More than one companion going into settlements

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Hello everyone,
This might not be the right place to ask about mods, if so please move the post to the appropriate subforum. This being said, I was wondering if any of you know what mod allowed the player to take more than just one character into the settlement?

I was experimenting with different mods and I ended up going into town with all my companions! A gang scuffle turned into a street battle, it was fantastic. But then, I changed game versions and with it some mods were not available. No matter how much searching, I just could not figure out which mod did that.

If anyone knows what mod allows more than one companion "accompanying" the main character into town, I'd be very grateful.

Thank you.
Can’t you just ask the companion who is following you to gather everyone? I thought that works in Vanilla. They are all in the settlement. They just aren’t all following you.
Can’t you just ask the companion who is following you to gather everyone? I thought that works in Vanilla. They are all in the settlement. They just aren’t all following you.

I did not realize it was in vanilla!
It seemed to me they were represented with green crown icons spread out in the town, but I did not see the green crowns anymore so I didn't know it was part of vanilla.
Thank you, I'll interact with the companion and ask to gather the rest then.
Yes but it takes forever. And it would make sense that a high ranking noble has a bodyguard
If I remember correctly, all your companions except your bodyguard are always in the tavern (and your family stays in the keep if you're a noble).

OP, if you're intending to use your companions for an alley fight, it's probably better for you to not do it in vanilla by first going to the tavern and asking your bodyguard to call everyone to you (if you can indeed do that, I apologise if you can't), mods make it more likely to have issues in your game.

EDIT: I just tested it and it's apparently not a thing (anymore?). I vaguely remember all companions staying in the tavern, but apparently that's not true (now?) our companions are out and about in the town.
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Companions out and about in the town in Vanilla?
Yeah, companions in your party (and maybe army?) are all found in the town scene now, rather than them staying in the tavern. I thought that companions always stayed in the tavern, so I suggested to visit the tavern when you enter the town so that you could ask your bodyguard to gather them all in a reasonably quick time. But apparently they are in random places in the town, so if you want your bodyguard to gather your companions to attack an alley, it takes like 3 minutes.
Yeah, companions in your party (and maybe army?) are all found in the town scene now, rather than them staying in the tavern. I thought that companions always stayed in the tavern, so I suggested to visit the tavern when you enter the town so that you could ask your bodyguard to gather them all in a reasonably quick time. But apparently they are in random places in the town, so if you want your bodyguard to gather your companions to attack an alley, it takes like 3 minutes.

You are right, the companions are disseminated accross town with one of them following you around. You can ask that one to gather the rest of them and like you said within a short amount of time, they gather around you. When taking over alleys, the fray allows them to earn experience and seems to help level them up.

That was a great addition to vanilla, very happy to discover this feature!
it was in Warband as well, especially in quest called ''find a daughter'' very useful, all you need to do was equip companions with horses in civil gear... to speed up they attendance and do not forget to dismount them before start talk
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