Joining gangs

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I feel with a bit of balancing you could have work in the lower levels, before you have your own army, maybe while you are just getting your armour together etc., with the manhunters or scouts, forragers, war parties.
At the moment I don't feel like I am working for an army, I feel I am just pottering around doing stupid buying chores (with MY money! :evil: ) and getting the odd 20G. I would like to join a group of manhunters or be a grunt in the Vaigir army venturing deep into Swadian land to raid a caravan. ATM I tend to follow them around hoping for a big cool battle.
Now there's something I'd like to see expanded. More factions - perhaps even a third major power, perhaps? Vaegir and Swadia are good, but having only two major forces means that things are perhaps a little limited.

I'd love to see more factions that you can join/work for, whether they be small (manhunters), large (kingdoms), or vilainous (joining major bandit groups) - recruiting Kherjit raiders and rapidly preying on caravans would be awesome.

Now THERE'S an idea - bandit camps. Like towns, only smaller, with only maybe a tavern-type recruitment/rest character and a 'general' trader who has a mixture of stolen loot - weapons, armor and trade goods. It'd be great fun to actually be able to side with these guys instead of just getting preyed on by them.
I had expanded on this in the one thread about land that it would be cool if eventually you had your own fort and became your own faction, and perhaps you could "rule" the world.
That would be nice to see, but it'd also be a ***** to play-balance, and would probably be a nightmare to code as well.

Just an increased number of factions with a couple of mission-types each (hunt bandits, raid caravan, etc etc) would likely be much simpler to implement given the current framework.
BTW, there IS a bandit stronghold already. I bet later you'll be able to join them, get quests, ets.
Aah, neat! I haven't explored too far - mainly covered the central section of the map. Exploiting fights along the Vaegir/Swadia border.

More factions, more fun.
Well also with the caravan even that is annoying as you don't go at the same speed as it, so you end up circling and zigzagging around it. I would prefere if you could be fully integrated in armies etc.
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