Recent content by Kazet

  1. Kazet

    Beta Patch Notes v1.2.0-v1.2.6

    Juicy patch notes ! Gonna test this RIGHT NOW !

    Good job TaleWorlds !
  2. Kazet

    Bannerlord Creative Competition 2: Scene Design Contest

    @Dejan it now works thank you !

    Scene name: Shipwreck Cove
    Scene type: Seaside

  3. Kazet

    Bannerlord Creative Competition 2: Scene Design Contest

    Submissions looking good !
    Wanted to make mine but I cannot connect to the dropoff url. Anyone else having the issue ?
  4. Kazet

    SP Other Troop Designer (character design utility)

    Hello, Troop Designer is an utility aiming to help modders to design units for their own mods. How it works is that you can design your unit in a fake inventory screen, then output its XML structure in a file. => Troop Designer mod on Nexus Mods <=
  5. Kazet

    SP - General Parties management

    Hi there, Some feedback on an aspect of the game that takes me a lot of micro-managing time in the late game: parties management. I always end up doing a lot of troops transfer between my main party and my clan parties and garrisons. I want to take advantage of perks like "Raise the Meek" or...
  6. Kazet

    Resolved [1.6.2] Influence gain when donating troops to clan member

    (edit: game save has been uploaded: "QA influence 2") Summary: while in a faction and in an allied settlement with another party of you clan, if you go in the "Donate prisoners" or "Donate troops to garrison" screens (with or without actually donating anything), then use the "Let me inspect...
  7. Kazet

    Resolved [1.6.2] Influence gain when donating to newly acquired settlement

    (edit: game save has been uploaded: "QA influence 1") Summary: while in a faction and after conquering a settlement, if you go in the "Donate prisoners" or "Donate troops to garrison" screens (with or without actually donating anything), then acquire the settlement, you will then gain influence...
  8. Kazet

    Beta Patch Notes e1.6.2

    Yes and multiplayer (Captain mode).
    Curses I still have 2+ hours of work before testing this.
  9. Kazet

    Beta Patch Notes e1.6.2

    Time to start a new campaign it seems. ?
    Regarding spear bracing, is it used by the AI in singleplayer ?
  10. Kazet

    Future Plans

    Things I was hoping for as well as some nice surprises ! This is great keep up the great work !
    So impatient for order of battle + standard bearer gameplay effects.
  11. Kazet

    Resolved Scene Editor 1.5.7 and 1.5.8 - Layers getting mixed together upon deleting a new layer

    Still able to reproduce on last modding tools version.
    Same reproduction steps.
  12. Kazet

    Resolved Prisoner Bug

    I have removed all mods, verified files and re-saved my game without the modules.
    I am still able to reproduce with the same steps and thereby I uploaded the save file with a link to this thread / my reproduction message.
    If the issue is not reproducible on your side I will try with a fresh campaign (don't have one within easy reach).
  13. Kazet

    Resolved Prisoner Bug

    @uçanbiblo I came to post the same bug but found this thread, should I still create another post ? (got it in e1.5.9)

    My reproduction steps for e1.5.9:
    1. Have some hero prisoners in your party
    2. Go in an allied settlement (castle or city both work) and use "Donate prisoners" in the dungeon

    3. Put any hero prisoner in the settlement prisoners roster (note: the one you put will be the bugged ones)

    4. Use the Reset feature (get back the prisoners)
    5. Leave the menu (either with Cancel or Done, both works)
    6. Go in the tavern menu
    7. Ransom your prisoners
    => you will get money for all the prisoners but the hero ones used in step 3 will stay in your party, allowing to use the feature again

    I kept the save if needed. I can upload it before or after reproduction steps (or both).
    (note: I am using two small mods in my savegame but they should not impact prisoner management whatsoever)
  14. Kazet

    Is there a way to create new Behaviors from BehaviorComponent?

    Yay nice !
    Do not hesitate if you have other questions.
  15. Kazet

    Is there a way to create new Behaviors from BehaviorComponent?

    Hi @AshenWaltz
    I have been working on custom tactics and behaviors and this is how I approached this problem.

    First, as skoomy said, it is better to inherit from an existing Behavior so the formation is properly set in the part of the code you cannot reach.
    If you inherit classes such as BehaviorDefend or BehaviorCharge, there will be a public constructor taking the formation parameter.
    This is the start of my CustomBehavior class:
    internal class CustomBehavior : BehaviorDefend
        public CustomBehavior(Formation formation) : base(formation)
        // more stuff

    Then, I create my own Formation attribute inside my CustomBehavior to be able to mess around with the formation methods and attributes.
    (this attribute will basically be a duplicate of the unreachable one)
    This is in my CustomBehavior class:
    private void DoStuffExample()
        Formation.MovementOrder = MovementOrder.MovementOrderAdvance;
        Formation.FacingOrder = FacingOrder.FacingOrderLookAtEnemy;
        Formation.ArrangementOrder = ArrangementOrder.ArrangementOrderShieldWall;
        Formation.FiringOrder = FiringOrder.FiringOrderFireAtWill;
        Formation.WeaponUsageOrder = WeaponUsageOrder.WeaponUsageOrderUseAny;
    public Formation Formation;

    Then, when I assign this behavior to a formation (in a Tactic class), I set the attribute.
    This is in my CustomTactic class:
    CustomBehavior behavior = _mainInfantry.AI.SetBehaviorWeight<CustomBehavior>(1f);
    behavior.Formation = _mainInfantry;

    Hope it helps.
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