Recent content by CumanBoi

  1. CumanBoi

    Mount&Blade Cartographer | Just my own spin-off...

    Thank you for the explanation.

    Also, for the app itself, Im getting this common problem:

    Module folder at <>
    @--start loading font xml
    luajit: .\mab-font.lua:22: bad argument #1 to 'lines' (\..\..\Data\FONT_DATA.XML: No such file or directory)
    stack traceback:
    [C]: in function 'lines'
    .\mab-font.lua:22: in function 'load'
    cartographer.lua:46: in main chunk
    [C]: ?
    Oops, looks like we have a bug over there :smile:
    Press any key to continue . . .
  2. CumanBoi

    Can't get the module to read the modifications made in ""

    Could you then please verify that you made exactly the changes as suggested by Lav and show off your code? Your error message indicates that you have a syntax error, so either missing brackets or too many.
    Sure, here it is: file:
    import string
    import types

    from process_common import *
    from header_common import *
    from header_operations import *

    from module_info_pages import *
    from module_strings import *
    from module_skills import *
    from module_music import *
    from module_meshes import *
    from module_sounds import *
    from module_items import *
    from module_troops import *
    from module_factions import *
    from module_quests import *
    from module_party_templates import *
    from module_parties import *
    from module_scenes import *
    from module_scripts import *
    from module_mission_templates import *
    from module_game_menus import *
    from module_particle_systems import *
    from module_scene_props import *
    from module_scene_props import *
    from module_presentations import *
    from module_map_icons import *
    from module_tableau_materials import *
    from module_animations import *

    def get_id_value(tag, identifier, tag_uses):
    tag_type = -1
    id_no = -1
    if (tag == "str"):
    id_no = find_object(strings,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_string
    elif (tag == "itm"):
    id_no = find_object(items,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_item
    elif (tag == "trp"):
    id_no = find_object(troops,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_troop
    elif (tag == "fac"):
    id_no = find_object(factions,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_faction
    elif (tag == "qst"):
    id_no = find_object(quests,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_quest
    elif (tag == "pt"):
    id_no = find_object(party_templates,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_party_tpl
    elif (tag == "p"):
    id_no = find_object(parties,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_party
    elif (tag == "scn"):
    id_no = find_object(scenes,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_scene
    elif (tag == "mt"):
    id_no = find_object(mission_templates,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_mission_tpl
    elif (tag == "mnu"):
    id_no = find_object(game_menus,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_menu
    elif (tag == "script"):
    id_no = find_object(scripts,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_script
    elif (tag == "psys"):
    id_no = find_object(particle_systems,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_particle_sys
    elif (tag == "spr"):
    id_no = find_object(scene_props,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_scene_prop
    elif (tag == "prsnt"):
    id_no = find_object(presentations,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_presentation
    elif (tag == "snd"):
    id_no = find_object(sounds,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_sound
    elif (tag == "icon"):
    id_no = find_object(map_icons,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_map_icon
    elif (tag == "skl"):
    id_no = find_object(skills,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_skill
    elif (tag == "track"):
    id_no = find_object(tracks,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_track
    elif (tag == "mesh"):
    id_no = find_object(meshes,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_mesh
    elif (tag == "anim"):
    id_no = find_object(animations,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_animation
    elif (tag == "tableau"):
    id_no = find_object(tableaus,identifier)
    tag_type = tag_tableau
    elif (tag == "ip"):
    id_no = find_object(info_pages,identifier)
    tag_type = 0

    if (tag_type > -1 and id_no > -1):
    return (tag_type, id_no)

    def get_identifier_value(str, tag_uses):
    underscore_pos = string.find(str, "_")
    result = -1
    if (underscore_pos > 0):
    tag_str = str[0:underscore_pos]
    id_str = str[underscore_pos + 1:len(str)]
    (tag_type, id_no) = get_id_value(tag_str,id_str,tag_uses)
    #if (tag_type > 0): # THIS LINE IS DISABLED
    if (tag_type >= 0): # AND THIS LINE IS USED INSTEAD
    if (id_no < 0):
    print "Error: Unable to find object:" + str
    result = id_no | (tag_type << op_num_value_bits)
    print "Error: Unrecognized tag:" +tag_str + "in object:" + str
    print "Error: Invalid object:" +str + ".Variables should start with $ sign and references should start with a tag"
    return result
  3. CumanBoi

    Can't get the module to read the modifications made in ""

    Hello, I've made some modifications to the "" but the compile wouldn't read it reporting it as a "syntax error" whilst all I did was to just add another line to the file and I tried what's explained here aswell...
  4. CumanBoi

    Mount&Blade Cartographer | Just my own spin-off...

    Hello, is it possible through this application to import uninteractable objects to the world map that are not necessarly associated with the terrain? If I want to add some random burnt houses to the campaign map, for example. Also how could I add my own terrain type by Blender?

    Kind regards.
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