Native.exe starts the singleplayer directly and that works for me as a workaround solution.
    It clearly, atleast in my case, is not the game itself, it is the launcher version (that is the regular Bannerlord.exe), that somehow crashes on this.

    Bannerlord_BE.exe is the BattleEye-Launcher, that also somehow starts up the Singleplayer Side of the game, I have no idea, how to access the Multiplayer via this method, sorry for that.
    This worked for me, thanks man!
  2. Resolved Crash after starting a new game

    Any new information on this? I am having the same exact issue.
    Nothing on my end. Maybe you should create another thread to let them know about your case
  3. Resolved Crash after starting a new game

    Hey, i have forwarded the issue to the QA team. Thank you for your time and sorry for the inconvenience.
  4. Resolved Crash after starting a new game

    I've tried all from above before, but the issue is persistent
  5. Resolved Crash after starting a new game

    Summary: I just bought a game in steam and try to start a campaign but the game shows crash message after I click New campaign/Sandbox/Custom Battle. I removed folder from user documents, clean install, updated nvidia drivers and reinstalled the game to a freshly formatted disc. Also, Options...
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