Recent content by Exeriti

  1. Crash...

    I have not played around with any of the files.
    The problem have now changed, as i am able to enjoy the game for hours before a new crash. This crash is abit diffirent as it gives me an error.
    I do not belive it have anything with my specs to do as i do not crash while playing warband.
  2. Crash...

  3. Advice for a young adventurer

    Well, i started by doing the first 2 village quests (bandit and tax), selling my rewards + 1 dried meat at the town. Then i went to Sewden and invested all my money in mercenary cavalery. Kept killing bandits untill i could afford 27 soldiers. I also looked for companions. Then i went to the corossak and looted and burned their village, retreating after each plunder. I chose them cause they were at war with the poles and the khans, which makes safe plases at both sides. I kept doing this to i had around 50,000 and 3 salt. Quite fast and easy. I then turned in the 3 salt in the 3# village quest and went to Sweden, I bought the Leather armour with curtias, a good pistol, board sword, bullets and the metal hat which is formed like a turned V. Starts on M something..

    I then bought out the mercenary camp's infantery and musketers and equiped them wit the same armour.
    The infantry i equiped wit hboard swords, and the musketers pistols. These will be my main defenders. They start in level 5, but with my uppgrades, they are quite thought.
    I then waited for the poles to take over a swedish town or fort, and in the mean while, i did quests for the swedes. Then the poles finaly captured one, i threatned to attack the lord and backed away. Then the lord finaly left, i assaulted the poorly defended fort with my (noob)elite army and joined the swedes. Ofcourse, you can do this to others aswell or just keep it, but i wanted to have the swedes backing me up.

    All in 40 ingame days. I find this quite sucsess full :grin:
    Then its of to either loot the corossaks, or swedens enemies' villages..

    If your town/fort have a merchant guild, invest your money there.. If not, build one.
  4. Crash...

    Okey, i bought the game from GameStop, and i just love it! Both singleplayer and multiplayer. I didnt really enjoy Warband multiplayer, Crpg helped on this part, great mod! :D But i get a crash after 15+ minutes.. Both in multiplayer and singleplayer. I tryed both with steam, and without...
  5. The Fanikor of Sweden (US)

    Steam Account Name:
    Msngutten (Dont ask..)
    In-Game Name:
    Do you have Team Speak:
    Are you willing to download Team Speak:
    Yes i am!
    Favorite Class:
    My favorite class is Infantry going with Sword, Pistol, Bullet, Bullet.
    I tend to stay abit back, behind the main infantry, useing my trusted pistol to use.
    I do use the sword then chargeing, but i find it more enjoyable to shoot my enemies.

    Im norwegian so schedules shouldent be such of a problem :grin:
  6. Looking for Clans

    Okey, i decided to open a thread dedicated to new and andvanced players looking for a clan. Basicly, clans recruiting can read through this thread and pick out a few people and pm them. I do hope that this thread becomes one of the main ones, as it would be easier for clan leaders to spot. I...
  7. Cd-Key?

    Okey, i bought the game trough GameStop, and it had a XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX (x to hide the actual cd-key) and i cant register it at the site.. Why not? It says with small letters to register the game at for easier tech support.. I like this site better as it have helped me...
  8. Crashing

    I cant seem to find my rgl_config.txt file..
    I got the computer to show hidden files, but still cant find it..
  9. The infamous crashing patch 1.142

    This aint nothing with the language files.. I just tryed changeing them, aint working like you said they would.
    Glad it worked out for you tho..
  10. Crashing! OMFG!

    Ye, another "Holy ****! My Warband is crashing!" thread. I run it from steam, and i keep crashing every time the startup intro pass.. I get the spearl mouse pointer just before. Some suggest that you rename the rgl_config.txt file, the problem is that i cant find it.. Then im to add mods to...
  11. Exeriti's Starter Guide

    Pellagus said:
    Nice work and a decent starters guide.
    Thank you :grin:

    Pellagus said:
    also any other hints for new players would be very welcome.
    I was thinking of adding more, but i also didnt want to ruin the fun of discovering it for others. This was meant to get them started, without ruining the fun of letting them discover other methods of leveling or other stuff.

    In the 2# post that i reserved, i was thinking of adding a few tactics for newbies to use. Again, mainly the basic ones, so they can discover the other ones and make their own.

    I was thinking to add:

    1# Post:

    • Questing
    2# Post:

    • Basic Combat Tactics
      VS. Infantry Tactics
      VS. Archer Tactics
      VS. Cavalery Tactics
      Castle Siege Tactics
      Town Siege Tactics
  12. Tips?

    I just posted a starter guide that describes what i usualy do at the start of my games.
    Check it out if you need any advice:

    Hopefully this will help you.
  13. Exeriti's Starter Guide

    (Reserved for further stuff.)

    Just a quick note:
    I apology for any bad english,
    im norwegian so english isnt my
    primary laqnguage and i got a stupid
    "auto-correct" thing on that i cant turn off. -.-
  14. Exeriti's Starter Guide

    Exeriti's Starter Guide Okey, i know theres already guides out there, but i just felt like shareing how i start up as it gives me quite the boost. This is all about the begining, i dont think i'll add anything about tactics but it might pop in there if i decide to go for it. So i hope you guys...
  15. Tips?

    Im sorry for not noticeing this thread sooner. If you are stuck, and keeps getting captured and destroyed i suggest that you try to start over again.

    Then you start your new game, travel to a town to sell your gold bar.
    After selling the gold bar you should look for companions inside a tavern.
    If none, just buy 1 or 2 extra horses and conscript 10 reqruits.
    The recruits shall not be upgraded, they are mainly to boost your sieze and be sacrefice lambs.
    Be sure to regulary check close towns for companions while you keep an army of around 10-11.
    If you have 5 companions, then release 5 recruits from service. Be sure to allways have 5 reqruits even if you have 7-9 companions.

    Now the main part starts.
    Travel around forceing villages to give you supplies. Only take the valuable goods and be sure to pick the right town to sell it in for max profit.
    Haveing a small army, companions with own horses, and extra horses for the reqruites to use will give you quite a good traveling speed.
    This will easily give you around 10 000 denars + within the first 7 days.
    Then you have the money you need for training your army, around 20-30 000 denars, conscript the recruits and wait in a town.
    Keep an eye out for soldiers ready to upgrade.

    For companions, i recomend you going without the army, just the companions and try to force villages to give you supplies. If you are 10(i think) or less in the party, the villagers will come out to fight you. Be sure to have upgraded the companions armour and weaponds. The pesants are easily killed and gives a fair sum of exp. This or chargeing sea raiders with chargers.

    Then starting a faction, attack a recently taken over castle just to have as a base of opperations. Store your main army here as you build up. This allows you to also level up companions by fighting pesants without them being scared of your army. Then ready, attack the castle or town of your choise and start your very own kingdom.

    Hope this helps you :grin:
    PS: Used some tips allready written above because i, my self, use them and it could be as a summary..
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