Recent content by anonymouz

  1. [via XML] How to ragdoll Enemys with a throwing Axe?

    I was once(1.3.0) able to let Enemys ragdoll over 10m, when they got hit by my custom created Twohanded Axe. (CraftedItem Mod) Now its not possible anymore, doesnt matter what i tried. I lost my files somehow due to wrong deleting of files by myself and cant recreate this effect for my new...
  2. Weapon scaling

    devs doesnt answer here?
  3. Weapon scaling

    I found how to affect the Y-scale in templates from Piercegov, but I was curious if anyone figured out the x or z scaling (if even possible). I am definately not trying to make Thousand Limbs or, not at all. lol

    Thanks in advance!
    I would like to know this aswell
  4. Any Way known yet, how to remove Mods from Saves?

    Title. If i remove Mods (like Weapon Mods) my Save cant be loaded anymore. It doesnt even matter, if i had the Weapon in the Inventory or onto my Char. Once the Game is saved with a Weapon Mod, it is bound to it. I know, its not possible to remove Mods that change deeper aspects of the games...
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