Version 0.772 Released!

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T.L.S. said:
InfinityV said:
I have Diplomacy mod on default currently, tried checking/unchecking battle continuation but it seems to do absolutely nothing.
Because it duplicated by another osp i pressume.

Are the formation settings duplicated by another osp as well? Because the default leaves all the formation options unchecked, but the text description says Default: Enabled
Yoooo I can't Extract the files or can't find it or something because WinZip cancelled the free thing... I need another free thing or something please help!
2nd EDIT;;; You can't be the Realm of the Falcon? That suprises me... Also you can't be the dwarves...
3rd EDIT::: I'm scared... So very scared... My sword strike of a rusty elven sword does 50 damage to a robber. What will a huge axe or something do?!
Can someone give me a clue to what the Perisnoan Ruins Ruins is for? I searched it and can't find anything inside it. I also can't leave it... It says "Cannot Leave Now"
halt317 said:
Something unusual said:
halt317 said:
Can someone give me a clue to what the Perisnoan Ruins Ruins is for? I searched it and can't find anything inside it. I also can't leave it... It says "Cannot Leave Now"
It doesn't do anything right now.
Anything about the Not being able to leave thing?
Go to the edge of the map or save & exit and load this save after.
I dont know if anyone else is having this problem but when i take prisoners they "leave the party" after about 40 seconds
I have a question. Since i am taking the game very slow i have not yet reached the point in which i can make my own kingdom and all that and i did not follow the progress of 0.7 all that much in the past.

Do you have the ability to make own household troops in this version? or is that just too complicated to do for it to be worth it?
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