Recent content by DMilesMM

  1. Need More Info Game crashes after Startup, cant send crash report (1.1.1. no mods)

    I just fixed my failure to send crash reports yesterday.

    The game by default makes the "crash" folder in "C:\ProgramData:\Mount and Blade Bannerlord II" read only by default. If you select the properties of the root folder i noted above you will see that either some or all subfolders are read only. I just changed the whole game folder to turn off read only, and that fixed my issue. Hope this helps :smile:
  2. In Progress Vanilla Game Random Crashing

    Forwarded to the QA team for further investigation. We will reach out again if we need more information. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
    Just to reiterate how disruptive these crashes are:


    These are all from various points today only. I've tried graphics settings, config settings, safe mode, admin mode - all the same outcome. Hopefully this can be resolved asap.
  3. Resolved difficulty gets reset to freebooter after quitting the game and reloading any save

    I've been informed that this bug is fixed and the fix will be sent to the game with future patches. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
    This bug is still present at 23 March 2023 (v 1.1.2) on my system
  4. In Progress Vanilla Game Random Crashing

    Were you able to see the crash uploader tool? If you can upload your crash to us we can check it out. Please don't forget to copy the Crash ID and write it here so that we can find it.
    More info about the crash uploader tool can be found here.
    Did a fresh reinstall. Still having these issues but fixed the crash reporter (for some reason the folder is created as a read only...)

    2023-03-23_09.07.51_d74eee9c17826814a6e0fcafe3003373 is the Crash ID for the most recent crash.
  5. In Progress Vanilla Game Random Crashing

    Were you able to see the crash uploader tool? If you can upload your crash to us we can check it out. Please don't forget to copy the Crash ID and write it here so that we can find it.
    More info about the crash uploader tool can be found here.
    Thanks for the response,

    I get the first screen of the crash uploader prompting me to send, however the second screen which requests the description etc never opens up. As a result I can't press send and the third screen giving the ID never pops up. I can't post the screenshot due to the age of my account.

    I have the "crashes" folder in my C:\ProgramData\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord but I can't see any reference to a Crash ID number.
  6. In Progress Vanilla Game Random Crashing

    EDIT: v 1.1.2 not 1.1.1
  7. In Progress Vanilla Game Random Crashing

    Summary: Game seems to randomly crash. Prolonged periods of waiting, during battles, overworld, menu - pretty much any point in the game it will crash. The crash logs seem incomprehensible. How to Reproduce: N/A Have you used cheats and if so which: N/A Scene Name (if related): N/A Media...
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