Who of the old guard are still around?

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We're not fighting a war against orcs like you, we're fighting a war against wokes and we lost.
You’re not fighting a war, you goofball. But I love how you're willing to capitulate preemptively.
And please, don't call me an orc. This is an ethnic slur. Although I am a Russian-speaker, I am a patriot of my country.
I don't believe he was calling you an orc. I believe he meant it as "...fighting a war against orcs, like you [are]". Although I agree that slurs have no place in conversation.
I'll be leaving the forum (=deleting bookmarks really, I'm not here anyway).
I waited a while if they were going to fix the game's flaws, but very little came out of it, which was not a surprise given the dev attitudes.
I wish you all good luck in your lives and as much happiness and love you can find.
I'll be leaving the forum (=deleting bookmarks really, I'm not here anyway).
I waited a while if they were going to fix the game's flaws, but very little came out of it, which was not a surprise given the dev attitudes.
I wish you all good luck in your lives and as much happiness and love you can find.
Today I logged on again from a long time ago... and I see this [...]I waited a while if they were going to fix the game's flaws, but very little came out of it, which was not a surprise given the dev attitudes.[...]. Just like my thoughts.

I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart.
Hasta siempre compañero
I just logged in after a while.
The reason is a very painful one for me.
For the longest part of my original span on here I was an offensive and ignorant little ****. My gravest flaw was that I was a vile and prolific anti-semite. I'd blame both the demographics and politics around me, but that is in no way an excuse for a baseless and undeserved hatred or or derision against a whole people.
My attitudes changed quite dramatically in the last five years thanks to an aquaintance I met Sam Aranow, though only in passing. He does a brilliant history series on youtube on the history of the jewish people.
And funnily enough becoming a part time DJ of all things. Jewish people are so full of song and joy its really quite inspiring. Playing Benny Friedman has opened up a life long passion for me.
I would like to leave an apology for any of those still hanging around, for what I did was disgusting and witnessing it in others recently has filled me with so much shame and anger. Seeing crowds of poeple gaslighting and insighting violence,using my own former arguments, has destroyed alot of my self image particullarly.
I hope you are keeping safe.

Am yisraeli chai.
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I think that's very common. When you're young things are more black and white.
It's alluring to be radical. It gives a sense of certainty, and belonging to a group/ideology.
If you don't look back at your former self and see a more simple minded person, then that's probably what you still are.
Every now and then I come by to look at my old posts. It also now occurs to me as I type this that my profile is nearing ****ing 20 years of age. Jesus ****ing christ.
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