Recent content by Akenas

  1. Begging for a Brazilian Server!!!!

    Greetings... I'm so happy about these news I'll write in portuguese... sorry for non portuguese-speakers :grin:!!!!
    [anyway, it's just a "contact" post, nothing special :wink:]

    Galera do Brasil, com enorme prazer leio este thread!

    Sr. Oliveira, mandei PM proce :smile: com meus contatos.

    Para quem tiver orkut, sou Sergio di Napoli lá. Jogadores, me add lá informando que sao do WB.

    Grande abraço!!!
  2. [Importante]:...CENSIMENTO Clan AB...^^

    Raga sto con una versione (l'attuale) che mi penalizza il dx7, e il dx9 va oltre il mio PC. Per cui non garantisco cose folli, però ecco un ab piccino ci sta bene :smile:

    e speriamo che la nuova versione aggiusti le cose!

    Raga sto scrivendo poco, ma ci sono sempre :smile:

    In particolare, il Castle3 è un mito, ci sto giocando a spron battuto :smile: !!!

    Invece é voi che sto vedendo poco su skype, che fine avete fatto? :smile:
  4. ...M&B WB: Mappe vari scenari...^^

    Naturalmente approvo di cuore.

    Al max direi di assegnare un bel "Torre centrale" nel village, a quella torre che giustamente è centrale :grin: e nel castello2 mettere un'indicazione "Moschea" a quel luogo di culto un po' centrale.
  5. [Suggestion]Points per hit

    I think people should get some reward for weakening enemies, especially in teamwork scenarios.

    Maybe I have a simple idea?

    All servers know exactly how much damage A did to B in a given moment. It's a simple number!

    So, suppose B lost X hitpoints.

    We take this X damage, apply some factor to it (let's say, divide by 10 or 20) and then we award this to the A player.

    This can apply to horse damage too, if the horse is "manned".


    To add some more individualism flavour, one could give some "bonus award" of Y points to whoever actually kills somebody.

    As for gold... well, can be worked out, on the same principle.
  6. ...Sondaggio nazionalita' utenza del forum...^^

    Ehhh purtroppo io ho dovuto tradirvi e ho messo Brazil... per onestà intellettuale, visto che stanno facendo sto sondaggio più per motivi tecnici che per motivi patriottici :smile:

    Comunque benissimo hai fatto Jab a creare questo thread!
  7. What country you playing from?

    Mmm I am an Italian in Brazil... So, I must count as a Brazilian for PING purposes eheh :smile:

    BRAZIL !!! Only one... are there more?
  8. [Suggestion] Higher damage from falling

    I totally approve.

    Once in a siege I saw a defending pegasus-like white horse on the highest tower jumping down on the attackers (utterly bypassing the gate) and of course with no damage at all. That's ridiculous (funny at least eheh).

    A horse jumping down from a castle tower has no chance of surviving. Nor it, nor the man on it.

    I think that realism saves the day: if you jump from 1 story, you get hurt... but if you fall from a castlewall, you die. And that's all.

    I approve the ideas of "fell from a horse? got hurt!!!". And also: when you fall, your speed decreases or at least you lie on the floor for some seconds.
  9. Bugs, Glitches, and Problems: Reports and Statuses (Updated: 11/11)

    I am not sure, but after 3 times it happens, I think it is not a coincidence anymore.

    If you are an archer, and you find a black horse with nobody on it and climb on it, the server crashes.

    Happened twice to me and today 3rd time to my friend AB_Conte.

    He's got screenshots of that and of the subsequent error screen.
  10. bots thread

    After many server crashes, I just got a proof: bots are not a main cause for crash, maybe they have actually nothing to do with crashes.

    Lately, servers are just crashing a lot. Many times, with 0 bots active.

    Still, bots are quite stupid and cumbersome if not ordered around. And even then... not 100% efficient.

    Sì, ci siamo divertiti molto a siegare :smile: per me qui sono solo 19.40... per cui avrei potuto continuare... comunque anche Ross è sparito!
  12. Double up on horses

    Thornton said:

    Just great :grin: very LOLsome

    But hey I don't agree when it states that "We can go as fast with 2" :smile:

    Anyway, a passenger could climb up the horse only if this were at speed 0 or almost. Who stays back is pretty much unbalanced, so the rider could press a certain key and "eject" him. Thus to avoid unpleasant behaviours.

    I don't know in real life how horses manage 2 people on the back of them, but of course they should go slower, quite slower, and be far less maneuverable. And who stays behind must be able to do nothing at all, but try to keep his balance aboard.

    So I believe it's nice to have 2 on a horse, if the rider can eject the passenger, the passenger has no fighting abilities, and the horse gets severely nerfed.
  13. bots thread

    Agree with OBOLUS.
  14. ...CLAN AB : "La Bacheca" degli incontri...^^


    non so se s'era capito ma vivo e lavoro in Brasile, dove il fuso orario al momento è (per me rispetto a voi) +5 ore. Per cui boh se io mi piazzo a giocare alle 17:00 da voi sono le 22:00. Il bello di Dio è che questi fusi orari cambiano con ora legale e solare... e mi sa che a breve cambia , no?

    D'altro canto, in tutti e i 3 miei lavori (cantante, traduttore e prof d'italiano) sono alquanto freelance (autonomo). Per cui, ho una bella variabilità, ma in genere penso che se gioco alle 17:00, qualcuno di voi alle 22:00 lo trovo no?

    Bhe cmq io ho aggiunto qualcuno di voi su Skype, magari si può fare una cosa "al volo". Sperando che il mio ping brasiliano non m'ostacoli ! :smile:
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