My companions all hate me

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Throughout the main quest I've tried to do what seems right or at least honourable. These are all actions which should be commendable at least such as (spoilers) not torturing the captive, giving thingmbob white hair a sword and stopping my companions being complete ducks to that one guy at his farm. Yet for some reason, my companions all dislike me (-30) odd opinion and my troops keep telling me I'm a weak leader and subsequently losing half their morale. Is anyone else having these problems or does someone have a suggestion as to how I can make them like me without acting like an enormous bellend?
Keep in mind that these characters have other loyalties (for instance, to a religion, to a people or to a specific character) and have a mind of their own. In particular some of them are kind of scumbags. They won't respect a weak leader, and in the Dark Ages it takes some kind of ruthlessness and violence to be considered strong leaders.

You have to get in the mindset of the era: allow your soldiers their liberty and their fair share of loot, but don't let them overcome you. Keep in mind that you're the boss and should they try to step on your toes you should gently remind them who's the boss.

Also, at some point you will be pretty much forced to choose between Danes and Saxons, that will cause characters to leave, on one side or the other.
The way I've seen it is about half the companions have a certain morality and the others have the opposite.. Doing something will always make one group hate you, it's just choices I guess, you can't really do much against it as Bluebeard said. You gotta pick sides, so it's better to pick one side early on and stick with it rather than waffling around, so at least you have one group that likes you.
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