Yarn of insignificant questions

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So some guy wants to trade this Luger
for an old Landrover, My dad says it is legit, but I am sceptical.


Could anyone tell me if it looks obviously fake? As I know nothing about weapons appart from some times I can tell what is what.
Si-A-erra. said:
Its a shot car, and the pistol could be worth  more than the car. (also my dad has too many cars right now so I keep telling him to get rid of some.
I'm always available if you want to give your cars to someone but no on wants to take them. Same goes for money, too. I'm just philanthropic like that.
Dryvus said:
Why don't people who drop the soap in prison showers just squat to pick it up instead of bending over?
I was going to link the one in the prison showers but this one is also funny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hghyz2yWtWQ

Less apt, also funny.
What does the law say about home nudity situations? If a landlord knocks on my door and I open it naked, is that against the law? And a Jehovah's Witness? What if I lived with another person who had guests with children over and I walked around nude?
Dryvus said:
What does the law say about home nudity situations? If a landlord knocks on my door and I open it naked, is that against the law? And a Jehovah's Witness? What if I lived with another person who had guests with children over and I walked around nude?

I'm not sure, but I think the beliefs of Jehovah's Witnesses require them to wash your feet if you answer the door naked.
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