To change resolution:

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Sergeant Knight
Edit:  Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to work.

2nd Edit:  Alternate method that does work, read reply #4!

To change Mount&Blade's resolution, do the following:

You can always create a shortcut to the executable.

Right click on the shortcut, select properties and after the executable is called you can provide whatever paramters you like; ie
"C:\Program\M&B\mount&blade.exe" RESOLUTION=1280x1024x32
or whatever res you prefer. be sure to include the space before RESOLUTION.

Please note that I didn't come up with this; I copied this down from a post by someone else a long time ago, and I didn't get their name.  I did a search but didn't find it.
Also, please use an appropriate 4:3 or 16:10 resolution.  For a normal monitor, the proper choices should be:
640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024, 1600x1200.  There are more that will work but these are the common ones.
I can't seem to get it to work here. I even copied and pasted the exact line from your post (replacing the path with the one to my M&B install, obviously) and it still didn't have any effect - M&B still ran at the desktop resolution.
Just tested it and it didn't work for me either. I guess if there was such functionality in the past it was removed. Would definitely be nice to have something like that though.
Hmm, sorry to mislead you.  I really thought it was working for me  :oops:

Edit:  A possible reason may be because the Mount&Blade.exe now loads a menu instead of the game.  But I've really got no idea.  :???:

2nd Edit:
Ok, I've found an alternate method that definitely works, as I've tested it at 640x480 and 1600x1200.  However it involves using the program Powerstrip, which is free to use, and small at 792kb.  To download this, go to  It is shareware, however there is no time limit or feature cut.  Once installed and opened, read the next steps:

1.  Powerstrip runs from your quicklaunch bar (next to your clock).  Right-click the icon, go to Display profiles, and select Configure.
2.  Alter the resolution and refresh rate to whatever you like, then click on Save As, then ok.
3.  Important:  Click on the down arrow next to the Save As button and select Current Settings or your icons will get messed up.
4.  Click on ok, then Yes if it asks you if you'd like to keep the new resolution (it should be identical if you selected Current Settings so it won't change anything).
5.  Right-click on the Powerstrip icon, go to Application Profiles, and choose Configure.
6.  Under Application or Shortcut click on Browse, then browse to and select your Mount&blade.exe file.
7.  Under Display, color and performance preferences, click the first down arrow and select the display profile that you created in step 2.  Make sure that the Apply this profile whenever program starts option is ticked.
8.  Click on Save As, choose a name and click on ok.
9.  Right-click on the Powerstrip icon, go to Options, Desktop icons, then choose Auto-arrange icons.  This will automatically restore your icons to how they were after you run Mount&Blade at a different resolution.
10. Run Mount&Blade as normal.

Hope this works for you  :smile:
Interesting, but i dont' really see the point - why wouldnt' you just run mount + blade at your desktop resolution (which is always your max resolution if you're sane, that is :lol: )
Because some people don't have a big enough monitor to run their desktop at 1600x1200, but like to game at that res; or other people with slow computers who run their desktop at a high res but don't have the power to run M&B at that res, especially with 3d grass etc.  This gives people the option to run M&B at a low res for better fps or at a high res for better graphics.
Personally I have a 19" CRT with my desktop set at 1280x960, and I play M&B at 1600x1200.
Depending on your graphics card, you can usually make a seperate profile for games. Just point it at the M&B exe and override the resolution to one you want.

You can also force stuff like anti-aliasing and similar there too.
sapi said:
Interesting, but i dont' really see the point - why wouldnt' you just run mount + blade at your desktop resolution (which is always your max resolution if you're sane, that is :lol: )

my max resolution is 2048x1536
i got a 19" monitor

that resolution is way too high for a windows desktop resolution. (works great in linux and games though)
I have a 17" monitor and I run at 1024x768, but change to 800x600 when I play M&B.
I feel like an old man, sitting on my rocking chair, cursing how the kids have all the fancy toys and computers and stuff while I had to play with logs or bricks when I was a child because there was nothing better.

Send me money so I could buy a new computer. Please? Pretty please? Pretty pretty please with sugar coating?
ok have you tried running it ina  window, i no when i was boting in diablo 2 and working in background i need it in a window

if it bothers u that much try that

if ne 1 else has ideas i would like to hear them as well due to i ahve 19"

flatscreen monitorif still not fitting properly well doesn't seam 2

hope helps

Offensivforce said:
ok have you tried running it ina  window, i no when i was boting in diablo 2 and working in background i need it in a window

if it bothers u that much try that

if ne 1 else has ideas i would like to hear them as well due to i ahve 19"

flatscreen monitorif still not fitting properly well doesn't seam 2

hope helps


Cut it out man, i know you can type better than that, think before you type please  :wink:
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