Recent content by Kniggit

  1. Kniggit

    Archers need a nerf.

    OH wow I had no idea about the vertical aim correction, when I get home I'm turning that off as I keep trying to compensate for distance like "normal"
  2. Kniggit

    Taleworlds Could Use An Action Plan

    Not sure if you guys saw but they have released a loose Road Map, stickied in Single Player forums

    That being said I pretty much agree with every point made.
  3. Kniggit

    Features you want to see in single player Bannerlord

    Two suggestions (1 and 2) and a dialogue correction (3):
    1. How about some closure on the two kidnapped siblings the game introduces as we choose to do or not to do the tutorial? The encyclopedia doesn't mention them either, although our dead parents are mentioned and so is our brother who gave us the task of finding out about the Neretzes artifact. I later found him in a tavern but he wouldn't talk about any aspect of our quest to regain our siblings and he can't even become a companion.
    2. What about (re)establishing the Neretzes clan in their (rightful) place at the top of the food chain? I'd like to be able to sell the banner to the Neretzes heir who doesn't seem to be the least bit interested in getting it back, which I find to be very strange.
    3. The last message when skipping the tutorial always starts, "One last thing brother..." even when playing as female.

    Perhaps you meant to make a new post instead of necroing a 2-3 year old thread?
  4. Kniggit

    Dual wielding combat

    Another one of these threads, oof.

    This has been discussed many times over the past 15 years.

    TL;DR: 333 pages of heavy debate for/against dual wielding, no one changed anyone else's minds, and it is not implemented into base game. There are many more threads like this. I do believe if the ability to mod the Bannerlord engine is a good as the devs have hinted at, I'm sure there will be many mods after release that can make it happen, but I wouldn't hold out for it being included in base game.
  5. Kniggit

    Broken savegame system made me quit.

    because I added a bunch of mods

    To be honest I stopped reading here. Whenever you install a mod, any mod, during an early access period where the core base game is not finalized and have the expectation that it will work perfectly fine... you're going to have a bad time =(

    That being said I totally get why you would have a ton of mods. Just adjust your expectations
  6. Kniggit

    Patch Notes e1.4.0

    • Aserai
      • Beduin
        • Troop count increased by 1 (10)
      • Skirmisher
        • Troop count increased by 1 (17)
    • Battania
      • Clan Warrior
        • Troop count increased by 1 (22)

    What does this mean exactly? All Aserai lords now have 1 more Beduin and 1 more Skirmisher, etc?
  7. Kniggit

    What would you guys think of a MMO version of the single player game?

    I don't know if an MMO style approach would fit well, but I am extremely interested in some sort of campaign multiplayer. Multiple players with their own parties/clans, joining whichever factions they wish, it would be exciting for sure.

    The logistics of accomplishing something like that would certainly take a huge amount of work, and from what I've seen it is not in the criteria for release, so I imagine that modders would be able to make this a reality once the game is complete and mod tools are released. (Modders have apparently figured out how to make Skyrim multiplayer now, so who knows)

    The immediate pain point I envision from a player perspective is menus. Would the game pause for everyone if a player opens a menu? If not, would the game pace be too fast? Too slow? If I'm trying to make a profit from trading looking through all the items in a town, buying low and selling high while another player lays siege to a settlement, it might be frustrating. How about combat? If one player is in the midst of battle, would time progress normally on the overworld? Certainly something to discuss, I would play the hell out of something liek this, even more so than I already am!
  8. Kniggit

    Patch Notes e1.3.0

    Woot! I know what I'm doing after work today
  9. Kniggit

    Mystery! Epic's Secret!

    ... I... what? Any other "releases" on any other platforms would logically occur after the game actually releases
  10. Kniggit

    Mystery! Epic's Secret!

    What is this clickbait garbage? In no place anywhere does it list anything even remotely related to Mont&Blade, much less Bannerlord. I highly doubt Taleworlds it worried about marketing promotions with other platforms during Early Access. They've stated themselves numerous times they don't view this as a release.
  11. Kniggit

    The original version of the game was misleading, could be more communicative? [WITH POLL]

    You're entire premise omits the fact that versions are all prefixed with "e" denoting early access (e1.2.1 or e.1.3.0)
  12. Kniggit

    We Want Modding Tools, TW

    Saw this post on Reddit, explains why this is bad idea during early access

  13. Kniggit

    Another quick patch has been pushed to Beta branch

    So you don't have to sift through the thread to find it.
  14. Kniggit

    Tournaments that use spears

    I too find myself "sheathing" my spear and just decking fools in the face, pummeling them into a corner where they can't close distance, and throwing in a shield bash for funsies. It's hilarious but also kind of sad at the same time. 100% success rate so far.
  15. Kniggit

    Sieging Army Leaves for No Reason?

    I've had this happen many times and it is extremely frustrating, both sides of the coin..

    Just last night I was helping Caladog (whose army had around 800 troops) with my army of 200 troops, sieging a city that only had 350 garrison/militia defending. Camp was built, had a battering ram and had a siege tower half built, deserted siege to go defend a castle across the map.

    Spotted an enemy army of 1200, moused over them and saw they were heading to a nearby castle to siege. I ride over there ahead of them to bolster garrison. They arrive and set up siege camp, then abandon it to go attack another city. I ride ahead to that one to bolster garrison, and the process repeats. (This army kept going back and forth between the same castle/city 3 times before a friendly army came to attack them and we wiped them)
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