Recent content by An Irish Noob

  1. An Irish Noob

    Catalan Independence

    Might as well secede, who cares we'll all be part of the European Federation of Nations in the future anyway :razz:
  2. An Irish Noob

    Paris Attacks, Terrorism in France

    Nobody wants to risk boots on the ground. It's a shame because sometimes the sword is mightier than the pen.

  3. An Irish Noob

    Paris Attacks, Terrorism in France

    As soon as these attacks happened, the first thing everyone thought was "ISIS".

    That's exactly what they want. Consider them like internet trolls. they just want negative attention because they thrive on it. They want to see you be afraid and they want you to be paranoid. What people need to be is strong.

    Terrorism will always exist. We can sit here and be afraid and paranoid that we're going to get killed or we can move on in the knowledge that much of the world is united in it's disdain of the loss of innocent life, no matter where it is.
  4. An Irish Noob

    Paris Attacks, Terrorism in France

    Being afraid is exactly what the terrorists want of you. What happened in Paris is but a taste of what happens in the Middle East every day. This seems bad now, but we will soon move on and forget it as we do everything else.
  5. An Irish Noob

    World News Today, brought to you by TW

    The one child policy coming to an end in China was pretty interesting.
  6. An Irish Noob

    2016 U.S. Presidential Elections: The Circus Is In Full Swing

    I'm bored and it's 1am, if ever there were a time for me to be posting things which have no bearing on anything ever, this is it.
  7. An Irish Noob

    2016 U.S. Presidential Elections: The Circus Is In Full Swing

    I don't really care for any of the candidates. But then again, I never care for any candidate. The only person I can trust to act in my interests is myself, and even then I'm not entirely reliable in doing that.
  8. An Irish Noob

    Turkey Right Now

    There are a lot of things I disagree with that go on in Turkey, I'm just hesitant to assume anything and act like an expert about a nation that I only know about from local news, wikipedia and games haha.

    Out of curiosity, are there many/any Turks who have criticised their government and such in this thread?

    edit: and don't worry, i've been here more than a year, I'm just more of an observer than a participant.
  9. An Irish Noob

    The Syrian Civil War. Do you support a side?

    Taking no sides, I do not see how there can be any justification for keeping Bashar al-Assad on as President (or having any part in government). He has presided over a crippling civil war, he will always be synonymous with some of the worst of Syria's history. For the nation to progress, he needs to step down and either peacefully assist in setting up a new government which is more representative of the now severely depleted population of Syria or retire and take no part.

    If you see him as evil, then obviously he should go. If you see him as a hero, then like any hero of war, he has no place in times of peace. (I'm taking that from something Commissioner Gordan said in one of the Batman films I think :razz:)
  10. An Irish Noob

    Turkey Right Now

    Leave Turkey to the Turks really, what happens there and what they believe doesn't really affect me so I don't care much.

    Turkey, as all places, will slowly become more westernised as time goes by. What suits the Turks does not suit us in Europe, but what suits us may not suit them either. It's just a cultural thing, I don't judge Turks for their beliefs, I just hope that what goes on there is what Turks want, as it's their business and not mine.
  11. An Irish Noob

    Should Earth be united?

    To have a united earth like you'd see in Star Trek or whatever, it'd take a hell of a lot of work.

    Modelling it after the political system of the USA, there'd still be vast differences between regions. Imagine if any state, take Texas for example, was full of muslims and the state government operated under sharia law. We may have one big government uniting us all overall, but we would not be united in almost every other aspect.

    Firstly, every country would need to trust each other. Secondly, to be truly united we'd need equality and tolerance, so intolerant and (if you pardon me saying this) relatively backward places like the Middle East, India, North Korea etc would need a major change. An extreme change, considering by modern standards certain places are more than a millennium behind when it comes to human rights.

    We could certainly have a President of Earth, but we will still be bound by geopolitics. There would still be huge differences between Europe and Asia for example.

    The USA was built through extreme violence, as was the European Union (through world war 2), and they are the closest examples of a united peoples. It would take something massive (to use the example of a nuclear war in the Star Trek universe) to lead to unity between every culture, religion, etc.

    It's a nice idea, and certainly possible, but it seems incredibly hard to do.
  12. An Irish Noob

    Religion Thread

    I have never felt hatred, so that's why I personally believe it's not natural. That's my belief, which some people might share and some may not, but i'm not going to debate it because I don't need to convince anybody to agree with me. I feel that relates to religion being personal, since we all have our individual thoughts and no two minds are alike, no matter how similar they can be.

    Organised religion, whilst being a good way for likeminded people to connect, also neglects personal religion. A man or woman should be allowed to believe in their God however they wish. One may pick and choose from the Bible and decide what's applicable to you. We don't have to like it, we don't have to agree, but we have our own free will so that we may decide to believe in whatever we choose to believe in. I feel there should be no religious authority, nobody who can tell you how to live and nobody who can tell another what to believe in.

    There can be guidance, to help us form our own morality, but authority erodes individuality. Uniformity in religion defeats the entire purpose of religion.
  13. An Irish Noob

    UK Election 2015 Poll, Vote Here!

    The Royal Family are a great distraction. I'd rather have our lovely money making tourist trap monarchy over some dull President.
  14. An Irish Noob

    Religion Thread

    I had just written an essay on the topic but my browser screwed me over. Cheers, Firefox. :razz:

    You see, quite frankly, hatred is not natural to man. I believe it is bred. I think it's an idea rather than an emotion. It's a combination of emotions, but not one in itself. At least, in my opinion.

    If somebody believes that violence and hatred is what their God wants from them, then that is a result of ideas being forced upon that person by others or by circumstances in their life which has lead to that corruption. At that point, it isn't religion. Religion just becomes a word, an excuse for the corrupt philosophies of man.

    You can have your personal religion and still be part of "organised religion". Organised religion just being a way to share certain core beliefs and ideas through respect and tolerance. But of course, this allows for the corruption of man to become part of the organisation. That is because men are put in charge of other men and their ideas forced upon the others. This is when one man's ideas override the individuality of another. And that defeats the purpose of religion entirely.
  15. An Irish Noob

    Mount&Blade II: Bannerlord Developer Blog 8 - Engine Power [VIDEO]

    Exciting, I just hope it isn't too taxing. I only have a laptop because like 99% of people in the world I can't really afford a dedicated gaming computer. I just hope I can enjoy Bannerlord in all it's glory without having to go for the low settings :razz:

    You guys seem a lot better than most companies though and I have faith that you'll deliver. From what I've seen and heard so far, this game is shaping up to be one of the best ever.
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