Recent content by Deltanight

  1. Deltanight

    camp entranchement doesn't work

    Hi, I can't get camp entrenchment to actually work in a battle. I entrench, and as soon as I leave the place, it seems the entrenchment breaks. I can go back to the spot and do Camp -> Return to fortifications - that works. But when the battle starts, there are no spikes in the ground. If I go...
  2. Deltanight

    Lady wants to know me better

    Yes I am a vassal and my reputation is very bad : -378 haha
  3. Deltanight

    Lady wants to know me better

    Like i said I can't.
    Despite that my relation with her father is around 98, when i ask him if i can marry her he answers that he knows that I have secretly met her and that he has other plans with his children blabla

  4. Deltanight

    Lady wants to know me better

    Hello, I am dating a lady since a long time in the game. My relation is at 83 with her and everytime i choose to say the option "Do we think we have a futur together blabla", she ansers me that she wants to wait and wants to know me better. Why ? Do i have to up further my relation with her ...
  5. Deltanight

    Searching a full/total conversion mod with a viking faction

    You guys know a lots of things haha !

    Thanks for the quick history lesson too :grin:
  6. Deltanight

    Searching a full/total conversion mod with a viking faction

    What is the viking faction which you can join in Brytenwalda ? I didn't find it !

    Thanks !
  7. Deltanight

    Searching a full/total conversion mod with a viking faction

    Hi everyone, I am looking for a full conversion mod like Brytenwalda or 1257AD with the possibility to rejoin a viking faction. Any of you know a mod like that ? Thanks !
  8. Deltanight

    Napoleonic Wars and Warband stuttering...

    I have exacly the same problem when i change the battlesizer higher than 200.

    I have a good PC, the game is very smoothy and my FPS is about 60-70 even when battlesizer is on 500 but i have always that stuterring probleme, very boring..

    My versions of Warband and my drivers are all up to date.

  9. Deltanight

    WB Saut d'image/chute FPS avec battlesizer

    Bonjour, J'ai un petit soucis avec le warband battlesizer. J'ai un PC assez balèze j'ai donc voulu augmenter le nombre de joueurs à l'écran avec battlesizer, le problème c'est que dés que je dépasse les 200, que je le mette à 400 ou 800 j'ai exactement le même problème : une sorte de saut...
  10. Deltanight


    Up !

    I have a question about being a freelancer :

    I have ranked up in the army of my lord as something like "acontistae" with new gear. But the thing is that on the battlefield, i see other "acontistae" with other ( better ) gear than me, why ? Can i buy better gear related to my "class" ?

    Thanks !
  11. Deltanight

    Recommended sub-mods for Prophesy of Pendor (WB Version only)

    Have someone tried to install More metal sounds pack ?

    I did but i have a problem about the horse walk sound on the world map.
  12. Deltanight


    Hey, I am a vassal of Crusader States and I don't find the guy that teach you poetry and  some other things. I visited all Cities of my faction but it looks like those guys dont like crusaders ! :p
  13. Deltanight

    Salt Mine Honor Loss

    Yes but there is a bug in the salt mine i think.

    When I am on the salt mine screen, each time I do something ( like showing my party or character screen ), when Im back on the salt mine screen, I loose honor and morale.
  14. Deltanight

    B Oriental Kengeki Gaiden

    Ok thanks.

    And another point : I am a mercenary of shinobi faction, and in a siege battle, my allies climb ladders but they stay on the ladders, they dont want to go to the wall of the castle. It looks like they are stuck or something..
  15. Deltanight

    Shogun - Sengoku Jidai (OLD DISCUSSION TOPIC)

    I have noticed some bugs :

    - Is it normal that when we firt create a character, we have the original name of faction ? ( Vaegir, nord etc.. )
    - All lords have the same face
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