Recent content by Bacchus

  1. Bacchus

    VoIP communication is needed imidietly.

    There have been made many threads about this subject before, and the devs confirmed that this feature will be implemented sooner or later, however details such as functionality (whether it can be proximity based or which modes it supports) have not been revealed.
    I agree that VoIP is essential for better player interaction and role playing viability.
  2. Bacchus

    Your Best Ideas for Making a Month Disappear?

    I just play siege on native warband. Seems to have made years pass by just fine.
  3. Bacchus

    Whats your first playthrough start going to be

    How do you justify such corruption of ideals to the people who heartlessly followed you for the lesser good?

    I guess we'll find out :p My bet is that my group will probably end up dead or abandon me for money reasons, I'll get caught and imprisoned, I'll spend some time thinking and start helping those that i once laid havoc upon.
  4. Bacchus

    Whats your first playthrough start going to be

    Self-serving bandit that eventually turns into robin hood-like bandit.
  5. Bacchus

    The Great Bannerlord Mod Ideas Thread

    Seven Samurai mod based on Kurosawa's self-titled movie. Basically an invasion mod where as a samurai you control a small group of peasants.
  6. Bacchus

    Voice chat??

    Voice chat is necessary for immersion. Let me explain why cause that statement is very vague.

    In terms of joining a random multiplayer match, a good option would be to have eveyone muted by default, and in the case you found a good teamplayer or someone who is doing something wrong or in general want to communicate with someone, you could send a "voice session invitation ", where if the other player accepts you both join a voip channel in-game.

    Why do you want to talk to someone???
    Personally, I don't want to play with bots. And that's exactly how it feels when playing an online game and don't get any immediate feedback. Half the time I feel like im in a multiplayer session with kids in an internet cafe in Zimbabwe. Sure there are many immature players (including myself) but with VoIP, the chances of joining clans, meeting better players and more memorable moments in gaming increase.

    Why not just join discord or something similar?
    Simple, it's too much of a hassle, and there's no way you can convince randoms to join your server or theirs. Also, third party apps usually take up allot of ram and cripple gameplay performance.

    Furthermore, if this mechanic can be implemented with in-game proximity features (Mumble for Project Reality BF2) it certainly can make mods like PW so lively and fun to play (join a current warband PW server and try halting someone, trust me you will feel dead inside just like the server cause noone plays anymore something in 2020 without microphone functionality)
  7. Bacchus

    What Mods would you like to be made?

    PW Mod
    Full Invasion
    PW mod combined with proximity based VoIP (similar to mumble) :lol::lol::lol:
  8. Bacchus

    Is current state of horse maneuver, collision, etc. good enough?

    I created a similar topic years ago :

    Allot of interesting thoughts and opinions expressed here.
  9. Bacchus

    What Mods would you like to be made?

    I recently finished watching Kurosawa's Seven Samurai for the 10+th time so I like imagining a mod set in that world where you, as one of the samurai, can control a group of villagers to defend waves of bandits.
  10. Bacchus

    One Month To Go and I Have Cold Feet

    I agree with what you say, but i just want to point out where you contradict yourself claiming that EA is not a complete game.

    So when it's only a month until the long-awaited sequel to a game I loved...

    Our long awaited sequel is very far from near. I believe the only reason we are getting EA in a month is because player's need something to keep their interest going and the lack of info dumps is probably because even TW knows it's nowhere near the final build.
  11. Bacchus

    Bannerlord beta key

    I am an expert warband player with almost 2,000 hours of play .

  12. Bacchus

    SP - Battles & Sieges The tactical way: beyond the melee cluster

    Hopefully this will be improved upon until the end of EA.
  13. Bacchus

    Micro transaction for bannerlord. hope it's not true.

    They have been working on this game for over 8 years now, i'll happily buy some cosmetic microtransactions
    There are other ways (mentioned above) to fund the developers, without having a pathetic mtx system implemented.
  14. Bacchus

    What would you do if Bannerlord was a massive failure?

    I'll just do what I did when hyped up MGS5 came out, i'll just wait for bannerlor- oh wait...
  15. Bacchus

    Micro transaction for bannerlord. hope it's not true.

    The only way I could accept mtx in the game is the case in which user created content enter some kind of skin/cosmetic creation competition, and then the player could purchase this winning creation, funding both taleworlds and the creator. Even this case bothers me, cause the implementation of a mtx system completely undermines the capabilities and intergration of mod tools (why pay for something that you can create yourself? what if taleworlds doesn't give you all the tools?)
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