OSP Kit SP Duel Kit v0.5 released - duel your troops, companions, lord and kings.

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Hi. I was about to implement it and humiliate my fellow companions, then i got that:

Can anyone solve it ?

PS: I also made this change in module_constants.py

maybe your problem lies in the costants kingdom_heroes_begin and kingdom_heroes_end, that were replaced by active_npc_begin and active_npc_end

these are some comments in the module_costants.py regarding this change
#"active_npcs_begin replaces kingdom_heroes_begin to allow for companions to become lords. Includes anyone who may at some point lead their own party: the original kingdom heroes, companions who may become kingdom heroes, and pretenders. (slto_kingdom_hero as an occupation means that you lead a party on the map. Pretenders have the occupation "slto_inactive_pretender", even if they are part of a player's party, until they have their own independent party)
#If you're a modder and you don't want to go through and switch every kingdom_heroes to active_npcs, simply define a constant: kingdom_heroes_begin = active_npcs_begin., and kingdom_heroes_end = active_npcs_end. I haven't tested for that, but I think it should work.
It worked out; I just changed the "kingdom_heroes_begin" and "kingdom_heroes_end" from the module_dialogs.py to "active_npcs_begin" and "active_npcs_end".

But, now it happens this, know how to solve it? Maybe it's really simple.  :roll:


I never dueled this guy, and that is a negative number  :shock:

EDIT: It was in module_constants.py the problem, SOLVED!
In warband,you can duel Kings but not Lords!
Actually,you can duel Lords,but before talking to Kings.After you talk to a King,you cand duel only a King.
No, what I mean is to have a bit of code that overrides the game option that allows for automatic blocking and forces you to block based on mouse movement. Basically, I want to be lazy and not have to tick of automatic blocking each time I duel.  :razz:
How do i actually do the duel after conversation?? I dont see the companion at the arena.. this is very frustrating
Yet another topic I'm necroing, but I really can't find find a way to start dueling my companions. So, I go to my party screen, press 'talk' to a companion, then go to 'i'd like to ask you something', challenge them to a friendly duel, select weapons, we agree to meet at the arena as soon as we're ready, and then, nothing happens. Am I missing something?
Edit: Duelling lords works fine though.
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