Recent content by Chevalier1

  1. {} Australia & New Zealand Multiplayer Community Thread {}

    [size=8pt] {ARIALBLACK} {BLACK} Euros out please this is an desingated Aus Thread not an Europe thread thank you {ARIALBLACK} {BLACK} . .[/size]
  2. What is the easiest faction to take over?

    KHergs horse ****ers easy :smile:.
  3. War Mechanics and Marshall System

    Please just Remove cattle missions, **** the cattle missions.
  4. {} Australia & New Zealand Multiplayer Community Thread {}

    just install the damn mod and let the pro do it
  5. {} Australia & New Zealand Multiplayer Community Thread {}

    Xaime said:
    Ah, I didn't even realize there was a thread for the AU/NZ Native community, lmao.

    I currently lead TKG and have enjoyed the very recent revival of the AU/NZ native community thus far, no scrim as of yet though. I haven't played much Native compared to my total amount of hours (5.5k+) but yet I can see the stupidity of using class limits for scrims (based on my experience with class limited scrims). When I am able to organize a scrim (everyone so far has only wanted to do 'groupfights', though I believe LK may do one with us this Monday) then I'll be making sure that there are no class limits, see how we do.

    Perhaps you'd like to record it Terrorbite?

    i wanna see aus using a 4 cav ruins strat
  6. {} Australia & New Zealand Multiplayer Community Thread {}

    >To actually fix this mess we probably need to do something to implement matches outside of the clan system. I was thinking what we could do is to have a participating player pool, assign everyone a starting ELO of 1000 and just pull numbers from that pool to get matches together. Use the average rating of the randomly generated teams for an ELO calculation and just see how it pans out. That way it doesn't matter if people are clanned or not, and it doesnt matter if their clan leader supports class limits.

    Could probably do all of this with just a running excel sheet.

    To keep people's attention it would need to be 3-3.5 minute rounds max and only have 3-5 rounds before switching sides. Draws would have to just stand as draws.

    To prevent people from stopping playing to preserve rank there'd need to be an ELO decay after a while (eg a month) of inactivity.

    This way we can throw literally everyone we can in to it initially, and if we get enough people, actually match-make with it.

    Or you could simply Convince the class limit supporters to remove them....
  7. Native Completed Blademaster Duel Tournament -Complete-

    where can i sign get ready for rape
  8. {} Australia & New Zealand Multiplayer Community Thread {}

    > The reason that there are still class limits is because unfortunately class limits have a few supporters. Frantown being one of the main amongst them.
    LOL what is Australia communtiy so weak they get stopped by a few people grow a pair remove limits profit $$$
  9. {} Australia & New Zealand Multiplayer Community Thread {}

    >I don't think you appreciate how low our pops actually are. I am completely for removing the limits regardless, but that won't solve jack

    Why cant 2 Australian clans just agree to Discard limits for a match? let them learn on the job i say
  10. {} Australia & New Zealand Multiplayer Community Thread {}

    i propose a warband player-exchange program: us good eu cav and archers get to have a nice holiday, and aus inf get to prove themselves in eu
  11. {} Australia & New Zealand Multiplayer Community Thread {}

    >More inf won't solve anything, we need about 20 more archers and 20 more cav.

    LOL au not even good thinkers just remove limits and cav and archers will create themselves
  12. {} Australia & New Zealand Multiplayer Community Thread {}

    Thunderbeu said:
    AU sucks LOL
    ^ 1 Archer 1 Cav LMAO
    AU stfu GET GOOD
  13. {} Australia & New Zealand Multiplayer Community Thread {}

    >Rules were 5 minutes per round, then reduced to 3 minutes (lots of boring parts i cropped, because many rounds involved no movement for a few minutes). 150% starting gold and 100% combat/round, 1 archer and cav per team.

    AUS are so bad they need class limits because they don't know how to counter more than one cav or archer, LMAO. Do you really expect ANYONE to take your community seriously when your scrims have class limits in place?
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