1.6. when ?

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First, there will be 1.5.10 and 1.5.11 before they release 1.6
1.6 is no near to release we don't even know if there will be 1.5.12 or more but 1.5.10 and 1.5.11 is confirmed.
I'm patiently waiting for 2.0 or maybe 3.0...
Look at my avatar, he is a mad lad and this is his death stare... and he is losing a bit of patience after every update not targeted for QoL improvements in MP. I don't know how long I can hold him. ?
Waiting for 1.6 is one thing, but I can't say that I like the numeration of the next patch. 1.5.10 will still be read as 1.5.1 due to how decimals work.

1.5.91 would've been a more correct numeration for a patch that's not quite 1.6.0
So when is 1.6 going live on the main branch? I wonder if it is going to take 2 months like 1.5.10 did...
I agree, honestly there is no reason why, atleast for the MP side, we shouldn't get the 1.6.0 content released to the current branch. Idk anyone who is actually going to the Beta branch to test it
I agree, honestly there is no reason why, atleast for the MP side, we shouldn't get the 1.6.0 content released to the current branch. Idk anyone who is actually going to the Beta branch to test it
Yeah, Beta branch does not make sense for mutiplayer anymore with so few people playing multi right now.
We should see SOMETHING by the end of September, otherwise Talesworld has done nothing for 2 full buisness quarters. No response from callum or the devs matters anymore, actions are all we can count on.

Worse comes to worse, if nothing happens til Q4 I expect people to be fired for being worthless. No buisness should have to deal with dead weight like that.
We should see SOMETHING by the end of September, otherwise Talesworld has done nothing for 2 full buisness quarters. No response from callum or the devs matters anymore, actions are all we can count on.

Worse comes to worse, if nothing happens til Q4 I expect people to be fired for being worthless. No buisness should have to deal with dead weight like that.
One would think, but this has been going on for 9 years, so not counting on it changing anytime soon.
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